Ranchershop - Alphabetical Listing?

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5:44pm Dec 6 2009 (last edited on 5:47pm Dec 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 300

This is probably my biggest pet peeve when it comes to searching for pets in the rancher shop. Let's say I find a pet called "Squidly" that I want in the Search Pets option. I click on the ranchershop, and what do I come to? One hundred pages of creatu, and look! The owner of the shop hasn't categorized them. Now I have to wade through all those pages to find the name that I want. I think it might be nice if we could click something that would alphabetize the names so we could more easily locate the name we want. Maybe that's just me being lazy, but it'd be nice. D|;

Edit: Crap. Just saw that someone already posted this argument. 8D; DISREGARD ME, lol. <3;;;

Luckysquid is unpacking from her move!
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