Random Q's :3

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10:45am Jul 27 2009 (last edited on 10:46am Jul 27 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 304

This is just some random questons...Just for fun, but If I feel like it I might give out some eggs. ;o

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? --

2. What be your favorate color? --

3. What is your favorate creatu? --

4. What is one plus one? --

5. Who is your favorate staff member? --

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? --

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? --

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? --

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Put text here ;o)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? --

12. What do you think about this quiz?

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book?

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? --

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do?

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? --

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? --

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? --

19. What is 152- 152? --

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest)


8D you took the random Q's :D


2:59pm Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,191

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? I want people to call me Dani or Wood, but they won't. D:

2. What be your favorate color? Chrome.

3. What is your favorate creatu? Ebilia.

4. What is one plus one? Fish.

5. Who is your favorate staff member? Taint.

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? D: Homeless people can't afford ice cream T^T

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? Lick the floor. You'd get free food :D

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

E. Give them 500 Aukira eggs >:D

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? *Peeks in*

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night? 

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (I'd have tea with him and a rabbit.)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? Cuz I'm bored

12. What do you think about this quiz? Iunno.

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book?

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? HOMG debate whether to join or not.

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do?

I'd, liek, touch it and name it Saphira :o

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? Air.

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? Pssh, eating a shark is nothing, I once bit one. >;D

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? Fluffy, You, Metachick, and Crimmy.

19. What is 152- 152? Cow.

20. Did you like this quiz? Yup!

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

3:15pm Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507
out some eggs. ;o

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Dory, Girls, Girlsmack

2. What be your favorate color? -- Orange ^^

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Omni

4. What is one plus one? -- THIS ISN'T MATH! >:P

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- Bacon{Whitney}Hair

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- Kindly return it to the dude he stole it from. o_o

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Jump off a cliff landing in the Magical Land of Wonder. :D

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop {Pshh. Stoopid n00b}

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- I just join myself in the conversation. :D

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!" Then, eat the yummy salami ^^;

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ???

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- Curiousity struck.

12. What do you think about this quiz? OMG THERE'S NO MULTIPLE CHOICE D:

13. Which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? The movie :P

14. There is a random dancing competition in town...What do you do? -- Be a judge and pick the hottest contestant o.O

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? OMG DRAGON *POKEPOKEPOKEPOKEPOKEPOKEPOKEPOKE* Hai.

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- FIYA!!!!

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- {Eww. I hate sushi.} Throw the raw shark at the other sharks and jump in while they're distracted. FISHY!!!

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- Wolf (wolfspirit25) Cory (coryn16) Mirrors (14brokenmirrors)

19. What is 152- 152? -- Shuddup. ;o

20. Did you like this quiz? -- Yeah but... too much math. *headache*


3:29pm Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,440

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Wolf, although wolfspi is getting to be more popular now

2. What be your favorate color? -- Green, definitely green, lime green actually. However, I hate wearing it, I just like it to look at.

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Omni, especially black/albino, not sure which is my very fav. If we're talking creatu that are possible to get most of the time though, I'd say draqua

4. What is one plus one? -- if you're normal, I'd say 2. For all us cool people, it's 11

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- um....... I've spoken to LeTainted the most, so I'd say LeTainted, but Gunmetal is a close second.

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- Be very very scared, thank him, then throw it away when he couldn't see me anymore, no idea what's in that stuff.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Jump off a cliff, I've always wanted to go cliff jumping. I don't care if it's into the water or onto ground with a parachute, it'd be so much fun. Actually, I've jumped off a 50-foot cliff into water before, it was fun.

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off (except in a way that doesn't get me in trouble)

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- I don't generally enter the SB unless I'm greeting a specific person. In that case, I use the *waves* hi ____ greeting 

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Put text here ;o) Be very confused and sic my bf on him

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- girlsmackback11 told me to

12. What do you think about this quiz? It's interesting. Not the best quiz I've ever taken, but not nearly the worst

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? umm..... I've read Harry Potter more recently and therefore remember it better.

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Probably not join unless it's full of people that dance so-so. In that case I join with my bf (also dance partner) if there's a money prize

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? Squeal with joy and keep it (as long as I have a place to keep it, meaning it doesn't get too big or I get a forest nearby if it gets big).

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- Fire, although I'm a water element

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- Eat the raw shark

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- girlsmackback11

19. What is 152- 152? -- a very bad range

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) it's ok


9:42pm Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 592

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Blue

2. What be your favorate color? -- Blue xD

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Easero

4. What is one plus one? -- 2 ...

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- Uwibami xD

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- Throw it away lol.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Jump off the short little cliff. xD

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~They never ask me, but here is what I would do-

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- I don't know... Hello everyone! lol

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Who is Mad Hatter?)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- Cuz I am bored lol.

12. What do you think about this quiz? -- Uh, it's alright lol.

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? -- Never read them before. (I dislike books)

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Ignore it... lol

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do?-- Is it a baby dragon? If so... I try to like pet it or somethin lol. If it's an adult... I run back outside to find my parents and like freak out or somethin lol.

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- I would say I like earth/air better than water/fire.

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- I guess jump in a pool with men eating sharks, I'd prolly be safe lol.

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- I would say I am closest to Uwibami.

19. What is 152- 152? -- 0, duh lol :P

20. Did you like this quiz? -- It was pretty fun, better than doing nothing lol.

The Easero Fanatic of Res! Gimme your Easeros. ;o
Kir's Quest [8/120] Albino Veram: Rmail Me!

9:25am Jul 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Reeses, Pet, Petty, Ree-Ree, Reet, Pockey, Niece, Ree

2. What be your favorate color? -- Orange

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Liyure

4. What is one plus one? -- Two?

5. Who is your favorate staff member? --I shall never answer. >O

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- Say thank you, walk away, and once he's out of sight, throw it in the trash (it's mean, but you can't take things from strangers. D:)

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Jump off a cliff with hangglider. ;o You didn't specify how I'd jump.

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~ 

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- Hi all.

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Put text here ;o)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- I was bored.

12. What do you think about this quiz?  It's alright

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book?

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Shut the blinds and hope the blasting music doesn't disturb my peace.  I HATE DANCING.

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? Scream and hug it then give it a name and some fish. ^^

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- Water

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- Jump in the pool of sharks in a safe cage that they can't break through

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- I'd rather not say. :D

19. What is 152- 152? -- 0

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) It's alright


2:14pm Jul 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 304
People actually took it :D I will send you guys some eggers. ;o


9:08pm Jul 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 491

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Angel

2. What be your favorate color? -- blue

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Iluvu

4. What is one plus one? -- WINDOW .

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- it's sad how I know none of our staffers D:

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- say 'thanks' and throw it away when he's not looking. o3o

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? --......jump off a cliff

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? --...I don't use the shoutbox

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (i have no idea who mad hatter is o3o)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- I was bored.

12. What do you think about this quiz? iz okay~

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? I've never ead anyof 'em (BUT I SAW THE HP MOVIEs and only half of Eragon)

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? --go watch and make fun of people who think they can dance :P

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? pet him 8D

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? --water

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? --eat a raw shark =_=*

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- I DUN HAFF ONE (Im a loner.)

19. What is 152- 152? -- OMG OMG OMG I KNOW THIS ONE. It's...it's...it's um....4. NO WAIT. It's zero.

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) iz okay...prettah okayyy


9:15pm Jul 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 775

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Shep

2. What be your favorate color? -- Lime Green

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Liyure

4. What is one plus one? -- *Not smart enough... math hurts* 7??

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- ...Patrick. ;D

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- I'd, smile, say thank you, walk away, and while he's not looking, throw it in the trash.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Lick Subway. I LOVE SUBWAY... Zomby, eat flesh.

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~ Tell them to shove off.... then shoot them with magical unicorns

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- Y'ello

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~ Take some ham and beat him over the head. :3

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- Bored.

12. What do you think about this quiz? Dunno... I like pickles.

13. which do you prefer? -- I hate both.... but Harry Pooter I guess..

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Go to it, duh!

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? Feed him weasles.

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- Fire

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- Jump into the pool, then use mytical powers to tame them.

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- Patrick!! Just kiddin... ribunny123??

19. What is 152- 152? -- 58!!! I'm so smart. ;P

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) No. It smells like gum. I hate gum..... well, the quiz part was okay. x3

Wolves killed by humans > Humans killed by wolves. STOP IT. Put this in you signature if you love wolves.

1:01pm Aug 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 911

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Cat

2. What be your favorate color? -- Purple

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Omni

4. What is one plus one? -- One million xP

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- Whitterz

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- Say thanks, then throw it away when he's not looking.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Lick the subway floor, yummy.

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- hai gaiz.

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Put text here ;o)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- Because I was somewhat bored and it seemed interesting.

12. What do you think about this quiz? It's... interesting.

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book?

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Say "OMG" and then start dancing.

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? Pet him, then feed him some dog food.

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- Fire

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- Eat a raw shark *nom nom*

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- Tsunade, Niibs, and Bean.

19. What is 152- 152? -- -1. I'm a smarty.

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) I did.


3:38pm Aug 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Absolutely no "Murg," "Murgz," "Murga" or any other form of Murgy except for "Murgatraz," which really didn't catch well anyways. =/ So...call me Murgatraz. Or Murgy. I actually like being called my username.

2. What be your favorate color? -- Take a wild gander.

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- Definitely the azure anything. X3 But I do like Vogar.

4. What is one plus one? -- Oneone, stupid. o3o

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- Allen. He helped me boot the haxorz. And he's not biased at all.

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- Ask what he did to it.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Subway bathroom floor. I have a toothbrush and mouthwash handy.

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off (in the cl*censored*ic Murgy way)

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- "Howdy, ______" or "*roosts on profile* o3o"

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Ask him how the **** he got the house key. And yes, I censored myself.)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- I liek quizus.

12. What do you think about this quiz? Better than the "what's your favorite...?" quizzes.

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? HP, definitely.

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Wish I could enter. X3 I play a mean cha-cha.

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? See if there's one in the neighbor's house too.

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- Air. I'm a cardinal air sign. :3 And I've always preferred it anyways in roleplays and such.

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- Eat a raw shark. I can always get rid of it later.

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- Don't really have one.

19. What is 152- 152? -- A question.

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) Sure. X3


4:01am Aug 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? -- Kyree

2. What be your favorate color? -- RED

3. What is your favorate creatu? -- ooh a hard one.. hrm have to say meiko

4. What is one plus one? -- 11

5. Who is your favorate staff member? -- O_o !! <3

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? -- walk away with a smile and throw it away once im out of sight (im too nice for my own good :P )

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- jump off a cliff, at least i'd get a thrill out of ti before i died :P

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? -- Heya all

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Put text here ;o)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? -- seemed like somethign fun to do ^^ I was right

12. What do you think about this quiz? it's not a bad quiz

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? ERAGON!!! no competition!!

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? -- Watch, laugh, and eventually join

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? I'd probably say, "Oh my god i'm in heaven." And go to huggle it <-- dragon lover <3

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? -- if lightning counts as air, then air, if not, fire

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? -- jump in a pool of live man eating sharks, can't stand raw meat XD

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? -- Pippit!! XDD

19. What is 152- 152? -- hmm i think i remember this one... yea yea it has to be zero!! :P

20. Did you like this quiz? -- yup :)

Photobucket "Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."

5:53pm Aug 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 304
lol wow. ^^ Thanks for taking the quiz.


4:06pm Dec 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,556

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? --Kitten or kitteh (i dunnos thats what they kalls me)

2. What be your favorate color? --BLUE!

3. What is your favorate creatu? --mirabilis

4. What is one plus one? --Sevenhundredinfinty ebilia eggs

5. Who is your favorate staff member? --who are they again (pays no attention.)

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? --eat it and give him a flying frog who spits out 7000 moneys every day

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? --jump off a cliff cuz there is a sea turtle pond off the cliff

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

E. throw an omni egg at there face

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? --Iiz banned from the sb since i started :(

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (throw a cookie boomarang at his face)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? --cuz i wanted too

12. What do you think about this quiz?i likes it!

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book?

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? --dance like dance dance revolution (left right right left-50 chain up etc.)

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do?put a collar on it and keep it as a pet and name it drago

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? --water

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? --turn the raw shark to sushi and eat it

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? --i has one?

19. What is 152- 152? --negative 15000000

20. Did you like this quiz? --yes i get to express my randomness

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

6:30pm Dec 27 2009 (last edited on 6:33pm Dec 27 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 6,296

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res? --Full,Fullie, Moon, Monon

2. What be your favorate color? --Azure! 8DDD

3. What is your favorate creatu? --Uilus. Uilus all the way, ooh what fun, it is to ride in a Uilus drawn sleigh! Hey!

4. What is one plus one? --Uilus

5. Who is your favorate staff member? --Uilus

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? --I would give it to another person and watch them lick it.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? -- Lick a subway bathroom floor. I'd rather do that then die.

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?~~

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

E.Warn them that you'll call the police. XD

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? --Fullmoon in the house!~ Time to partay!

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Take his hat, and THEN Pull out some salami and beat him over the head, screaming "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!"

11.  Why did you take this quiz? --Because I am the boredest peron on the face of the four planets.

12. What do you think about this quiz?--I THINK IT IS TOTALLY AAWSOME!! 8DD plus I like beating The Mad Hatter over the head with salami. 

13. which do you prefer? -- Evada-cadabra! Do you know my answer?

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? --I will do the Can-can! 8D and win.

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do?-- Keep it then ride it to school the next day.

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? --Earth. 'Cuz then
I can summon ananimals. 8D

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks? --Jump in a pool of man-eating sharks. I'm not a man, I'm a woman, so they won't touch me.

18. Who is your "Bff"s on Res?--Sather, Cat, Cheesepoofs,DJdancer,Rib-bun-bun, and, uh, look at my profile.

19. What is 152- 152? --Uilus

20. Did you like this quiz? -- Duh! 8D



5:08am Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 5:17am Dec 28 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 243

1. What is the name you have people call you on Res?Gothic,or Goth, but i would like my own name, something nothing like my username XD

2. What be your favorate color? Currently, Orange

3. What is your favorate creatu? Easero

4. What is one plus one?  11

5. Who is your favorate staff member? Havent got one

6. What would you do if a homeless man gave you an icecream? Nab it, run round the back of the building, run upto him again, and shove it in his face. never know what desieses could be on there.

7. Would you rather... Jump off a cliff, or, lick a subway bathroom floor? Neither XD I ob

8. What do you do when a user bugs you to send them eggs?

A. Tell them to shove off

B. Politly tell them to stop

C. Ignore

D. Pull your hair out

9. What is the greeting you use when you enter the SB? Hai everyone! =p

10. What would you do if Mad Hatter showed up in your room at night?~~

A. Run screaming into the night

B. Pull out some salami and beat him over the head "TAKE THAT MAD HATTER!!!"

C. Eat his hat *nom-nom*

D. Other ??? (Put text here ;o)

11.  Why did you take this quiz? Something to p*censored* the time XD

12. What do you think about this quiz? Pretty Random

13. which do you prefer? -- HarryPotter book, or Eragon book? 

14. There is a random dancing compatition in town...What do you do? Run around the stage flailing my arms. Im sure to win!

15. There be a dragon in you house when you get home from school! ... What do you do? Hug it, bond with it, then keep it as a pet so i can rein doom down upon the filthy heads of my doomed enemies

16. Water, earth, fire, and air. What is your favorate element? Fire or Air. Can't choose

17. Would you rather... Eat a raw shark, or jump in a pool of live man eating sharks?I ob
ject once more! Neither

18. Who is your "Bff" on Res? hmm... i got a few, nekogirl, Ni, Frosty, Reubin...

19. What is 152- 152?  152

20. Did you like this quiz? -- (be honest) Yeh, i do ^^

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