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6:13pm Feb 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 170
Just a quick concern. Lets say I've found a new user (about 20 days old) who already has 20+ calicos, Black CS, achromatics and other high value pets. How would that happen other than using multiple accounts? I have been playing for years and dont have nearly the net worth of pets that this new user has. Does a FBC reset a starting date by chance?

They're profile is completely bare other than the pets. No showroom, rancher or merchant shop, respals, etc.
Is this something i should just ignore? Please shoot me an rmail if you know the answer!

*8/15/17 still looking for 6 more mutants berroks*

11:35pm Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 8
Well I had someone give me all of their tu because they were quitting so I was able to get my dream creatu, a Liyure. While it's possible they could have been given those items from someone that was quitting or someone that's just a friend helping, it raises red flags though since they are only 20 days old. I would just ask a staff member to look into it and see if there is any funny business going on (:

8:08pm Feb 19 2014


Posts: 2,154
You can just open a support ticket and report it, it will be investigated thoroughly. There are plenty of users who obtain this much stuff legitimately, but there are plenty others who obtain it by cheating so it is worth checking out. You will always remain anonymous when reporting. 

You can find the link to Support Tickets at the top of your rmail inbox.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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