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8:53pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 9:05pm Jun 19 2011)

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And as a side note, every specifically mentioned character in there is a color. I was going to leave most of the text black and then highlight the characters' mentions in their respective colors, but. That looked a little tacky and didn't exactly work for the lightest one. xD
If I didn't make it obvious enough in the story, I guess ask who they are or something. o3o


9:07pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 10:25pm Jun 20 2011)


Posts: 910


9:10pm Jun 19 2011

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Posts: 1,679
Ack, Yosh!  -shivers-  Very cool, thanks for the entry! :3

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9:10pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 10:58pm Jun 20 2011)


Posts: 910

I did Yellow...c:

Yellow is a bright, happy, delightful color to most. But to others, what is it? To me, it's my life. My happiness. My sorrow.

It was a regular afternoon. Nothing special was taking place. I was on my way home from errands. Walking along my home street. It was sunny, hot, and exceptionally humid outside for a day in mid May. The street was usually filled with screaming kids having a great time, playing outside. But today, it was quiet. Too quiet. I saw a dark figure bolt accross the street. And heard an ear-splitting scream. The figure was wearing a black hat over his face and a black leater biking jacket. He approached me and I started to walk faster. Progressing into a sprint, trying to get to the safety of my home. I heard a loud CRACK and a bullet came spiralling towards me. I felt an unbelievable pain in my right shoulder. I fell on the burning asphault. I suddenly felt light-headed and drifted into a dark sleep...

I woke up to a very bright light and saw people crowding around me. My shoulder stung as if 1000 bees stung it multiple times all at the same time. My vision started to swirl black and white and I drifted off to sleep again. Just this time, I smelled flowers. I saw beautiful yellow flowers lit up by a glorious yellow light. I heard a charming voice explain "Return. It's not your time, yet..."

I saw the bright LED hospital light shining on my eyes again. My shoulder was numbed and I flet perfect. And relieved. Later that week, I was sent home, I had made a fast and great recovery. I did, however, lose the use of my right hand. Luckily, I'm a leftie. XDD

Ever since that day, I have been wearing the color yellow. May it be on an accessory, shirt, pants, socks, I do it every day. Yellow is my memory.Of the beautiful yellow flower garden that I saw in the yellow light, and the enchanting voice I heard. Ringing in my head as if it was that day.


9:12pm Jun 19 2011

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Posts: 1,679
And Katie, I like the entry!  But could you please resize it?  It's stretching the page.  And I need to know what color it's representing. ;3

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6:24pm Jun 20 2011

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7:01pm Jun 20 2011

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Posts: 3,828

This was actually rather hard. o_o
My entry is definitely lame, but the ocean and the sky were the things I used as a muse. xP
And I usedddd.

What is it, but the salt spray on your face as your fingers trail along the surface of the water? The waves crashing on the rocks and sending mist swirling around you. The sky overhead, painted with the same beauty as the water that loomed before you. Spanning out for miles, you see no break in the atmosphere. Hesitantly, you let your feet skim over the now gentle waves, the clouds parting overhead to reveal the sand and sea-life darting around in the pool of color.

You slip down into the water, shivering when it rises up to your waist. It is cold in itself, portrayed only through the tangent substance that is the ocean. You sigh and feel the tide is going back out as quickly as it had come. You lay down gently on the water, your pale body floating along the surface. Ripples span out from every small movement, making different shapes and splashing against the rocks.

The ocean tugs on you, pulling you through lighter spans of seawater. A tint of darkness stretches along the shore of sun-kissed light as you are pulled out deeper. You can feel the warmth on the surface, the rest of your body submerged and cold. Your eyes crack open and you glance up at the sky, the smell of the cool ocean breeze filling your nose and the sound of the water lapping gently in your ear.

A mirror image of the water is what you find in the sky. Lighter still was the sky, a canvas for the sun’s rays to color as it pleases. Your eyes wander over the dipping shades, puffy clouds cutting through the many hues stroking through the afternoon sky. Lazily, you stretch out farther, fingertips twitching slightly as more of the water slipped through your fingers.

Deep, it spanned below you. From the light of the sky, you find its opposite. Below you, you can feel the tides being pulled and the currents running below you. Where the light of the sun failed to reach, the colors began to spiral down the deeper you went. You pull yourself out of your float, suck in a deep breath, and submerge your face.

Shivering slightly, you dive down farther. Smooth is the liquid that curls around you as you push yourself through it. The light above you begins to disappear and you find your eyes focusing more on what is in front of you, your eyesight unable to see farther. You notice how just one area of water differs from another, the scales of fish bouncing different colors around in front of you. Still, you are overcome by the vastness of that one cold color, darker now that the sun’s rays cannot warm it.

Dots dance across your vision and you find yourself short of air. The pressure of the ocean suddenly becomes aware to you. Unforgiving, desolate, and lurid are the words that worm their way into your mind and seem to dance in the very place you gave their name. You kick through the water and feel a faint flare of hope as you rise to the surface.

You break free of the dark tendrils that cling to you, threatening to drag you down. Taking in a few gasping breaths, you open your eyes. Around you, the calm unthreatening surface lay. Above you, the leisure strokes painted in the sky. Below, you know there are the dark revelations of the water, explored only by a courageous few.

The riptide had pulled you nearer to shore and for that, you are thankful. Sodden and tired, you trudge your way through the murky depths and collapse onto the sand. Though exhausted and strained of the mind, you find yourself smiling. You force yourself to sit up and look back out to the water. The sun’s reflection shimmered over the surface of the water, giving it a light spark. You sigh when you picture the inky depths below and glance back up to the gleeful canvas of the sky above. Finally, you decide to set your gaze straight. In that one view, you see everything as it should be.

hello my name is elder price

7:13pm Jun 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 341
I'll enter! Not right now though, ^_^

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7:47pm Jun 20 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Rmailed because of the stretch. o^o

hello my name is elder price

9:02pm Jun 20 2011

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Posts: 1,679
Thanks, Shadow!  And I can't wait to see, Accelia! :D
Hmm, we need some more visual entries around here...tell your friends! ;O

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9:59pm Jun 20 2011 (last edited on 3:32am Jun 21 2011)

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Posts: 224

I did blue...it's digital and a little weird =P




10:22pm Jun 20 2011 (last edited on 10:32pm Jun 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Looks fine to me, Diamond!  Could you please resize it, though?  It's stretching the page. D:

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12:36am Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 3,642
... Would it be all right to do both a writing and a visual entry? I might, if it's allowed. xD


12:42am Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 1,679
Yeah Yosh, says so right in the rules thar. ;P

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3:33am Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 224
Sorry guys I resized it =)


10:00am Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 1,679
Thanks, Shattered!

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11:31am Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 11:41am Jun 21 2011)

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Posts: 3,828


I've decided on orange for a few reasons.
When I first started this, I was aiming toward yellow. Then it became unbalanced so I thought of red and added some crazy lines. Then that just overwhelmed it so I added something to balance it and I couldn't decide between yellow and red so I put the two together.
And chose
orange. lol ._.

Link to full size image.


hello my name is elder price

1:16pm Jun 21 2011 (last edited on 1:19pm Jun 21 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Very cool, Shadow! x3
You have until this Friday to notify me if you need an extension.  I'd like to give everyone a chance to participate, but I don't want to change the deadline last minute.  So, after Friday (a week before the deadline), I will not be changing the end date.  Please notify me before then if you think you will need more time!

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9:27pm Jun 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 400

Sunset: that's when they met,standing in a field, two strangers to eachother. The sky a color of summertime daisies and autumn leaves. The girl, a naive twenty-year old was running from her family, who were too demanding. They knew nothing of love, only money and its control. The boy, smart, loyal, individiual was running also from his family. They cared too little for him, not even calling when they heard he would be drafted in the military. Now it was 2 years later, and he was free, although he had changed: in a world full of love, he only knew hate. hunger. despair. Until he saw the girl, standing, back towards the sun. She was singing a song so lovely it could touch a murderer's cold, icy heart. Too much love in her soul, she had to let it go. He never knew such a thing could exist, and in wonder, he watched her sing. Minutes, then hours went by, until she finally turned around and reached for him. His cold, icy hands took hers; so opposite, so loving, forgiving, and strong. How had he lived for so long without this feeling? And there they stood like that, until finally, finally, he opened up and sang; singing loudly for the world to hear, hear him sing his feelings about his life and how he would not take it any longer. These two, totally different, opposite, but both needing each-other held hands and talked. Talked about their feelings, dreams, and hopes, until it was finally night, and the stars came out and glistened; glistened like the morning sunshine coming through a window or of sand at the beach, swaying ever so lightly under the current. Funny how one color can change so much.


I hope this isn't too lovey, but when I think of yellow, I think of warmth, love, sunsets, and stars, so I had to come up with a story that would do this one color justice. Thanks so much for reading! Hoped you enjoyed it~ Autumn

Selling a Bunch! c: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-name-clearout-/]

11:05pm Jun 21 2011

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Posts: 1,679
Excellent, Autumn!  Thanks you for the entry. C:

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