Notice re: Maximum Tu on Hand

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5:50pm Sep 3 2012 (last edited on 10:33am Sep 4 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 338
I'd like to suggest placing a small note on the Bank page and on the Shop Till pages regarding the maximum amount of Tu allowed on hand (2,147,483,647).  Apparently, if I had this much on hand (or close to it) and pulled out 50 mil from my Shop Till, the amount over the 2,147,483,647 just goes *poof.*  I've been told that we won't be reimbursed for the lost Tu if we are clueless to this limit, have it on hand, and then pull money from our Till.

**Note:  As it stands right now, I don't feel that the above situation is user-error (for which I don't support Staff "fixes"). It doesn't seem fair to not reimburse for the loss if there's nothing posted anywhere about a Tu limit/max.  It seems to be just arbitrarily penalizing someone for making "too much" Tu. 

If there's not something already posted somewhere that I missed, I think it would only be fair to add a simple text line to three site pages (again: Bank and Shop Tills).  There may not be a lot of users with that much Tu, so it doesn't warrant a whole Site Update or even some kind of pop-up warning.  Add the text warning, and then it's user error if it happens (and that provides a legitimate reason to not reimburse the lost Tu).

*Edited for formatting craziness.  XD

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