Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

willing to pay 230k or more!!!!!

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10:57pm May 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 570

when i first joined Res, a friend of mine gave me two colored Ebilia's to start off with. one was a sepia, and the other was a lemon 0.0 o got them both for free because they were "brothers" (both hatched on the same day, one right after the other) and then the lemon was dyed only minutes later. i had a banner made with the two of them on it. the whole point of this thread is that it would seem that a while ago my account was hacked, costing me 3.5mil tu, a couple pets and even my precious lemon Ebilia :'( *cries* i'm offering ALL of the tu i currently have-231,815tu to anyone who can either find the lemon Ebilia named Shcizophrenia (spelled improperly on purpose) find me a CHEAP-FREE lemon Ebilia (as if the same miracle is gunna happen twice) or find a cheap lemon dye kit for me (for the last two options, i'll add more stuff/tu so that its not unbeleivably unacceptable)  I JUST WANT MY DREAM CREATU BACK!!!!! if you find him or have an alternate solution to this problem, then plz post, but Rmail me first so i don't miss it because i REALLY WANT HIM BACK!!!!!




11:49pm May 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 676
Shcizophrenia is now a black kayoki and it's with Windkeeper...


1:26am May 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

Luv-I already rmed him about all this.C:
I named the Kayoki that to see if that name was available...Which it was,meaning the name of the ebi was changed.


1:37am May 17 2009 (last edited on 1:39am May 17 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
There is no such thing as a cheap/free lemon ebilia. I lost a 3 million tu liyure, a very precious omni of mine and a few albinos during the hack. Deal with it. If you want something bad, work hard, don't grovel like an idiot.


Feel the love man D:<


11:09am May 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 570
 um excuse me but, i lost more than the above stated, whoever hacked my account still has access to it, even after i changed my password, nd there pocketing peoples pets and making it look like my fault! i'm being drained of hundreds of thousands of tu each day because this person keeps buying pets and convincing people to give them, like and albino Kioka or something, for my tiny amount of tu, and then they set up pets trades for these expensive pets and ship them off to other accounts (probably all their's) offering cheap natties, and then going back to my account and accepting it. they have some kind of secret black market of 0% pets running through my account, and the staff members have come after ME for it several times already. my warning is if i get "caught" doing it again, there is a possible ban in it for me... so i don't think i'm groveling like an idiot to get my STOLEN pets, tu, items AND FREE WILL BACK!


3:29pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 616
i sympothise with you. when my account got hacked a few months ago i lost several mil a gold liyure and a rose ebilia... best thing to do is just report it and move on. chances are you won't get them back. i wouldn't get my hopes up. and by the way change your password to something only you would know and don't tell anyone what it is.

7:39pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 570
you don't think i should get my hopes up??? i may not be getting Shcizophrenia back, but a VERY good friend of mine got a new Lemon Ebi for me ^^


1:41am May 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 58

i lost an albino easero in the hack.

nah jk. lol.

but i did lose a sepia ebilia

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