Pet Inventory?

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1:29am Nov 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 237
Suggesting this idea.
I would like this idea implemented sometime in the future. 
I would like the option to have your creatu hold up to 3 items.
The option could be accessed by selecting a 'Hold Item' option on the pet's page.
From there you can select up to 3 items from your inventory to have your creatu hold.
It could be a food item that you'd consider them to like. It could be a squishy of them, or even a toy. Anything.
For example. My lemon zenirix, Heritor, could have the option to hold a [any color] zenirix squishy, a cookie, or a book.
You can even use the items from the creatu's inventory as you would just like your own inventory.

Anyone like this idea?


2:23am Jan 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
It's a nice thought, but it doesn't really seem to have a purpose. :( I think it would just be too much extra stuff, each pet (with most users having several hundred) having their own inventory. No support.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
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