Art Contest o_o

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3:45pm Mar 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,848

ALRIGHT GUYS~  The contest is over.  <3

Well, It has been hard to choose the places, since I love all of the art.  ;o;  But I've decided this.

Third place~

 3mmique's picture
I really like the tail and her ex
pression in this one.  <3 
Second place~

Charmen's Picture.  8D
I like how she's flying. <3  The background and camouflage are <3 too.
First Place~

Salpal's Picture.  <3
I like her ex
pression, and now her paw is lifted up.  <3  I love how the eyes are too.

I loved ALL of the art that was entered, and I'll put them all on my profile so everyone can remember them forever.  <333  I LOVE YOU ALL.


4:26pm Mar 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,355


(Why am I always the first to congratz everyone, but I never get first myself?! D:)


9:57pm Mar 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 304

Congrats everyone :D


Thank you so much Ribun-bun ;-; <3

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