Dream Machine

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9:27pm Jul 31 2009

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Posts: 775

My longest Wierdest dream:

Mad hatter broke into my house, I was super scared and I hid in the fridgerator, but then he opened up the frige and it was super scary. Then that whole dream transformed into a new dream where there were a bunch of garfield heads on bird bodies singing Be Happy. Then I realized everyone had gerfiel heads. I chased my grandma's dog to her house bcause she happened to be in my yard. Then I woke up.

Wolves killed by humans > Humans killed by wolves. STOP IT. Put this in you signature if you love wolves.

9:38pm Aug 2 2009

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Posts: 650
I dreamed that there was this creepy guy with a mustashe sungl*censored*es and a beret and he had a can of spray paint but it wasn't spray paint it was fire in a can... So yah he started spraying my family and burning them to crisps then he started chasing me around the table trying to spray me with his sprayfire

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1:00am Aug 8 2009

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Posts: 556
I once had a dream that a raw chicken went around running up to people on it's bone nubs and then sucking their skin and their organs out. I was 5 at the time.


10:49pm Aug 8 2009

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Posts: 13
I once had a weird dream after I watched freaky friday, then spent like five minuets afterwards staring at the DVD main menu. I dreamed I was in my house, then I went Outsid and everything was all frozen. Ther were these Ice sculpters all over my yard, they were Looney toons Ice sculpters, but the only one I saw was tweety. Then I went around my house to a storage building in the back, and when I opened the doors, There was this creepy blob thing that was wobboling and staring RIGHT at me. I think It was laughing. I'm pretty sure I woke up screaming!

Arrrg! I has no ideas how to puts a picture on heres!!!!!!!

3:45am Dec 20 2009

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Posts: 2,556

i once had three weird dreams at diffrent ages

1. i was chase by a giant purple tiger through an un ending blue background

2. we went to a hotel and went swimming and it stormed and we went in and there were bombs and we went from one of our two rooms to the other till they both were full of bombs and then we were stuck in the rain and thunder.(there were even bombs in the fridge)

3. an evil shaow man possed my mom and kidnapped us.

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

8:53pm Dec 20 2009

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Posts: 6

I had this dream when i was a 5 year old girl:

When i was little, i love My Little Pony. In the dream i had a MLP (My litle pony) shopping spree. There were MLPs on tables everywere. O_0 I got a few, then a got a robot MLP with On and OFF buttons. It started to walk around. 0______0

When i got home, i had about  25 MLPs! I started to jump like crazy. XDDDDDDDDD

THE END~And yes i was 5 at that time, so don't think that i just dreamed it last night.


9:04pm Dec 20 2009

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Posts: 2,556
Lol so you dont think my dreams are weird?

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

11:17pm Dec 20 2009

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Posts: 6,296
My weirdest dream was.... never mind, that one's inappropriate. My OTHEr wierd dream, was that, you know those carnivals where they have  these cave-thing with mirrors in them? Well, that was what ti was, but more like a spaceship, and endless. I was in a wierd space suit, holding a blaster-ray, and aliens were chasing after me. I was with my brother, too. It just went on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on..............................


10:34am Dec 21 2009

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Posts: 6

Kitten~ LOL all these dreams are super weird. Yours too! :D

Shep~ That dream is full of super randomnes! Lol.

Last night i had a dream that a robber came to my home and smashed the window.  Suddenly my mom jumps out with a stick and starts banging it on the robber's back??? Glad i woke up or it would have turned out violent. 0__0


4:36pm Dec 21 2009

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Posts: 2,556
Helen~wow that would have turned vilont but at least you wer'nt kidnapped by your own mom possed by a necromancer(yes i figured out they were a necromancer)

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

2:43pm Dec 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,556
recent dream ! i'm in a halfmilatary hallf mythbusters base fighting offf people with sticks and my weapon is a gun that shoots robots who carry little guns and will blow up at a point.it was awesome!(i've been watching too much mythbusters lately :P)

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!
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