New Creatu Available on One of the Planets

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6:25am Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713

Finally someone who agrees with me! I know TU is super easy to earn but to earn 20 million in one month or a little less or more is a LONG shot when everyone does not buy from you! 

I've never been rich over 5 million! I gave away my only albino to hatch a cs egg! For those of you who as soon as CS come out you go buy buy buy buy buy! then you sell them and get 20 million for credits! then you  have MORE eggs!

There should be a way for users who have never hatched many CS eggs to get to them more easily! cause once they are out then they are basically IMPOSSIBLE to buy! 


6:37am Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,141
Rainbow. That's the point of CS eggs. They're supposed to be hard to get and Eggs, still in the CS, run for a little over 7mil. It's possible to get the eggs if you focus on the hard egg quest or get lucky hatches. Or you could just fork over the 20 dollars and support the site.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

7:02am Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
No support for reasons stated. CS pets are supposed to be exclusive, not found.


11:57am Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 218
CS eggs should still be bought to help support the site, but i agree that they should add some new creatu on the planets. it makes it a bit more fun i think? XD although its already hard enough to collect all the different colors of creatu XD

6:19pm Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220
What Patrick said sounds much better. Ren, please don't say what you're not 100% percent sure that it is true.

By Me
I'm Feline♥

8:28pm Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 502
Well at the time I was 100 percent sure o_o I already apologized, I can't do much more than that.


11:09pm Aug 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 556

All you have to have to make tu on rescreatu is some patience. If you guys are so concerned with earning tu ask how some of the richer players did it. Many of them will be happy to help. That's how I learned and it wasn't like I had any special connection to them. I can make 20 million tu without doing anything but sit on my butt. Though I did have to save and actually play games to build up a starting fund (although I got a lot of tu with only 200k but that was luck) but really if you save 6 or 7 mill you can make 20mill really easily. And if you play the quest games everyday you can make about 100k a day.

 My Point is CS eggs are not unobtainable at all. I'm not a huge gamer either and I made a lot of tu. You guys just need to stop and think about it and ask around. 


6:20am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713

easy for you to say! you once had 20 million! imagine having o WORK for that money! by the time I get up to 5 million CS is out! no more eggs! 



8:16am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 218
Actually Rainbow, if you never spent your Tu on other pets and eggs, im sure you would get 20 mil eventually, and you can buy eggs seperately from another player, i got my Haberisar egg for 4 mil and an aerix, and they were selling it for 6-7.5 mil. pure :D Ive never had 20 mil and ive hatched two CS :)

8:36am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713
well still easy for you to say! CS comes easy to people who can go out spend 100 real money on the eggs then sell sell sell sell sell sell and have 40 million and suddenly be rich and have like 8 CS pets! 

9:06am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 556

Yes it is easy for me to say rainbow, and it's easy to say for a lot of people. This game is incredibly easy.I've had over 170 mill, but I spent it on others pets to give to kir. And I said I had to work to get tu. I did quests, mostly to pay for dye kits but that wasn't the best use of my money but still I saved and eventually bought some stocks as vahla tu. I had to wait like one month but really it wasn't long.

And to those who pay real money, some of those people have jobs that they work for to get that money. Yes some may get money from their parents but it is really hard to justify spending that to parents right now.


9:29am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 218
Again rainbow, i dont spend real money on Res. I have 5 CS pets, the highest amount of Tu ive ever had was 15 mil, so it shouldnt be that hard. The site needs money to operate, so CS pets are a must have practically.

9:53am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,713

lucky you! I've never reached 5 million! 

I mean I am lucky I have 3 CS pets i  got 2 free and hatched one!

I'm just trying to stress how some users are spoiled! They hatch 20 CS eggs they all come out natural so they complain and sell them all and hatchch more and more and more! I would LOVE to do that! but first I need people to LOOK and buy my pets and the things I sell! I once had 1 million I put it in the bank and suddenly it dropped! To 700k! I had no idea what happened to it!  


10:46am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,141

I don't think it's fair to call any user spoiled. Some people have better pets than others and are able to get more CS pets. In fact, you're "spoiled" because you have retired CS pets and are still complaining about not being able to get the ones that are on a cycle while there are still plenty of users busting their butts to try and get them. :/

And of course people are going to be disappointed if they hatch 20 nattie CS pets. Unless they're a hardcore player and earned all that tu themselves, they just spent over a hundred bucks. I'd be plenty disappointed as well.

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

11:25am Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 502

I think we could all just agree to disagree.

Obviously rainbow is too stubborn to see it any other way, so just let it be.


11:50am Aug 17 2010

In Training

Posts: 355

The people hatching 20+ CS eggs are usually throwing money at the site.  20 CS eggs is over $100USD going into the site! If it were not for those users spending money, you would not have such a nice game to play. We don't want people buying a lot of CS pets with tu; the idea is that CS pets raise funds to support the site. Users should be grateful the option is available at all!

If CS pets are found difficult to obtain though normal game play, good, that is exactly what they are intended to be. Not every user can get every pet and that is also as intended. If any users are 'spoiled' it's the ones that expect achievements in this game to be easy!

Anyway, back to to topic of this thread: As Pat said, new planet pets released easily and through more difficult features will be added to the game. Several new pets are already being worked on, and there are quite a few unrealized concepts planed. It's gonna rock.

CS releases will also be slowing down. We know it's hard on even paying players to purchase a new set of pets every month, but we had to get the system started.


2:24pm Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
first of all, i agree with rainbow.. not that im saying everyone else is wrong but i think it would be nice to have at least ONE new creatu on the planets. as for the older players helping newer ones, the ideas never work. everyone tells me to buy stocks but when i do, i LOSE my tu instead of gain it. my portfolio is currently worth 2k. not enough to buy me credits. 

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

2:26pm Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
oh, and i think we should have a seasonal in atquati

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

7:32pm Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 556
Then you're not buying the right stock Timberwolf. Takes screenshots of the stocks each reset for 2 weeks and you'll learn which ones to buy.


8:59am Aug 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,141

For those asking for new creatu, have you noticed all the revamps lately? It practically is like we're getting a bunch of new creatu. Judging from the comments, there are a lot of people who disliked the Aukira and are now hunting them because they look awesome now. *w*

And also I like the idea of pets that you don't have to pay for, but have to do more than just refresh a planet a couple hundred times. So I'm looking forward to that since it'll keep Res interesting for me <3 

I still think Atquati needs a seasonal though *cough* but the only wide-spread holiday I can really think of is Saint Patric's Day and that'd be more of a Relcore pet. :/ Although I'd like to see that o_o *puts on to-do list*

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.
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