Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

v2 Res ideas!!

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9:41pm Dec 22 2008

Normal User

Posts: 38

Say “I agree" with the idea you agree with :)


Creatu names…


I think creatu should be allowed to have spaces in their names! I mean, why shouldn’t they? It would add much more names you could think of, and you wouldn’t have to jumble up two words together! I also think if a creatu has been dead for, say, 2-3 months, the name should be recycled. That way you won’t have to spend hours thinking of names! Users who let their creatu die shouldn’t be allowed to keep the names of creatu, especially when they don’t even care enough to get that creatu back! And when they do decide to rise their pet back from the dead, they have the consequences(which there should be) of choosing another name for their creatu.


Adoption Center…


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could look for some poor, abandoned creatu that you could buy, and choose what creatu you get too?  Instead of them being found randomly out in the wild. They wouldn’t be cheap, and all they creatu would have to be priced, but it would be a nice addition to Res in v2. That way people don’t have to keep releasing their creatu into the wild, they would know it is in a good home :) Or if that is too much t ask for, how about a delete creatu button, like the one in your inventory for items. Then the name and creatu’s existence is gone forever! Would be nice.


Banned Users…


Banned users should have all their pets put into an Adoption Center (if Patrick decides it’s a good idea to make one) or be recycled. Banned users can’t come back, so I see no reason they should keep their creatu or stuff and still be counted as a Res member when looking up creatu or items. They aren’t Res member anymore, and I am tired of seeing a creatu I really want, and then go to see the user’s profile, and see that they are banned. It also isn’t fair that they can keep their creatu, when they can’t even get back on to check on them. Users that are banned shouldn’t be recorded in Rescreatu’s history, and should be completely deleted from all memory!


If anyone here agrees with any of these posts, please say that you do! I want to see if any of these ideas are good enough to be considered for v2 J

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10:06pm Dec 22 2008

Normal User

Posts: 13

Creatu names & Banned users...

I'm alright with how it is. I mean, if Patrick decides to do this thats fine too, but I don't see it being absolutly nessecary to do so. I know that its hard to find a good name, but I find when I finally do find a name, that after a while, I start to like that name best out of all the ones that I tried. Mabye because no one else has picked it, and I've found my own unique name. (that or I'm just a weirdo xD)

Adoption center...

The Atqueen forest is basically the same thing. :/


10:14pm Dec 22 2008

Normal User

Posts: 23

I think that they should get rid of the Resurrection Quest, well it cool idea to retrive a dead pet. But if the pet dies then there names stays forever encase one wants to retrive it. and this allows users to have a more virity of names to choose.

And it's the users falt that they didn't pay enough attention to their creatu


10:37pm Dec 22 2008


Posts: 394
If a user gets banned in v2, dying will be working. If pets can die, they will in turn lose their names. So a pet that gets banned out of the game will eventually have it's name recycled.

4:42am Dec 23 2008

Normal User

Posts: 829

Lols, Patrick your evil XD

But yea I agree, there's lots of nice named that we cant use


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


8:43am Dec 23 2008 (last edited on 8:44am Dec 23 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 85

Ya know whats sad, when I look at all these great cool items, and the sort, like in the trades, and everything and I go to the users page to ask about them...and they're banned =(. All those items just go to waste T_T.


p.s. Especially if they never come/can come back. 

"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video) [] (Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).

10:23am Dec 23 2008

Normal User

Posts: 17
I like the idea of recycling dead pets names. Otherwise, I like names and the forrest as they are.

2:50pm Apr 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 127

well......wouldnt it be better if you choose between wanting to revive your pet and not to in a link? then the name should be recycled if you are not going to revive the pet.


7:06pm Apr 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 829

Ok, lemme post this after months.
For the creatu name, I dont think its a good idea. Why?
People will creatu creatu named like 'Love '. See the space there?
Other users could be ticked out of this >_.

As for adoption center, the forest does that.

And for banned user, I dont think we should do that.
For example 'Leik omg, an omni in the adoption center'
It be weird.


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


9:49pm Apr 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Here's why we can't have spaces...

One day I devised an ingenious way of getting any name I like. The plan was to put a space before the name and get it real easy. No one would notice!

So it's a good way of cheating.


Getting rid of dead creatu? May be a problem...

1) A person could be on holiday for a while. The person is a merchant (meaning they cannot stock it in their shop) and is going to go to the deepest depth of the Amozon (meaning no internet) for some exploring. The person dumps a genorous amount of food in the food pen to feed the fellas while the person is gone. However, this was not enough and all of them died. The person has about 10 pets and struggles to complete the quest (probably because this person was not a successful merchant). The person fails to complete 10 quests within a few months and all of them get deleted.

2) when they get them back they get consequences? No. That's just unfair. Having to re-name them? Jeez. What if it was a real good name (like 'End' or something). What if this amazing name was on a common nattie zenerix? That's just unreasonable to give them a consequence like that. 


Adoption centre...


1) Getting rid of the forest and making the pets buyable is no fun. One day Jooshy (JooshyPnut) threw a load of omnis and kiokas in the forest, saying "Have fun looking for them". The adoption centre just spoils the fun.

2) Thousands of dumbly named pets are thrown there. This is because they are unwanted. If they are unwanted, they won't be bought and they won't die. This will make the adoption centre a pointless place to go to and no one will go there. There willbe no way of getting rid of those pets and the number of dumbly named pets in the adoption centre will just increase evrey single day.

3) This sentence doesn't make sense:

"That way people don’t have to keep releasing their creatu into the wild, they would know it is in a good home :)"

Um... The forest is just a means of getting rid of pets you don't want. This adoption centre will not decrease the amount of pets that are thrown in. This is still a means of getting rid of an unwanted pet and people will still use it the same way as the forest. As I have mentioned earlier, most of the pets will be stuck there forever.


I don't agree with the delete button. I just think it's a dumb idea. It sort of spoils the point of this site being a game. 


However, I agree with the deleting dead user's accounts. Keeping them is just pointless.


Feel the love man D:<


3:40pm Apr 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 156

This looks useful!


12:00pm Apr 13 2009


Posts: 394
This just isn't going to happen. I don't want to see names like "B o b b y" around the game.
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