No expiration on Threads in Suggestions Forum

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11:23am May 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 857
Currently, necroposting is not allowed on any forums, but I don't think that should apply to the posts here in Suggestions.

A few reasons:

Suggestions is a much slower-moving forum than many of the others.

I've seen many examples of users re-creating the same suggestion over and over and over, instead of being allowed to post their support/non-support on an already existing suggestion. It's very messy and confusing.

A suggestion should never really expire, unless it is something that has already been stated won't happen, or is offensive, in which case the thread should be locked.

6:16pm May 2 2014


Posts: 2,156
Actually the necroposting rule is needed more in suggestions than any other forum.

I'm completely open to discussing a change in the number of days before a thread should be considered expired though. =)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

11:57pm May 2 2014 (last edited on 11:25am May 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 857
"Actually the necroposting rule is needed more in suggestions than any other forum."

That's kind of what I mean though. Suggestions is really slow moving. Users don't seem to come here to read/post nearly as often as say, Sales, so the time between posts is very long. It would be nice if there was a lot more time (or infinite time) allowed between posts here, to give the people who eventually wander in here a chance to respond to an idea.

Here's a recent example:
(no offense to anyone involved) This post was created 3/10/14, but no one responded to it until 4/29/14. It was locked the same day for necroposting. Granted, one of the suggestions was on the Topics not open for debate list, but that wasn't what it was locked for, and there was a separate valid suggestion in the same thread.

Also, I feel ideas shouldn't have an expiration date. A suggestion made by a user 2 years ago should be just as valid and discussion-worthy as one made today. If someone wants to add something to it, or discuss it, or lend support/opposition to it, I think they should be able to.

(Unless I'm understanding the purpose of Suggestions incorrectly-I see
it as a place where users can make suggestions and then discuss/vote
whether or not they are good. Or is it more like just a suggestion drop
box, where you make the suggestion once and then it's not supposed to be discussed?)

11:18am May 3 2014 (last edited on 11:19am May 3 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
The purpose behind Necroposting is the idea that "If a thread dies, there's a reason for it." So, especially for suggestions, when a Suggestion Thread dies it probably means the idea has been settled in some way, or no one posted on it, etc etc. This is why it is even more necessary in Suggestions Threads than in other forums.

So really, when a suggestion was made 2 years ago, no, I don't think it's worth bringing the SAME suggestion back-- because it died for a reason. If the suggestion got enough support it may have been implemented; if not, then it obviously didn't.

If a user wants to make the same suggestion, there's no harm in that, because new eyes might see it. In fact, I think that's much better than digging up OLD threads. Sifting through them to find the one you want to add to would be really tedious. :) No harm at all in making a new one.

(Also in your second example, the two were over a month apart. February is between January and March. :P)

No support from me. There is a reason for this rule. However, like Broken, a change in the number of days before it's considered necroposting wouldn't be that bad. ^^

EDIT: And it's worth mentioning that not every forum has a necroposting limit! The fanclubs forum does not. c:

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:41pm May 3 2014

Normal User

Posts: 777
Im neutral. I think in general, just not enough people actively come to suggest things or even leave much in the way of site feedback. So personally I think we need to find a way to give people more of a push or an incentive into leaving feedback and suggesting.


11:40am May 4 2014 (last edited on 11:53am May 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 857
Oops thanks Dust, I read that one wrong. I removed it.

I took this idea from another pet site I play where there is no expiration on their suggestions thread. Some suggestions are posted on for years and many of the older suggestions that gained a large amount of support were finally implemented. I like that system because it gives time for everyone to see it and post on it, and even add to or expand on that suggestion. If a user posts the same suggestion, the mods actually refer them to the older post and lock the new thread. I just think it's a much better system because it keeps all discussion of that particular idea on one specific thread and people can talk at length about it. When there is a suggestion that is unpopular, it dies of its own accord anyway, or with the OP conceding defeat and editing the first post to say "closed" so there aren't every any bad old suggestions remaining on the first page.

I made a few suggestions a while back that got some good support, but no one has posted on them in a long time. I would like to bump it and have a newer audience look at it, but if I did I would be necroposting. Similarly, I have seen a few older suggestions (not my own) I would like to support, but I can not, because the threads are now too old to post on. It seems silly to have to re-create the same topic when there is a perfectly good thread already in existence.

Fanclubs and necroposting:

The Fan Clubs forum is the only forum
 in which necroposting is allowed. Because of this, only ONE thread is
allowed per topic or subject. Duplicate fan clubs will be locked and
eventually deleted."

This is exactly what I'm suggesting we do for Suggestions. One thread allowed per topic. And people can feel free to discuss it at length, with the only exception being the topics not open for discussion (which should be locked).

We have the "List of Suggested Ideas [So people don't repeat already suggested ideas]", but have you looked at that thread lately? It's extremely long and impossible, really, to discuss any individual one of the suggestions on that thread, with so much going on there. Not to mention it must be a real pain for anybody to keep it up to date and organized. It is nice, but it does not allow for discussion/support/non-support and falls out of date rather quickly.

8:45am May 7 2014


Posts: 2,156
Just a quick FYI: The owner of a thread can post on it beyond the necroposting limit. If it is locked, the owner can request that it be unlocked. I'm not sure what happened to the post letting this be known, or if it just didn't get updated in this forum or what...but it is okay to do.

I still feel like there is a need for a limit, but this and potential changes are being discussed among staff right now because there are some valid points here. Just wanted to let you know.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:44am May 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 857
Cool thanks :)
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