[Private] Babylon Candles and The Pandora Box [Unique, Pokey, and Rabbit]

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3:36am Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 3:37am Jan 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
By the time they were back to the dusty road, the sun had climbed the sky to a point where it was now blazing upon them. "It's too hot, brother, lets rest in the shade for a bit and discuss the matter at hand." Elpis broke the silence that had been lingering between them since they left Iros. Poor old Iros, he meant so much to the Elpis, and when Babylon needed him the most he got sick. The thought was saddening and made Elpis's lip tremble, though she wouldn't seem the type for such emotion, so she tried to advert her thoughts elsewhere. No, we are doing this task for Iros, so it would only be in my best interest to think of him, right? The thought confused her and truth be told, she didn't know what to think of the predicament they were in, she just felt an impulsive need to be brave and proud that she is in it.

They took their rest against a wall bathed in shadows, here it was much cooler. Elpis slid her back down against the wall, so she could sit on the floor, and while doing so she could feel the beads of sweat disappear from her brow. A relaxed smile lit her round face as she looked up batted her pretty blue eyes at her brother. He was looking down at her waiting for her to talk, since she was the one who wanted to discuss the matter in the first place. However, Elpis just sat there smiling and looking up at him, awaiting his voice to speak his plan. It wasn't until their time in silence grew longer, did she realize that she was the one who should start the conversation.

Elpis wasn't embarrassed and she didn't claim her mistake, but her smile transformed into a sheepish one. "In all of Babylon, Iros had to give us these four names with no clue to whom they may be, or where they might live. It almost seems impossible in the 'allotted' time." Her tone was light, no frustration or worry crept into her voice or features, for she knew her brother would have a plan. The silence grew between them for the last time, and all Akakios did was incline his head, his way of urging her to speak more, for he knew what her next words were going to be. "Do you have any ideas, brother? Where shall we start?"

Elpis smile turned attentive when Akakios started to talk. His voice started out soft, as if trying to keep this ordeal between the two of them, but Elpis was sure it started to rise to his normal tone during his plan, although she wasn't sure since she got distracted by a local vendor. Akakios started out, "Oh Elpis, there is no such thing as impossible. You see, it is simple, once we decode Iros's handwriting [this is his "humorous" side, though he is being completely serious] and figure out these names there is only..." Akakios's voice slipped from Elpis's ears as a new subject caught her interest. 

"Wake up and smell the roses, there is no one here that is going to save Babylon, it is an old city as it is, along with all the people in it." Joked one of the guys out of three, "Yeah! For real, I mean, Babylon has gotten ruined after the Tower of Babel got destroyed." Said another. "The what? What in the world is the Tower of Babel? Ah, anyways, what hope is left. The best thing we ought to do is pack up our wives and children and migrate to another city." Then all the men broke into laughter, nodding and patting each other on the back for their creative input. Elpis was red with irritation. There was still hope. There was still hope!

She walked up to the trio of men, who looked like they were taking a short break from work, and spat, "There is still hope! You guy are talking like there is nothing left to live for! Look around, there are still people walking about with life in them! How ashamed you should feel for thinking that way!  Magicians! Surely they will do something, and I know they will for a fact they will! So have faith in the people of this city, for those words would disgrace many!" She stood their staring at all of them, they all wore puzzled looks, and in an instant they broke out in absurd laughter. The jester of the group stood up and looked Elpis full in the face, a stern look in his eyes as he spoke. "Now you look here, woman! What right do you have, coming into our conversation and scolding us like children?" The man stood to his full height and started walking towards Elpis, his friends still hooting in the background.

Then all of a sudden, Akakios stands in front of Elpis. A huge smile lit up on her face, she was saved! However, the jester who was trying to get to Elpis didn't seem too happy, and before he could talk, Akakios had punched him square in the jaw. The jester doubled back and his friends sprang up to take on Akakios, but suddenly thought better of it since they were all smaller than the jester. With scowls on their faces and crude words coming out of their mouths they went to tend to their friend.

"Thank you." Elpis said in a serious tone. Akakios only nodded, though he wasn't mad, and Elpis knew it. Well, at least not mad at her. And as they were making their was back to retrieve Akakios's stuff, Elpis was looking, wide-eyed, at the vendors. Usually at this time of day she would already be at Iros's studying, so she didn't get to see these vendors. However, as they were walking past, Elpis's eyes fell upon a young man, roughly around her own age. He was propped up against a shadow covered wall, his hair and skin looked darker than they really were, an illusion caused by the shadows. Though as she openly stared at him, she could have sworn she saw his mouth move slightly, or maybe it was his eye, which looked concentrated and listening.


They both had taken their time as they walked back to the city, their pace was slow but they finally arrived. Droplets of sweat covering their brows from the heating sun. If today was a normal day, Akakios would be studying his spell book and magic at Iros's place right about now. It seemed crazy how fast time could go by, and how much information could be thrown and accepted in a short amount of time. But that was just how life was, and that slow walk back to the dusty road allowed Akakios time to think things over, and he was pretty sure he had a plan in his mind.

It wasn't until Elpis spoke of the heat did Akakios realize how hot it was. His palms were getting sweaty from holding the basket and his book, but no matter, he wasn't going to allow his sister to hold such things now. The siblings drifted towards shade, and while Elpis found comfort on the ground Akakios found it standing up. When it looked like Elpis was settled on the ground Akakios stared at her patiently, awaiting her thoughts on the topic. But all his sister was doing was looking up at him with lost eyes. He thought about reminding her that she was the one who wanted to talk but then he thought better of himself. I am not going to be around forever to help Elpis out, there are somethings she will have to manage on her own. Just that thought sent a shiver down Akakios's spine. He could never imagine not being near Elpis and for either of them to be on their own. Elpis was Akakios's best friend along with sister, there was no way that he could stand the thought of her being without his protection, but he had to face the truth; it is bound to happen someday.

Then, Elpis voiced her words and opinions  He could tell that she wasn't done, for she hadn't asked the inevitable question she was bound to ask. So Akakios inclined his head, waiting for her to proceed, and when she did Akakios was ready. His voice was small but he started out with, "Oh Elpis, there is no such thing as impossible. You see, it is simple, once we decode Iros's handwriting and figure out these names there is only a matter of time before the rest comes into place." He lifted his eyes from Elpis's and looked off into the distance, continuing, "Iros has already given us clues; he said it would be the youth, so inevitably, we have to look for people around our age. Now, on the other hand, wouldn't it seem that the elders would pick kids with some sort of special ability? Yes, they would. From the little I've heard, it seems as if having kids with special abilities or magic, like us, would be the fastest way to restore Babylon to its former glory. Now with that being said, I think we should-"  Then suddenly, Elpis got up, Akakios hadn't even finished yet. It was so sudden and she walked out of the shade and into the light so fast, that the transition almost made Akakios loose sight of her.

Akakios watched as his sister strode off into the blazing sun. She is at it again. He thought briefly as he quickly sought out a way to get her out of trouble. He looked down at the basket full of candles and his spell book, he couldn't help her with all this in his hands. Akakios groaned slightly as he carefully set down his belongings, trying to hide them in the depths of the shadows. He took one long look before setting out to retrieve his sister. 

When Akakios came upon the scene, his dear sister had already said her share of words, and by the looks of it, the others weren't handling it too well. Akakios took off in a run, his light hair shining in the sun and brush past his cheeks. Finally he stood between the two, not saying a word. He watched the ex[injection]pression on the stranger's face carefully. This was the only way Akakios could determine the next move. He saw confusion wash over the stranger's face, then saw the stranger's jaw clench together, anger clouded his eyes and Akakios could see that all too well. This was going to end bad. 

Before the stranger could make his move Akakios swung his fist and hit the stranger in the jaw. He heard a slight pop, or maybe it was a crunch, but either way it didn't matter to him. He braced himself to fight the stranger's two friends. They looked eager to take a few swings at Akakios, but with the realization that their friend was laying on the floor dazed, they thought better of their actions and went to tend to their friend.

Akakios spun on his heels and started to walk towards the shadow covered wall where he abandoned his passion and responsibility to take care of his sister. Elpis was following closely by his side and thanked him for another deed he has done a million times. His response to her was a simple nod of his head and she understood. Akakios loved how she understood him perfectly, and he was proud to call Elpis his sister. However, the appreciation he was feeling towards his sister didn't overcome the annoyance that was stabbing him on the back of his neck. Those three guys had wasted his time and put his spell book at risk.

Thoughts slurred in Akakios's mind. From his plan that Elpis didn't hear all the way, to the three nuisances, to his love for his sister, to the raging passion for magic, to his dreams of becoming a great magician, to the four names, to Iros. All of those thoughts, those emotions, were swarming through Akakios's mind at a dangerous pace, making him unaware of his sister's sudden interest in a one of the vendor guys. He even ceased to acknowledge that his sister was now several paces behind himself, for it was she who slowed down to observe, not he who sped up.

[[*Yawn* Now I should really head off to bed. This is an hour and a half's writing (I'm a slow thinker/typer, I suppose) and now I am wiped out! I wasn't planning on staying up so late, but I was just so excited to get this going >.< OH! And sorry for such long posts, I get carried away~]]


7:37pm Jan 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
[[Are we supposed to reply in order/take turns? Or can we just reply whenever?]]


8:05pm Jan 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[I think we should just reply whenever, as long as we don't go too far.]]


8:17pm Jan 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 76
((Sorry I have guest over for the weekend so I haven't gotten a chance to deal with this till now ^^;;))

Zarah carefully lead the boy and his sick master through the small maze of wagons till she found the one that belonged to her family. She ushered the boy through the bright curtain that they used for a door and showed him where the bed was. She and all her siblings slept outside next to a fire so the bed belonged to her parents. In the case of a wounded soul though, she figured that they wouldn't mind.

 "Let me run and get my mother," Zarah told Khalil. He only nodded in response, clinging to his master's hand.

Without another word the girl ran out, black curls bouncing all around her face. Her many bangles jingled enough to make it sound as of three girls were running. Everyone in the caravan was familiar with the sound of Umayma's daughter in a rush. They only moved out of the way not even looking up from what they were doing. She rounded the corner of the last wagon and found her mother sewing with the other woman of the caravan.

"Mama," Zarah called out softly. "I need your help."

Umayma was the best healer in many of the near by caravans put together. Zarah's mother nodded at the other woman and excused herself. Her daughter explained the situation as they walked back to their wagon. As soon as she got into the wagon she got straight to work.

"Zarah," Umayma said putting a hand on Khalil's shoulder. "Please take your friend and fetch me some water. We need to cool him down quickly."

 Her daughter nodded and motioned for Khalil to follow him. They walked again in almost complete silence broken only by Zarah's jangles.

"I'm very sorry," she told the boy. "We will do our best. I can promise you that."

"Thank you," Khalil replied his shoulders still drooping.

((Sorry it's short! My guests are still over so this is all I had time to escape for.))

4:47pm Jan 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Shabti was being followed. He could see the dark figure out of the corner of his eye as it darted on the ground, attempting not to be noticed. It wasn't a human; no, it was more like a shadow, and not one that the teen was familiar with. The dark figures had their own style to them, a type of individuality that a person could identify if he was observant. Shadows were everywhere in the world, watching humans and waiting for the right time to make themselves known.

He was unsurprised that the shadow was attempting to get his attention; but what was strange was how... frantic it seemed. Shadows usually came to him in the middle of the night when he was alone, not in broad daylight in the middle of the street. Shabti moved off of the road he had been walking on and into an alley way he was unfamiliar with. The teen glanced at the walls of buildings on either side of him, waiting for the shadow to appear.

While Shabti wasn't paying attention, a woman about the same age as he who was counting coins in her hand, smacked straight into him. He stumbled back, caught off guard, as coins of various sizes plummeted to the ground around him and rolled away. He and the girl immediately ducked down to capture the metal circles before anyone else got to them. "Sorry, I didn't see you." Shabti mumbled.

"It's fine." The girl said, taking the coins from Shabti. "I wasn't looking, either." They both stood up from their crouched positions. The girl shoved the coins into her pocket. "Anyway, I have to go now." She said, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "I think someone is trying to talk to you." The girl pointed to one of the walls. Shabti turned for a second to see what she was pointing at. It was a shadow, the same one he had seen earlier, watching the two. The teen turned back to ask for the girl's name, but she was gone.

Shabti moved over to the wall and nodded at the shadow. The dark figure nodded back the best it could. "Are you Shabti?" The shadow asked faintly.

"That would be me." The teen said, not the least bit worried that the figured knew his name. It might have learned it from one of it's shadow buddies or something.

The shadow said nothing for a few moments, probably eying Shabti, before replying. "Two siblings are searching for you. Your name is on a piece of paper that their master has given to them. I do not know any more, but I suggest you go and try to talk to them. The older one, a male, has bright blonde hair that is difficult to miss. The younger, a female, has knotted hair. One of them carries a basket." The shadow announced before darting away.

Shabti watched the shadow leave. Well. That was a bit strange. Someone was looking for him? That wasn't something that happened often. He wondered if he should go and fine the two the shadow had mentioned. Shabti figured that he probably should. Though very weird creatures, shadows tended to give good advice on most occasions.


Kah couldn't believe that she walked into the shadow boy, as she liked to call him. She hadn't seen the weirdo at all. So much for good luck. At least the guy has been descent enough to help her pick up the fallen coins. Hopefully she wouldn't run into him again in a while.

Kah glanced back the way she came. She couldn't see the shadow boy, which meant that he wasn't following her. That was good. He was most likely talking to the shadow thing that she had seen. Kah couldn't believe that anyone would ever communicate with shadows. The girl snorted and headed home.



9:02pm Jan 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
The mystery on the boy had ceased to interest her further once he had disappeared into the shadows. She might have been curious as to what he was doing, but that wasn't enough to keep her suspicions high along with her interest. Plus, she had her own mysteries she had to discover; the names.

When Elpis directed her eyes forward she noticed that her brother was no longer by her side, he was already back in the shadows awaiting her arrival. Her pace was rather slow, and the anxiousness she felt towards the dilemma at hand was growing larger. She couldn't contain herself any longer, so with a giggle, Elpis was off, her joy now showing through her body language. She was skipping and twirling in the direction of her brother. Her arms hung loose at her sides, although her hands gripped the book and flute case tightly. "Isn't it a splendid day?" She called out to the vendors and random people on the street. No one really cared to answer her though. "A great day to not give up on hope, huh?" She said again, her tone bubbly and light. Though after she said that, Elpis quickly glanced back at the men who confronted. They were still tending to the jester.

When Elpis joined her brother in the shadows her joy was obliterated and she was now straight faced and still, though there was a gleam in her eyes. "I am sorry for running off like that, brother. It is just that those guys were selling false truths, someone had to set them straight." Her way of ranting was in a form of an apology, her way of killing two birds with one stone. As a response to this, Akakios just patter her head and fixed the rope that decorated her hair. Now, Elpis had a smile on her face, and even though Akakios would never blame her for her actions, she knew that all was forgiven, and now they could talk about what they would do next. "So how do you suppose we find the names, brother?" She looked down at the crumpled paper in her hand and un-crumpled it with small difficulties, seeing as she had a flute in one hand and a book in the other, but surely she figured it out. 

Elpis read the first name on the paper. Iros's handwriting was hard to decipher, so when trying to read the name Shabti, she read Fhoti, "Fuh-oot-ti?" She said, trying her best to read and pronounce the name correctly. Elpis has always been bad at reading and comprehending that is why when she tries to learn the language of music, it takes her a long time to understand something so simple. 

Akakios just shook his head a little and simply said, "Shabti, is the name, Elpis dear." He too was looking down at the paper, though his stance was a little awkward. He held the basket in one hand and his thick spell book was tucked in the arm of the other. "There are many elders within Babylon who are still healthy, we will start there and work from the information that is told to us. It's simple really." The way Akakios spoke was very matter-of-fact like. "I think there is even a elder near this dusty ole road. He is bound to know a thing or two." He looked up and nodded to Elpis. She nodded back, understanding,

Elpis held her excitement in her chest as she thought about the adventure they were going to go on and the promise that they will become great magicians. It seemed all so wonderful, and though most would think it is too good to be true, Elpis just held her hopes up high and mighty. And once Akakios arranged himself so that he was now gripping the book with white knuckles, they were off. 


Thoughts swirled in Akakios's mind. There was so much to think of and so little time that it was hard for him to concentrate on anything but his goal of getting back to his beloved spell book and his thoughts. Although, once he reached the wall bathed in shadows and was reunited with his passion and responsibility, his goals shifted to the task Iros had given the siblings. When he spun around to discuss the task with his sister, a small fear rose in his chest. Akakios just assumed that his sister would be in her usual place, right behind him, but she was not. 

For a quick moment, he had thought that those guys that she had been so blunt to, had returned to take their revenge out on her, but when he lifted his crystal blue eyes, he saw his sister. She looked dazed as she stared at something that was a unknown to Akakios, but it didn't matter, as long as she was in his sight, she was safe. It didn't take to long for her to snap out of the daze and skip to him.

Once Elpis was engulfed in the shadows with him, his fear vanished. And when Elpis started to ramble her apology, all Akakios could do was pat her on the head and fix the rope she tied in her hair, a signal to let her know that it didn't matter. It was ironic, Akakios has been fixing Elpis's problems since they were kids, she knew that there was nothing to apologize for, but every time he would protect her and get her out of problems, she would always apologize.

 Then, Elpis spoke. Her question pulled Akakios out of his memories from the past and focused him on the thoughts that he should be attentively figuring out. Akakios situated himself so that he could bend his elbow up to his face and read the paper that Iros had handed each of the siblings. The scrawl that was written down on the paper was written in such a way that it almost seemed that he wanted to get the kids confused. It was only after Elpis attempted saying the first name on the list did Akakios realize what it said. "Shabti, is the name, Elpis dear." He said gently. He knew how hard it was for her to read, it was expected with her lack of schooling. It was strange, Akakios was allowed to go to school up until his mother died while Elpis would always be told to stay home. That was one thing that Akakios never understood.

He shook his head sightly, it was discrete so he doubted that his sister saw, and he continued. The wheels turned smoothly in his mind and each idea he shared with his sister lead to another thought that he kept to himself. Then once he was done, he nodded to his sister, hinting that they should look for the elderly magician that was nearby. He knew that they would probably end up speaking with the vendors for information, but Akakios also figured that it would be his sister who would be talking.

Akakios led the way. Stepping out of the shadows and into the hot sun was surprisingly comforting. The warmth of the sun caressed his cold fingers that have turned white from clutching his items tightly. The sun also brightened his hair, catching each strand that was attached to his head and making them shimmer brighter than any blonde hair on the road. He let out a emotionless sigh as he looked down at his sister with his head inclined. However, Akakios noticed that his sisters bright blue eyes weren't on him, but down the road on a boy who had just walked out of an alley way. With further inclination of his head, Akakios started to walk down the road in search of this elderly magician. With a small peek, his sister was slowly following behind him.


1:45pm Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 76
It didn't take long for the two young people to reach the water pump just outside the market place. It was a short walk during which they hardly passed anyone. The alley way full of "darker" vendors had a few costumers as usual. No matter how grim life seemed to get, there was always a spark in the idea of luck pulling you through it. Though, all the money in the world would not help them through this sickness unless an expensive cure was found. Zarah also supposed that they could use the money to leave Babylon, but again without a cure it was unclear how quickly this disease could spread to other cities.

Once they had reached the pump Zarah placed her bucket under the spout. After a few pumps of nothing but air escaping, clean water soon came gushing out. It wasn't long before the bucket was filled to the brim threatening to spill over. When the girl reached out to retrieve her burden, Khalil lifted it up before she had a chance to ob

"Let me," he told her.

Zarah nodded. They returned the trip back much in the same fashion as the trips they had made so far, in silence. The silence was begging to tug at the gypsy, begging her to break it. Her family was going to take care of this boy's master, she might as well learn something about them.

"You are very fawned of your master," she observed. Khalil only nodded in response  not looking at Zarah. "What kind of man was your master?"

"My master is," Khalil told her stubbornly, anger woven into the last word. (How dare they give up on his master before they have even tried!), "a good man. If not for him I would have been alone all these years."

"Where is your family?" the girl asked, her interest now sparked. She lived in a community of closely knit families, she had not heard of someone without one before.

"Sick in your wagon," he informed Zarah with a glare. His tone let her know that the conversation was now over. If she wanted to learn more about the strange boy and his master, she would have to do so another time.

Trying not to make eye contact with the gypsy girl again, Khalil looked around the rest of the market place. As the caravan started to come into sight he noticed an odd pair walking along the stone path way. It was another young man and woman, which was not an odd sight, even with so many people staying inside these days. No what was strange about this pair was their hair. Both of them had hair the color of golden sunlight, which looked almost white while the sun beat down upon them. There were not many people in Babylon with such light hair, they were obviously not from around this parts, but what would bring them here with such an illness spreading?

Khalil watched the two as they walked on the opposite side of the path as he and Zarah. The boy was carrying a large basket in one hand and book in the other, the girl also had a book in one of her hands. Perhaps they were scholars or doctors here to do research on the conditions of Babylon, trying to figure out how this illness came to be in the first place.

6:16pm Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Pokey, I had a quick question for future reference; what is Khalil's master's actual name?]]


2:07am Jan 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 76
((I didn't think of one cause I didn't think I'd be consentrating on him for this long ^^;; Errrmmmm..... One sec... Lets go with Bharanyu: master and friend in Sanskrit.))

9:44am Jan 12 2013 (last edited on 7:20pm Jan 12 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Shabti was in the center of the market place again. The vendors were still calling to loitering customers, attempting to make a sale. Thieves hovered near booths or beside distracted consumers. It was much like Shabti had left it. The only difference was the people had changed. And that there was more of them. The customers seemed to be swarming around something to the teen's left. He wouldn't have been interested in whatever it was if it wasn't for the fact that the crowd seemed to be shouting and ridiculing whoever it was surrounding.

The teen didn't hesitate to shove past a few people to see what was going on. Those he jostled glared at him and grumbled, but they didn't stop him. Shabti pushed until he was at the front of the circle of people. They were surrounding an single person, and old man hanging onto a cane for dear life. The teen recognized the man. He was Roe, and he dealt with magik. Roe was a top-notched alchemist, and he owned a little shop that sold potions and ingredients. In the magical part of society, Roe was well known and revered. If Shabti remembered correctly, the man had once been hired to poison a high ranking magician.

The man in front of Shabti was older than Roe. He was pale and thin, and it was surprising that he could still walk. His voice, though, was the same. "Listen to me, you all are in danger! This sickness is is coming, it's getting worse and worse as it progresses! Soon, everyone will be sick." The man cried out. He sounded delirious, insane. It was as if he couldn't contain what he had to say, that it just push out of him against his will.

Shavti realized that the man was sick. He had caught whatever was going around that the shadow had been talking about. "There is no cure for it! You must leave the city if you want to live!" The man continued to babble. The crowd jeered him on, quietly chuckling to themselves, not taking a single word to heart. Their ears were closed to old, raving men.

Someone, a teen like Shabti, picked up a rock from the ground and threw it. It hit Roe in the back. The man, startled, jumped and turned around, bewildered, his eyes wide in fear. The others laughed. Some people followed the teen's example and threw things at the man. Roe cowered and shook, opening and closing his mouth, trying to make words come. "No!" He said. "No! You aren't listening!"

The crowd didn't want to listen. Shabti decided it was time to go. He turned around and told himself that there was nothing he could do to help Roe. If he tried to stop the people throwing rocks or get the old man out of danger, then there was a good chance the people would turn on him. Though he may be a magician, Shabti couldn't protect himself; he had no control over the shadows and he couldn't tell them to attack the people. If he went against them, one versus over twenty, he would get seriously hurt. Roe was one his own. The man was sick; he was going to die anyway by the looks of things.

He pushed his way back out of the mob. Others were happy to take his place. Shabti felt sick. He no longer cared about the siblings looking for him, he just wanted to go home now. The shouting behind him was getting more violent. People raced past him to see what was going on and to participate. Roe was screaming for help. Shabti ran away, out of the market pace and down the road towards his master's house. The teen didn't stop running until he was gasping desperately for air. From there, he walked slowly, heading home.


Kah opened the rotting door to the shabby house and entered, sighing. Home sweet home, she thought mockingly. The room smelled of death. At least, that was what she thought it smelt like. Kah had never smelled a dead person before, and she never planned to. Sure, it would probably happen one day, people died all the time on the streets. "I'm home." She said without raising her voice. Her master had wonderful senses, so he could easily hear her even if he was in a back room.

"I'm in the study." Kah's master, Vlare, called back. Kah didn't reply. Instead, she headed through a hallway and opened a door to the left. Her master had been sitting at a desk with a windowless room with a small candle lit in a corner. The paper with black smudges on it suggested that Vlare had been in the middle of either writing or reading something.

"I'm back." Kah announced. She moved over to the one lit candle and lit a few others with it. The room quickly brightened. Even though her master could see better in the dark than most people could didn't mean that he should. Kah had a hunch that the more that her master used his powers, the worse his scenes would get. For example, reading in the dark would strain his eyes, making his eyes hurt and his vision would slowly go bad. Not that she had any proof about that.

"I've noticed." Vlare said blandly. He didn't sound too happy. He didn't turn his attention away from paper once. "You smell like dirt." He observed.

Kah bit a snarky retort back. It was best to stay polite with the man training her. "I was out." She said, not elaborating on what she was doing.

"I figured." Her master replied immediately, almost as if he already knew what she was going to say before she opened her mouth. "Were you gambling, or actually doing what I told you to do for once?" Vlare's voice was low, but it had a bite to it that Kah didn't like.

"I was working. The price of eggs and milk has gone down since last week. The price of bread and pastries has risen, though. I didn't buy anything because you didn't tell me too. I passed through a back alley to see what was going on, but I didn't play anything." Kah lied. She wasn't allowed to play games with the smelly men in the alleys. Vlare had once told her that it was a waste to use he ability to trick people out of their money. Kah didn't see what was wrong with it; the ability was hers, so she should be allowed to do what she wanted with it.

Her master waved a hand, a sign that she was dismissed. He must have believed her. Either that, or he just didn't care enough to argue with her. Kah dipped her head polietly before leaving the room. She closed the door behind her and entered her own room. Her room wasn't that interesting; it just had a bed, a bookshelf, and a desk. Kah pulled the coins out of her pocket and set them onto the desk. She moved to her bed and pulled out a small lock box from under it. Kah walked back to the desk and sat at the chair in front of it. She opened the box with a small key she kept on a necklace and opened it. The box with filled with coins of various sizes and color. Most of them were silver, but there was also a few copper and gold ones, too. Kah counted the coins she had made off of the man in the alley way before putting most of them into the box. She kept a few silver coins and slid them back into her pocket.

Kah put her box back under her bed and left her room. She walked out of the house.


7:10pm Jan 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Hey Rabbit, your post says you aren't done with what you have written, but I see you've edited your post already. Are you still working on it?]]


7:21pm Jan 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
[[Yeah, I am. Sorry, I forgot to delete the message.]]


9:26pm Jan 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Oh okay. Well I will post tomorrow :)]]


9:21pm Jan 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[Sorry I havent posted yet, finals are coming up and I have been busy. 
Thanks for your paitents! I will have my post up sometime this week]]


11:11pm Jan 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
A crowd started to form in the middle of the market places's road. People were easily attracted to the chaos. "How sickening!" Elpis mumbled under her breath, still flowing Akakios. She had lost sight of the mysterious boy, and her interest was once again gone, attaching itself to something else; the crowd. Usually, in times like this Elpis would think better of herself and keep on walking, not wanting to get her brother wrapped up in her problems again. However, this time when she was walking past the noisy crowd she couldn't help but pick up bits and pieces of the words thrown around. "This sickness is is coming," an old man warned. Those words caught Elpis's ears and made her stop.

Sickness? Elpis was now fully attentive, yearning to learn more. She was oblivious to the crowd and their doubts, for she patiently listened to what the old man had to say. His claims and words sounded a lot like what Teacher had told the siblings; sickness and diseases will come to bring disaster. Elpis couldn't help but be delighted the moment the words hit her ears. Her heart beat rapidly as excitement boiled within her. She had found a lead to Teachers task! Now if she could only talk to the old man, maybe she could get information from him on what to do next, or what Master would be able to help, but that idea seemed impossible, the crowd was tightly packed. 

Her oblivious state of mind started to slip away when cruel laughter enveloped the crowd. As curiosity and worry hit Elpis, she tried desperately to see what they was going on. It wasn't until abrupt and violent shouts came from the crowd that Elpis was suddenly aware that something bad was going on.

Like always, out of impulse Elpis started to act, "Out of my way! Move! I'm trying to get through here!" she shouted as she forcefully shoved civilians out of her way. Many of them would just shove her back out of their tightly packed circle, but Elpis was determined to get through. It took her several tries to get to the heart of the circle, but she made it. Her heart started to race with a different type of emotion that no longer belonged to excitement, it was anger. "STOP!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as she flung herself on top of the sickly old man, trying to protect him from the heavy flying objects.

The chaos of the crowd started to simmer down, confusion taking its place along with annoyance. "You arrogant fools!" Elpis shouted looking at everyone she could. Confusion still lingered in the crowd and rude whispers were making its rounds, "Does it make you feel better to harm this old man, that is only trying to warn you? How dense can you people be?! Can't you see that sickness has came into Babylon?" She paused for a short moment, hoping that people would finally understand. They didn't. Cynical laughter came from the crowd and it quickly turned to angry shouts and heavy flying objects. "I won't let them hurt you any more." Elpis whispered to the old man as he cowered from the crowd.

One of the rocks hit Elpis's side and a loud yelp came out of her, "Stop this madness at once! You are all going to die if you don't have hope! Babylon holds great sickness, and what is in store for Babylon is disaster! I will try to stop it but I need to speak with this old man first! Stop! Stop being afraid of death, ignoring your problems wont make them go away! Stop being cowards and face the truth! Fools, don't you see that no good will come out of violence?" Elpis  was ranting and shouting everything that came to mind, but it was no use, the crowd was deaf, only capable to listen to their own woes.

Rocks were still being thrown and they were hitting both the old man and Elpis. Her attempt to protect him was hopeless, for they were surrounded. If only she could get to her flute and play a song, maybe then would she be able to protect herself more. She was grunting with every impact and blow. It was all hopeless, the crowd will never stop, the violence will never die down. However, while cowering over the old man's fragile body, Elpis caught a glance at a tall and gallant figure, Akakios. He was standing in front of her taking the blows for her. She could see his attempted tried at stopping the crowd (three or more beaten bodies laid on the ground), but his fists weren't enough.

Elpis quickly got out her flute, leaving the old man vulnerable. She brought it up to her lips and started playing. The tune started off fierce and strong like her emotions, but then the harsh tune turned into a beautiful melody, almost like a lullaby. Every note that came out of her flute was magic, and each one touching the ears of the crowd. Since there was daylight and not starlight, the magic wasn't the strongest, but the longer she played the more the people got affected, until everyone was sleeping. "A slumbering tune." Elpis said proudly. Everyone that heard her song, except for magicians of course,  was put into a horrid slumber. The tune wasn't just any old sleeping spell. The harsh notes that came out in the beginning ensured that everyone will have an unpleasant slumber.


Like a swarm of bee's to honey, people started to chaotically gather in a tight pack. Another sickly being picked on I suppose. Akakios thought harshly, looking down upon the people who fell victim to the scene. He heard his sister mumble and warily he looked back at her, fearing that she would once again act out of impulse. Luckily for him, however, she was following obediently behind him. Akakios nodded to himself before continuing past the crowd. Once they were out of the physcotic-people zone, maybe then they could start asking around, if anyone knew any of the magician elders or masters or anything.

Akakios's mind was traveling at the speed of light, as he tried to come up with conclusions for all the problems he had thrown at him. There were so many different scenarios that could happen, but he only needed to find one correct one that will be the least troubling. However, no matter how hard he tried, none of his problems could be solved without the missing pieces. His life was now like a difficult puzzle. There are so many pieces with detailed designs, and he has no idea what the picture is supposed to look like. 

Akakios sighed, stressed out by all the pressure, and mocked by the unknown. His blue eyes were previously lost in space, looking at nothing in particular, but now they found something with much detail. How could he have not noticed before? Its exquisite design, and alluring mystery, another piece of the puzzle, perhaps? It was the boy. The one with short dark hair and tanned skin who was now running away from the crowd. He has to be one of the names, right? Akakios thought with no reason to back it up.

He turned around, ready to tell his sister what he had just figured out, however, she was no longer behind him, and the crowd seemed to have gotten bigger. Akakios sighed and shook his head wondering when Elpis had stopped following him, and where she ran off to. There could have been a possibility that she had went after the boy who ran frantically out of the market place, but he doubted that, for he would have noticed her leaving. 

Then all of the sudden, he heard a familiar voice call out, and the whole crowd grew silent. Akakios's eyes grew wide as he realized where his sister was; in the middle of the chaotic crowd! He shook his head fiercely. Twice today he had let his sister run off and get into trouble, and he knew if he didn't act quick she might get hurt, especially with the words that rolled off her tongue. It was like she was tempting the crowd, just asking for them to hate her. Akakios couldn't stand it anymore, the fear he felt for his poor sister dear would no longer stay contained.

When the crowd broke out in their wild attitude once more, Akakios didn't hold back. He threw his items down in the shadows carefully before attacking the crowd. He shoved his way through the crowd, and anyone who didn't allow him passage through got acquainted with his fist. Quite a few strangers were lying on the ground before he was able to catch the slightest glimpse of Elpis. Her injuries weren't visible but the way she stood and the brave and naive ex
pression on her face said otherwise. And while he attempted to push his way up, he noticed rocks on the ground and some flying through the air.

Akakios's blood started to boil, he stormed through the crowd, and when he finally got to the heart of the circle, he threw a few punches at anyone who held hard objects in their hands. However, he should have expected that they would fight back. Akakios only successfully knocked three guys to the ground before the violence got directed towards him. The crowd forcefully shoved him to the center. They were like a wave washing him further away from shore. 

Akakios, useless in his fight, now stood over his sister, shielding her from the flying objects and taking the pain that was intended for her. He hoped that she would notice and take action, seeing as she had her flute in the case. Iros had always told them that it was an unfair advantage to use magic against people who didn't carry the magic ability  He would always say that it is okay to heal the less capable, but never to fight against them. But at this moment, it seemed as if they had no other choice.

Elpis started to play her flute and Akakios observed the results. At first, everyone didn't seem to be even the slightest bit effected. But with in a few measures, Akakios could see people start to grow weak and unstable, eventually falling limp on the ground or on top of each other, until finally everyone was fast asleep. Even the near by vendors were sleeping soundly. "A slumbering tune" Elpis said behind him. Akakios turned on his heels to face her. His ex
pression was stern, but he held worry in his eyes.

However, Elpis either pretend not to see it or was too oblivious to see it, for she waved off his stern look and turned towards the old man who was also asleep. They were both unsure if he had fallen victim to the spell or if he fainted from all the trauma that was caused. Either way, Elpis begged for Akakios to take him. "Please brother," she pleaded, "I know he is sickly and we will try to heal him, along with giving ourselves anecdotes, but brother, I think he might know something about the sickness and disease. He might have even known Teacher!" She said. Elpis might have been wanting to take him in and care for his wounds and try to heal him, but the results were all on selfish reasons.

But, with a few moments of pondering, Akakios finally nodded and picked up the old man, carrying him in his arms. "Sister dear, are you hurt?" But Elpis simply shook her head, though pain stabbed her sides and back. With a sigh from Akakios, he finally said, "Will you go fetch the basket and my book? We have to go find a place to settle, I don't want to be carrying the sickly for too long." But all Elpis did was put on a serious face, though she allowed for a grin, and went to fetch his belongings.


4:12pm Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[bump ^-^]]


10:34am Jan 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 76
((Sorry! I had jury duty this week so I was a little distracted XP))

Khalil continued to watch the light haired strangers as they entered a crowd of people. There had defiantly not been this many people in the market before so something must have happened to get the people of Babylon to leave their homes. There was shouting and jeering from the crowd, so whatever it was it did not promise to be positive. After a few minutes there was a lull in the shouting and a soft tune rose up out of the middle of the crowd. It was strange like nothing the boy had ever heard before.

When the tune reached Zarah's ears she stopped walking and her current shadow bumped into her, nearly spilling all the water. She knew what the tune was at once: magic. There were a few people in her caravan that were gifted with music, and when they played wonderful things happened. Though their music had a lesser effect on the other gypsies than it would on ordinary people, it still was able to make them forget their worries, relax, and dance for an evening without any other thought than the sounds around them.

"What?" Khalil asked her slightly impatiently.

"Watch," Zarah told him, nodding to the crowd.

One by one members of the crowd, and a few other bystanders that were within earshot, started to close their eyes and become weak at the knees. It wasn't long before almost everyone in the market was sleeping soundly. In the middle of the sleeping crowd was the blond boy and girl that Khalil had been watching earlier. The girl was standing behind the boy, holding a flute up to her lips. That must have been her instrument of choice, and her tune that caused the sleeping spell. Carefully the two tip-toed over the bodies and dashed away into the shadows again. They were an odd pair.

"What was that?" Khalil asked with interest. The only magic he had every really seen was his own, and his masters.

"Magic," the gypsy responded, also watching the blond pair. "Magic from music."

5:10pm Jan 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
[[I'm going to post tomorrow after school... Sorry for lateness!]]


7:59pm Jan 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
[[You never said Akakios moved, so I said that he didn't. Sorry if I'm wrong. (...and you will understand what I mean later)]]

Magic flowed through the air. It was light, probably from somewhere not close to him, but it flowed beautifully in a way Shabti hadn't felt in quite a while. The air danced, twirling around him. The other people on the street near him didn't react to the swirling wind. They probably didn't have a drop of magic in their blood. Shabti started to pity them, but then he remembered the hatred non-magical people contained within them, and he stopped feeling bad for them. Magicless people despised those who were gifted with abilities to the point where it was looked down upon my most of society to be special.

Shabti kicked at stone nearby and watched it roll away. The flowing magic was getting stronger, to the point where he could make an educated guess as to where it was coming from. He suspected the market place, where he had just ran away from.

He nibbled on his lip. Shabti had little interest in backtracking, but the idea of finding whoever was making such magic was enticing. After a second, he decided that the trip would be worth it. Slowly, he turned in his heels and headed back for the market place.

Shabti walked quickly at first, but then the magic in the magic in the air suddenly ceased. The young man froze, his breath suddenly lost. Had the magician been attacked? Or did the person just stop. Shabti took off again, this time at full speed, dodging slow-moving pedestrians.

It did not take him long to enter the main part of the market place. The cowed was where he had left it, but instead of the people causing a riot, they were on the ground, twitching. The flailing bodies were surrounding two figures, one of them holding something bulky. Shabti was too far away to recognize either of them, but he figured that one of them had caused the magic.

One of them, the one not carrying something, moved away in the direction on an abandoned basket. Shabti slowed his pace to a walk and caught his breath as he moved closer to the one standing still. It was a boy who looked around Shabti's age. He was holding Roe, who was limp. Shabti winced at the sight of the old man. Roe was in a horrid condition.

Shabti stopped outside the ring of sleeping people, unsure if he could continue. What if Roe was dead? It would be his fault, wouldn't it? And if Roe was alive? The man knew that Shabti had ran.


Kah leaned against a vendor's booth. The man running it is fast asleep, haven just been knocked out by some girl's crazy flute playing action. If some stranger had randomly come up to her at this very moment and asked her why she had not been affected by the put-to-sleep magic, she would say it was luck. In reality, she had been out of range when it happened, and she had moved closer once the magic stopped. Not that she would ever admit to that.

The young woman was curious as to what had prompted the flute playing in the first place. From the looks of things, it was to stop a mob. She wondered if the magician, a nice looking girl, had been attacked by the people, or if she was just trying to calm them down. And who was that boy who walked with her? Kah suspected sibling or lover, but she could be wrong.

Kah watched as a boy entered the market place and walked towards the magician and lover/sibling. It was the boy who talked to shadows, she noted dully. Kah picked up an apple on the vendor's table. The fruit was costly, but its owner was sleeping on the job, and no one was paying enough attention to her at the moment to be able to snitch on her for stealing. Kah took a bite and continued to watch from the sidelines.


11:06pm Jan 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[You are correct! Only Elpis moved :)
Haha, and I love Kah's thoughts... lovers or siblings hehe.]]

Elpis was oblivious to the world around her. She failed to notice a boy and a girl who stood up a ways in the market place with astonished faces as they watched her and her brother. Along with the guy who had caught her interest earlier and who had walked up to the crowd of sleeping people just after she had went to fetch her brothers belongings. Elpis also failed to notice the girl who was waiting to watch what next scene would take place. Lastly, and most importantly, if she had noticed all of the people who stood watching, she would most definitely have not noticed that they were all around her age and had failed to fall a sleep. How peculiar, if only Elpis noticed.

However, she was too preoccupied to notice anything but the problem at hand. She had fastened her flute back in its box and held it in one hand and her music book Teacher had given her in the other. Her bright blue eyes looked, with much curiosity and frustration, at the basket of Babylon candles and her brothers thick spell book. "How am I going to manage this?" She mumbled to herself as she looked at one hand to the other and back down at the items that were safely hidden away in the shadows. "Maybe...?" She put her book on top of her brothers and attempted to pick both of them up and hold them in one hand. It was no use, both the books fell. Elpis gasped. She knew how fragile her brothers book was, and if it was broken in any way, he would be devastated. Elpis stole a glance back at her brother.

This is when she noticed. She didn't notice everything, but she noticed a figure standing just outside the ring of sleeping bodies, while her brother stood inside of it with the sickly fellow on his shoulders. Excitement shot through her veins as she gave a short giggle. Curiosity swarmed inside of her, she was eager to see who this newcomer was and why he was awake. Yes, she had noticed that he was awake. Ironically, it occurred to Elpis that he could have just arrived and was just as curious about what had taken place as she was of him, but it hadn't been long since she played her magical flute, and if he came because he heard the flute and was curious, well, he shouldn't be awake.

Elpis started to stride out of the shadows and to her brother when she realized that she had forgotten their belongings. Foolishly she went back for them. Standing there for a few minutes, she started to come up with a plan on how she was to hold all of this. Her brothers book alone would take up one arm, but so would the basket of Babylon candles. After many tried, Elpis finally succeeded. She was now staggering out of the shadows, her arms were full and her position was awkward, but she accomplished the task herself and was proud of her work.

She strode up to the outer circle of the fallen bodies bearing a smile. In one arm Elpis held her book and her brothers book close to her chest; it was oblivious by her white knuckles that her grip on the two items were tight. On the other side of her body, she held her flute case underneath her armpit and tightly gripped the thick handle of the woven basket that contained Babylon candles. The left side of her body that carried the basket was being weighed down by the heaviness of the items, and Elpis was slouching a tad from the books, for she was trying to secure them and make sure that they don't fall. But despite her posture and weariness from, not only form the crowd and the earful she heard this morning but also from the energy draining magic she had done (the stars aren't visible), Elpis was her cheery self. 

"Hello, and -" Elpis was talking to the stranger. She had questions for him and was about to lay it all on him in one breath, but something caught her attention. It was him. The mysterious guy who seemed so...so... -for the lack of vocabulary- strange. She cocked her head to one side as she stared at him. He seemed like an interesting character but why was he here now and why did he looked a little worried? A gleam shone through Elpis's lively blue eyes. No, she shouldn't be the one to talk and ask questions. For some strange reason, Elpis felt that when this guy spoke, it would answer the majority of her questions. She shot a look at her brother before she looked back at this stranger. He better talk soon, for Elpis didn't know how long she could contain her excitement and curiousity.


Akakios watched his sister venture off to collect his belongings. He hated to make his sister do things for him, but if he were to do this for her, he would need her help. A long bored sigh escaped his lips as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The small body he carried on his shoulder was heavy, like dead weight almost. Although Akakios knew that the man couldn't be dead, for the sickly old man breaths were faint on his neck. If this sickly man did know anything about the disease and sickness this hassle would be worth it. However, if this sickly man gave his sister or himself the disease, especially his sister, he would claim his revenge on the sickly.

His dark thoughts were vicious under the golden sun, and loomed over him like a rain cloud. But his thought were shaken when he heard someone approach. Bright blue eyes short up, they had a dark gleam in them, but when the face he looked at was familiar, his ex
pression changed to a blank-natured one. Instantly Akakios's mind went flying like it had all morning. Could it be? Could it possibly be that this is one of the names on the paper Iros gave us? Could it be that he heard Elpis playing and came to fill his curiosity? Or could it be he came to join the crowd? From the distance he is standing either or could be possible. I wont let him hurt Elpis if that is what he came here for. 

The thoughts on this guy that had caught Elpis's interest earlier this morning came to a halt. How could he not notice this before? The two other people standing up yonder the market place, and the thief that stood watching. Akakios's thoughts went racing. The weight of the old man was now nothing and any sound that might try to disrupt his thoughts were denied. Why? Why is it that the people who are awake are the ones with youth in them? How many? How many are near? 1, 2, 3 and 4? That is the total of the names that are scrawled down on the paper. Could it be that these- these are the people who are supposed to join Elpis and me on this adventurous task? If my assumptions are correct then why do we need this old man? Ah, the disease, right....

Akakios's bright blue eyes came back into focus. Its strange that when Akakios goes into deep thought like that, the whole world around him becomes invisible and mute. He realized that when he came out of his thoughts, that his eyes had been unfocused on this stranger in front of him. For a brief moment he wondered if this guy, who stood cautiously away, tried to talk to him while he was thinking. But that didn't matter and quite frankly Akakios didn't care. He shrugged off the notion and started to shift his weight from one leg to the other again. He must have stopped subconsciously while thinking. Right before Elpis staggered up, Akakios wondered what else he does when he is lost in deep thought.

When Elpis approached in a staggering manner, Akakios's heart started to pang. He felt awful for making her carry such items, and in such a struggling posture too. However, none of that seemed to bother her, her personality was as bubbly as ever. Although she was usually serious around her brother, its always nice to see her cheerful in hard situations. Akakios was expecting his sister to do all the talking, to interrogate this guy until they found out what they needed, or wanted, to know. It is what they always do, Elpis was the talker and questioner, and Akakios was the backup, the bodyguard. However, this time Elpis was failing to talk. Right away Akakios knew that his sister had a "plan". And even though he loved his sister dearly, her plans were never fully thought out, per say.

But if this is what Elpis wanted to do, then Akakios was not going to interfere. However, if her plan starts to go in a negative direction then he would have to step in, although, he already figured that, that is what is going to happen sooner or later. The only piece of information Akakios wants is this guys name, and if Elpis starts to scare him away with her impulsive plan, then the sickly old man would have to wait. So for now, Akakios thought it best to sit back and wait for a while.

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