Stock Changes

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5:53pm Jul 4 2015 (last edited on 10:55pm Jul 4 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 923
As a player of stocks and a consumer of items and pets, I've noticed it's a bit more challenging to come by tu these days. Maybe that is what Pat had in mind, and this could just be a big waste of time but oh well.  Right now, stocks are easy to play and can create nice sources of tu. My issue is we can't buy or sell like In the real world. Yes I know, Rescreatu's stocks aren't supposed to work like the real world's, but I have a few ideas that could be implemented so that more users can have enough tu to buy the pets or items they want. 

I realize that if we were allowed to buy as many shares as we want per day, the amount of shares would dwindle down to nothing. If the amount of shares we could buy per day was increased to 100k or more, our portfolios could increase nicely. The issue would be if we were still only allowed to sell 50k shares, the amount of shares available would still shrink and stocks would become useless. 

I believe a solution to an increased amount of tu in the economy is to increase the amount of shares we can sell per day. Now I'm not sure if increasing them to 100k, 500k or just make it so we can sell as much as we want per day would be the best option. Yes people would sometimes make enormous amounts of tu per day, but they would most likely spend it so the economy benefits. 

Or, we could have one month per year where you can sell as many stocks as you want per day to keep the economy in balance. What do you guys think? Is the economy of Res good right now where it costs more than 25mil to buy an albino pet, 800mil for a regular albino CS and 2bil to buy a retired albino CS? 


8:45pm Jul 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 777
I don't support an increase. The stocks pop millions every day into the economy as is and If we were going to have a way to give people more tu. I would be more inclined to find a way to do so that doesn't rely entirely on luck to receive a high quantity all at once. An example of this would be greater rewards from questing. I remember when a couple of hundred thousand a day was easy to get via egg quest.

As for the price of albinos? I buy bino cs pets and haven't had to pay 2bil for one. The only time have seen that is when people price anything in their rancher at that 2.1bil number. The main battle is being lucky enough  that someone will hatch binos in general. The reason that a lot are high right now is there are not enough binos in general circulating to meet the demands of collectors and kir questers. 


10:53pm Jul 4 2015 (last edited on 10:54pm Jul 4 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 923
Thanks for the input! I do agree  that stocks already add to the economy. Maybe the reason there aren't many pets availible for less tu is that there are less people on daily than say 2 years ago. 

As for the albino CS, I meant to type 800mil for regular CS and 2bil for retired. I'll fix that now.


10:18pm Jul 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 156
This is the exact opposite of what the economy needs. Let me try to explain what's happened to the economy (and keep in mind this has been happening for years):

In a nutshell, the economy is amassing tu much faster than it can get rid of it. That means every day there is a growing amount of tu floating around in people's accounts. And that in turn means there is incredible inflation, because 100,000,000 tu simply doesn't mean so much anymore.

Now you might be thinking, "But flammable, I just spent 100,000,000 buying this creatu and now I'm broke. How can you say 100m doesn't mean anything?" Well, where did that 100,000,000 go? It just went to another user, so it's still floating around in the economy. Now imagine this scenario: you buy a pet from another user for 100m. That user goes and buys a pet from another user using that 100m. Then that other user goes and buys a pet from yet another user. The tu is just changing pockets, but it's still there, and so pets can reasonably sell at that price. Now imagine, for the sake of argument, if that second user were able to buy a creatu for 100m from an NPC. Then that tu disappears - poof! The cycle ends right there.

The problem is that Rescreatu doesn't have enough of these "poof" opportunities - tu sinks as they are called. NPC shops and the credit shop are really the only major tu sinks I can think of. The credit shop is probably the biggest, but how many people dump tu into that vs cash? The problem is probably exacerbated by the fact that most thing in the credit shop can now only be bought using cash. I also don't count stocks or the springs because the gains from those ultimately negate the losses. 

On the other hand, there is a metric crap-ton of tu coming into the economy every day thanks to stocks. Stocks are so low-risk/high-gain it's not even funny. With a single good sell I can pull in upwards of 25-30m tu. If there are 50 other people as lucky as me that day, that's potentially 1.5 billion tu just magically appearing into the economy, in *one* day. And where does it go? likely nowhere. It stays in the economy. 

The prices these days are the result of years of this same unchanging economic model. Another problem is that for users who don't know how to use the stocks, their only method of making significant tu is luck of the hatch/name. Pet prices won't go down, because people are able to buy pets at these prices because there is so much tu, but those with the most tu are those who use stocks. So for those who don't use stocks, these prices seem impossibly high.

(I'm a little drunk right now so i hope this was all coherent enough)

I might be talking out my ass a little because I obviously don't have any hard numbers or statistics, but I think the Rescreatu economy has been around long enough and is simple enough to be able to draw such conclusions through observation/induction. 

To reiterate, astronomically high prices do not mean we need to introduce more tu into the economy. It means that there's already too much tu, or people wouldn't be able to sell at prices that high. A good long term plan for Rescreatu's economy would probably look something like: nerfing stock gains, introducting more tu sinks (parties plz?), and introducing more varied ways of earning tu. 

Also, good pets/items are always going to be hard to get, and that's how it should be.

10:31am Jul 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 923
Holy crap Flammable why do you make so much sense? I was looking at the situation from the wrong point  of view I guess. Llama also was right so thanks you two for clearing up the situation. I'll ask for this thread to be deleted or maybe it can stay up for everyone else who is curious about the stocks and economic situation. 
Again, thanks Flammable and Llama. I've changed the way I look at this now :)

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