unsucessful/ more hatches

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8:23pm Jun 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 7

I hate it when my hatches are unsucessful.

I was thinking that maybe an usucessful hatch would not count toward your total.

This would be very beneficial to those of merchant status.

Also maybe a hatch card that will, when used, give you a free hatch for a certain days.

Maybe it would have charges and you would use it through the hatchery.


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8:53pm Jun 7 2012 (last edited on 8:56pm Jun 7 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
This is on the topics that are not up for discussion.
Failed Hatches not counting towards your daily total would mostly eliminate the purpose of hatches failing in the first place.

Increased hatch limit
As much as we all enjoy hatching new pets the daily hatch limit was put into place for very good reasons. The foremost being that each and
every hatch, although it may not seem like it, has a huge impact on the economy. The more hatches there are the less each creatu is worth, and the quicker names will become unavailable.

Rescreatu will not increase the hatch limit.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr
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