It's been a while...

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3:33am Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been back and boy does the site look completely different! Which is the reason for my thread. I find that I am completely lost while on this site. I have no idea where to go or what to do. I understand that all my previous pets starved to death and I guess in a way, that's understandable. But I find that all the items I've stored away is gone! 

Or at least, I don't know where they went. I had a storage full of items from before. Was there a site reboot? Are all those items lost? If not, where can I find this storage area where everything was before? 

Thank you in advance!

5:05am Feb 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
The site was not rebooted and there's really no reason for your items to be missing. They should all be where you left them.

You can access your Storage now through the Bank, which is still on Reiflem or you can click on the TU under your HA image on the Side Bar any place but the forums.

If you know things are supposed to be there, and they're not, you should try opening a Support Ticket for the missing items.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr
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