[Mortal/Headache] A Small Taste of Liberty [HP 1x1]

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9:22pm Jun 7 2014 (last edited on 12:52am Jun 12 2014)

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Posts: 2,184
i'm so excited to make a new rp thread omggg


  • Harry Potter RP

In which Freddie and Georgie go over to the Dark side

Pairings: Fred/Bellatrix/Narcissa/George

Any need for bios, Ache? You wanna start or shall I?


12:37am Jun 8 2014

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Posts: 2,131

{We're doing canon characters, so nah. You start :3 Wait am I the girlies?}

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

12:43am Jun 8 2014

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Posts: 2,184
((Yeah, since you wanted Bella you can have 'em both. c: Sorry if the twins are OOC. I haven't RPed them before so I'll have to get a bit of a feel for them first. Post coming soon~))


6:19pm Jun 8 2014

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Posts: 2,184
Two tall, lanky figures stood in front of the gates, their features covered and obscured by black hoods. They looked, to anyone observing them, rather relaxed with their arms hanging loosely by their sides. It was a stark contrast to the harsh iron gates before them, which guarded the ostentatious estates of one of their dearest enemies.

One of the figures turned to his partner after a few moments. "Ready, Forge?" 

Usually, he said this with the excited humour of someone anticipating a huge prank gone right. Now, his voice was deep, serious, somewhat nervous. He didn't feel ready.

"As I'll ever be, Gred." 

George Weasley slid his wand out of his sleeve and his brother did the same.

"It's not too late to back out," George said halfheartedly. "I mean, see that huge, incredibly dowdy mansion over there? A hundred Death Eaters. One wrong move and there'll be a free-for-all over our dead bodies."

For the first time since they had arrived, Fred laughed. It didn't sound right. "Gryffindors through and through aren't we? Mum always said we were mad, and this plan only proves it."

George smirked, but as the humour of situation faded, he sighed. "This is the only way. Let's do this."

At that, he reached a hand out and touched the cold wrought-iron of the gates. Instantly, the iron contorted into a face, cold and unforgiving.

"State your purpose."

Without a hint of hesitation or fear in their voices, they spoke in unison. Only the sweat on their brows gave any indication of the apprehension they felt.

"We're here to see the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort."

Dumbledore thought they were going to spy for him, but really, they were there for themselves.


3:55am Jun 9 2014

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Posts: 2,131

Two figures sat at a long, polished rectangular table; surrounded by other black clothed figures. One of the figures was cackling, a manic gleam in her eye as she leaned hazardly over the table, curly dark hair falling out of the hood of her robe. The more petite of the two had her hood lowered, rich blonde hair spilling down her back and over her shoulders; lips set in a tight line, grey eyes scanning the room.

The figure at the head of the table raised a pale hand into the air, the robe falling down it's arm to reveal green-tinged skin; reminiscent of a snake. The table fell silent instantaneously, the dark-haired witch turned eagerly towards the menacing figure, whereas the blonde witch simply gazed over at the man.   

"We have visssitorss." The figure hissed, arm lowering. "Narcissa, if you will?"
Everyone laid their eyes on the petite blonde witch, who sighed inaudibly before pulling out her wand with a flourish. With a small wave of the faithful stick, an ethereal image spilled out of it; showing two tall lanky figures clothed in similar black robes to the group in the ballroom; the figures standing outside the imposing gates of Malfoy Manor.
With a strong voice filled with courage she didn't possess, Narcissa Malfoy spoke.

"State your purpose." The dark-haired witch next to Narcissa leaned forward curiously, hands holding her tilted head up. She blinked once before leaning towards her younger sister.
"They remind me of the Weasley's, Cissy." Narcissa shook her head minutely slightly, silently urging her older sister to await the figures' responses.

"We're hear to see the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort." The two male figures hadn't hesitated as they spoke in unison, wands in hand. Narcissa chanced a glance toward the head of the table, the Dark Lord seemed unaffected and even had a small smirk upon his face, crimson eyes glinting. When he felt her gaze, he locked eyes with the blonde witch and nodded once.

Narcissa stood up and waved her wand, getting rid of the ghost-like image from the air. She walked around the table gracefully, before stalking to the doors of the ballroom' pausing in the doorway for a moment, head bowed. The sound of a chair screeching across the polished marble floor made its way to her ears and the posh witch winced.

"I will go and greet the visitors with my sister, my Lord." Narcissa's older sister announced, already halfway across the ballroom. The Dark Lord's mouth twitched amusedly at the sister's antics as they left.

"Why do you insist on following me everywhere, Bella?" Narcissa hissed at her smirking dark-haird sister.

"We must greet the visitors, Cissy. Do not fret, I will be on my best behaviour." Bellatrix Lestrange puffed her sizeable chest out and graced her face with a smirk, twirling her wand in her wand hand. They reached the intimidating gates of the Manor, and Bella turned to smirk at Narcissa as Narcissa pulled her hood up. Bellatrix didn't bother.

Narcissa's eyes widened slightly as she wiped every emotion off her face.
"The Dark Lord awaits you." Narcissa said forcefully, hood up; slightly obscuring her face.

"Follow." Bellatrix stated, a cruel smirk and a gleam in her eye having settled on her face. The sisters turned as one and strided up the path towards the Manor quickly; robes billowing behind the pair.

(Sorry for making it so long D8)

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

6:36pm Jun 9 2014 (last edited on 6:36pm Jun 9 2014)

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Posts: 2,184
((It's no problem haha, I usually write longer posts especially in the beginning. Since I have no laptop at the moment though (and am using my phone) it makes it a bit difficult :u I love reading long posts though ♥))

For a few moments after they had spoken, nothing happened. The name of their hated enemy lingered in the air, mocking them with the irony of it all. Fred glanced at his brother questioningly, but the other Weasley twin was staring past the gates towards the Manor.

"Someone's coming," he said.

Fred followed his gaze, and saw a pair of figures making their way down the driveway. The taller of the two was easily recognisable, and his stomach dropped. He had known that a meeting with her would have been impossible to avoid, but he hadn't expected it to be so soon. There was no mistaking the wild, black hair, the predatory grace in her stride, the sneer on her lips as she got closer and closer. The years in Azkaban had not dampened Bellatrix Lestrange's cruel persona.


"Nothing like a bit of insanity to spice things up," George joked lightly, although his grip on his wand had tightened. His knuckles strained against the pale, thin skin of his hand.

The other figure was smaller. The elegance of her movements spoke of years of etiquette training - someone from the original Pureblood families, then. The other families would have bothered. She had her hood over her head, but nothing could disguise the platinum blonde hair, locks of which had slipped tellingly onto her face. Narcissa Malfoy.

They steeled themselves as the two approached. No doubt hell would break loose when they got close enough to see who their mysterious guests were, if they weren't hit with a couple of Avadas first. With baited breath, they waited.

When the sisters reached the gate, George resisted the urge to flinch. The proximity to Lestrange had set his nerves on fire; every instinct told him to kill her and run. He tried to meet her gaze head on.

"The Dark Lord awaits you," Malfoy told them, an edge to her tone. Fred scanned her face for any indication that they had been recognised, but if there was, he didn't see it. He didn't doubt that she knew exactly who her visitors were, though.

"Follow," came Bellatrix's order. The twins watched as they turned and went the way they had come, without a glance back. 

Fred didn't know he had been holding his breath until he exhaled with a loud whoosh. He exchanged a glance with George, as if to say: "And now, into the snake pit we go..." There was no turnig back now. The Wheel of Fortune had been set in motion.

They hurried to catch up.


3:07am Jun 10 2014

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Posts: 2,131

Bellatrix grinned wickedly as the pair strided into the Manor, their heels making loud clacking noises as they made their way down the polished hallway.
"Weasley twins, Cissy." She glanced back at the hurrying pair behind them with a sneer. "They're sweethearts; way out of their depth here. Everyone will eat them up; and I mean literally."
She cackled loudly.

Narcissa allowed herself a small smile, also glancing back at the pair; wrinkling her nose in disgust as she saw dirt and grass being treaded into the Manor. Her wrinkled nose flattened out as a scowl made her way onto her face when one of the blasted ginger's winked at her.

"I bet it was Dumbledore who sent you." She sneered at the two; hood having fallen and displayed a fury filled face. "Well don't worry, we won't let you go running back to your precious Light side." Narcissa paused at the closed doorway to the ballroom, hand on the door handle, head turned back to speak to them.

"You won't have any legs to run with." The blonde witch added as an afterthought, throwing open the doors to the ballroom and striding in. Bellatrix's wicked cackles filled the large room as they neared the Dark Lord.

The sisters' got on their knees and bowed their heads in respect at the Dark Lord's feet.
"Weasley twins, my Lord." Bellatrix told the respected man with awe.
"We suspect they have come on Dumbledore's orders." Narcissa added quietly, standing when the Dark Lord motioned for them to do so, and walking around the table to sit in their still-empty seats.

The two sisters smirked at the twins, Bellatrix throwing her feet up on the table, whereas Narcissa leaned forward slightly so see better.

This'll be good.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

5:05am Jun 10 2014

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Posts: 2,184
The sight that met Fred's eyes as he and his brother lingered in the doorway was exactly how he had imagined it, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not. The dark ballroom, the table surrounded by stiff, black-clothed figures, the snake-like figure sitting at the head, red eyes piercing him. They were all the stuff of his nightmares. A bad thing, then, he thought with a poorly-concealed grimace.

Beside him, George raised his chin. "Voldemort," he acknowledged with a nod, his voice relaxed with only a hint of an edge. He and Fred had agreed on this before coming. They might have decided to join the Death Eaters but they were going to do it on their own conditions. One of these was that they would never refer to him as the Dark Lord - a ti
tle of respect that he certainly didn't deserve. They'd be damned if they gave him the satisfaction of receiving it.

Without quite noticing what he was doing, Fred mirrored his brother, pasting a lazy smirk on his face. Narcissa was leaning forward to say something quietly to the Dark Lord, who nodded. As she moved to sit down, Bellatrix propped her feet on the table, clearly anticipating some kind of bloodshed. Those Black sisters really were something. Unfortunately, Fred was not ready to give them the show they wanted, and neither was George.

"Yes, we are here on Dumbledore's orders," Fred said loudly, noticing that he had captured the attention of all the Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy, in particular, had a malicious sneer on his face as he turned to see them more clearly. Ah, that was right. They still had their hoods on, the dark wool obscuring their features.

Simultaneously, the twins both pulled their hoods back, exposing the trademark Weasley hair for all to see. A hiss went around the table. If the moment hadn't been so dark, George would have laughed at the likeness to their house mascot.

"We were sent here on Dumbledore's orders," Fred corrected himself, "but we are here on our own terms."

Voldemort looked rather amused, and they took it for a good sign that he didn't already have his famed Yew wand out, Crucioing them into insanity.

"We want to join your side," George continued from his twin, "and are prepared to spy on the Order for you in a role similar to Snape's."

The greasy-haired Potions professor had been watching the Dark Lord for the whole exchange, but at the mention of his name, he turned. The venomous glare on his face would have made a lesser man recoil, but they knew he was only putting on a show for Voldemort. He knew (or at least, thought he knew) why they were there. The irony of the situation was that they were double-crossing the double-crosser; they fully intended to become Death Eaters, and would not be spilling Voldemort's beans to the Order anytime soon.

"Lies!" one Death Eater growled, standing up and drawing her wand. "Cruc-"

"Enough, Alecto," Voldemort said without glancing at her. He was staring at the twins. Suddenly, Fred felt a prodding on his mind, as if someone was poking his thoughts with a stick. Immediately, he slammed his Occlumency walls up, barring Voldemort from access. The man's smirk widened. "You bar me from your thoughts. Not a wise decision for someone who wishes to gain my sympathies."

He stood up and left his seat at the head. "Luckily, I am willing to overlook your insolence. I am intrigued." With a crack of apparition, he was suddenly in front of them. "First, you must learn some manners. You will refer to me as your Lord. Now...kneel."

The twins gritted their teeth but made no move to obey. Stupid, George would admit later, but they were not Voldemort's dogs. They had more dignity than that.

Voldemort's ex
pression didn't change. "Ah, I was expecting some Gryffindor resistance. Very well. Consider this your first lesson in my ranks: the Dark Lord does not give second chances." His wand was suddenly in his hand - when had he taken it out? "You will kneel."

Before they knew what was happening, he jabbed his wand in their direction. There was the sound of bones cracking and, a second later, blinding pain - so much that George initially thought he had passed out - engulfed their brains. They sunk to their knees as their legs gave way, but neither noticed as they screamed. He had broken their legs.

Voldemort dived into their thoughts, and a moment later, he emerged looking deeply satisfied.

"Bella, Narcissa, tend to our guests," he said dismissively, leaving his followers in muted shock. "I will speak to them soon. I have just received some very good news."

And then he was gone.

((I RPed some Voldy here. Hope that's okay? c:))


5:31am Jun 10 2014

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Posts: 2,131

As soon as the Dark Lord had vanished from the room, chaos erupted throughout the ballroom. Many Death Eaters stood up wands in hand sneering or glaring at the two gingers, while others stalked over to the twins and screamed at them; spittle flying. A few disapparated immediately; finding nothing better to do. 

Bellatrix sat with a smug look on her face as she slowly brought her legs down from the table and sauntered over to the collapsed Weasley's; the Death Eater making a path for her easily, although not quieting their ruckus. Afterall, the dark-haired witch was known for her cruelty.

She bent down at the waist to look at the two Weasley's, a smug smirk having settled firmly on her face, eyes twinkling with a strange gleam as the Death Eaters slowly silenced.

"You were very naughty back there with your insolence to the Dark Lord, boys. Be glad the my Lord showed you mercy, it would've been worse if I had of been allowed at you. Come. Stand up and I will take care of you." Bellatrix twirled her wand in her hand slowly and bit her lip, just as a few of the Death Eater's opened their mouths.

"But Bella dear-" A tall dark-haired wizard protested vehemently. Bellatrix spun around to face the voice, scowl in place.

"SILENCE! If I hear anything from anyone I will curse you with the most painful thing you have ever felt." She screeched at the group while spinning on her heel; curly hair splaying out madly. Her wand was clutched firmly in her hand, green flashes sparking at the end.

"Bella, calm." A firm voice sounded through Bella's anger and the witch stopped instantly, facing her sister. "Help."

With a wave of the two sister's wands, both boys were bound with ropes and floating behind the two witches. They strided out of the ballroom once again; one witch graceful, the other powerful.

Narcissa turned her face to glance at her sister, clearly reading the thunderous ex
pression she had on her face and the angry way she flicked her wand; causing the ginger-haired boy behind her to keep jerking painfully forward.

"Bella. Stop this right now! The Dark Lord has asked us to tend to the visitors, and we can't do that if you aggravate their legs further!" She hissed loudly to her elder sister, climbing the stairs to the guest wing of the Manor.

"Well I'm sorry that my darling husband decided that tonight was the night to treat me like his wife. Well that little dick can go up himself, he had plenty of time years ago." She sneered right back at Narcissa, hair bouncing furiously.

Narcissa turned back to the front and sped forward into a guest room, without a backwards glance to her sister.

Bellatrix glanced back at the twin she was carrying behind her and sneered.
"She hasn't been laid in years."

(It's all good, no need to apologise :D)

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

5:55am Jun 10 2014 (last edited on 5:56am Jun 10 2014)

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Posts: 2,184
Usually, George would have found the mean-spirited banter between the famously poised sisters extremely amusing; however, he was finding it hard to be amused when he was paralysed from the waist down. Being jerked around in the air behind Lestrange while his legs were broken was not a pleasant experience. The pain had faded as quickly as it had come, but he would not be forgetting that lesson anytime soon. And that, he realised, was probably the secret to Voldemort's success.

"I'm sure any other time I would find that hilarious," he ground out through clenched teeth in reply to the raven-haired witch's comment. 

He watched Fred float behind Narcissa and disappear into a room, and refrained from saying what he was really thinking: that if Narcissa hadn't gotten laid in years, Bellatrix probably hadn't gotten any for decades. The psychotic gleam in her eyes was a major turn off. Despite his pain, he managed a smirk. "As much as I love your company...are you gonna give me the famous Lestrange treatment, or are we just gonna stay out here?"


6:33am Jun 10 2014

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Posts: 2,131

Bellatrix cackled and paused in the doorway of the same room that Narcissa had disappeared into.
"Famous Lestrange treatment? I'm a Black, Weasley." The witch cackled again and strided into the room, hazardly lowering the twin onto the adjacent bed to Narcissa and the other one.

"Narcissa, SkeleGro?" She questioned, hand reaching out and over the still-bound twin. With her lips set in a tight line, the still fuming blonde witch banished the SkeleGro over her shoulder into Bellatrix's hand.

Bellatrix glanced down at the ginger thoughtfully, before a smirk blossomed on her face and she waved her wand once, all the bones in his legs disappearing instantly, the legs slowly flattening. Narcissa glanced back at the pair and with a gleam in her eye, she did the same to her twin.

They both forced the twins to drink a cup of SkeleGro at the same time; with an evil grin on their faces.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

3:43pm Jun 10 2014 (last edited on 3:45pm Jun 10 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,184
"I was actually referring to the way you and your husband oh-so-graciously treat your victims," George replied as he floated into the room behind Bellatrix. With a jerk of her wand, he was lowered - none too gently - onto the bed beside Fred, jolting the painful cracks in his bones. "Ow, Lestrange! Could you be more careful? Invalid here!"

"Hey mate," Fred grinned. It seemed the longer they spent outside of Voldemort's company, the more their humour returned. Two Death Eater sisters? They could handle that. "Rough night?" He waggled his eyebrows exaggeratedly in a suggestive manner. 

"He was a back-breaker," George grinned in reply, wincing slightly as he adjusted himself on the incredibly soft bed. He looked around the disgustingly expensive bedroom they were in. "Nice room isnt it? Definitely fit for a-"

"-king," Fred finished. They shared a look, and both burst into a hum of 'Weasley is Our King', annoyingly reminiscent of the Ferret, Draco Malfoy. Fred wondered where the devil's spawn was now, what with Mumma Devil and Papa Devil all caught up in the Death Eater proceedings.

They were still humming when Fred noticed that his legs felt like absolute mush. He looked down, then at said Mama Devil, who was vanishing his bones. A quick glance at Lestrange showed she was doing the same to George. They watched in horror as their legs deflated like balloons.

"Bugger," Fred swore when he saw the smoking Skelegro. That had not been one of the more pleasant experiences of his childhood. "You ladies sure you can't put us to sleep before we down this?"

He was answered by the potion being shoved down his throat. The witches looked too damn sadistic. He could already feel the faint tingling of his bones being regrown, and knew it would only get more painful as the hours went by.

This was going to be a long process.


5:37pm Jun 10 2014

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Posts: 2,131

Narcissa smiled widely when they had swallowed the smoking liquid. She could practically feel the smirk that Bella inevitably had on her face as they looked down at the slowly becoming uncomfortable gingers.

"Nope." She stated, popping the p as she meandered around her twins bed and into the middle; where Narcissa was standing. The dark-haired female sat on one of the beds, and got herself comfortable. Narcissa perched herself on a hard-backed chair gracefully, though the effect of it was ruined by the large smirk.

"Oh and in answer to your question, ginger number 2, no. We aren't going to put you to sleep." Narcissa stated, still smirking. She glanced at her sister knowingly.

"Unless you want to be permanently asleep." Bellatrix threw in with a crooked smirk. "That can be arranged, boys."

They both settled themselves so that they had perfect views of both twin's soon-to-be-pain-filled faces, and relaxed comfortably; ready for the show.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

2:45am Jun 11 2014 (last edited on 3:00am Jun 11 2014)

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Posts: 2,184
"Well, bugger me with a Squib," George said, giving a muted, pained grunt when he felt his left big toe's bones pop into existence. Come on, Georgie, you can do this, he thought. It isn't even at the good part yet. "I do believe they mean to watch, Gred."

"Well, the sight of me-" Fred cut off with a small gasp, clenching his fist as his ankle bones appeared. He gave a deep exhale, trying not to think of the immense pain that was minutes away. "-of me on a bed, sweating-" he winced as the sounds of bones popping filled the air, "-and writhing must be incredibly appealing." 

He gave a sigh of relief when there seemed to be a short break. It felt like bits of wood were being shoved under his skin. He looked up and smirked, albeit weakly, at the blonde sister. "For the record, Malfoy, I'm Ginger #1."

George looked indignant. "I think you're mistaken, dear brother. I'm clearly first, in both the looks and personality department-"

"No, no, I'm quite right, dearer brother-"

They both stopped abruptly with identical groans; their shin bones had just come in.

"You're just loving this, aren't you?" George accused them sarcastically, trying not to bite on his tongue too hard. "Why not call up an elf and order some popcorn? I'm sure it'll make the experience even better."


3:29am Jun 11 2014

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Posts: 2,131

Bellatrix cackled again as they paused their dialogue before tilting her head at what the twin had said.

"What is... popcorn? Can it be used to hurt you? Is it... muggle?" She questioned urgently, sneering at the word. She glanced at her sister with a questioning glance, making her sister bl
ink at her in confusion.

"Elf!" Narcissa called out, eyes turned back to watch the twins' struggle in pain. A pop sounded in the room and bowed low to the witch, slightly trembling.

"Bring me ... popcorn. Now!" She barked at the small creature who nodded shakily and popped out of the room, only to come back a second later with a bowl full of white-ish yellow ... things?

That was the best way to describe the 'popcorn'. Bellatrix sneered as she checked the 'popcorn' for curses and the such, before cautiously reaching out and plucking one out and popping into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. Her eyes widened slightly and her chewing increased as she reached out and grabbed a handful, snatching the bowl out of the elfs' hand with a sneer, before hungrily eating the handful she had taken. She nearly growled at her sister when Narcissa reached out and plucked a few out, slowly chewing them.

Narcissa's eyes widened slightly as well, before shooting a spell at the twins; pausing their recovery, so that they didn't miss a thing.

"Elf!" Bellatrix barked around a mouthful of popcorn, bowl nearly empty. The called elf popped right next to Bellatrix and bowed again. "More popcorn!"

A second later, 3 bowls large enough to feed all the Death Eaters popped next to the sisters; full of popcorn.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

11:56am Jun 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,184

"I...didn't mean it literally," George blinked. He had only said it because the eager look on Bellatrix's face had reminded him of the moviegoers at the cinema where his father had once taken him and Fred. He hadn't actually expected them to get some. He exchanged a bewildered look with Fred even through the pain. If only the Order could see them now...eating popcorn, of all things.

Their expressions morphed into disbelief as it became clear that the two sisters not only liked it, but were enjoying it enough to shovel them into their mouth in a completely undignified way. Then they ordered three literally gigantic bowls. Ron would have been proud.

"I think this is becoming more amusing for us than them," Fred muttered to his brother, wincing as yet another bone grew. How many goddamn bones could you have in a leg?

((ugh writer's block))


4:00am Jun 12 2014

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Posts: 2,131

Bellatrix scowled at the pair's dialogue and stopped her eating;. The witch pouted sadly, the soft ex
pression easily turning to one of cruel glee as they winced in pain. Finally she recognised that the bones had finished regrowing, except she put one of malicious glee on to ensure that the twin's still thought that there were more bones.

Narcissa glanced sideways at her sister and immediately recognised the plan; smirking as she settled back into the chair, popping another piece of popcorn in her mouth. Both sisters flicked their legs up onto each twin's bed and crossed their arms.

"Would you guys hurry up with your healing." Bellatrix pouted again. "Your legs weren't even that badly broken."

She cackled. 

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
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