More Involved Userbase

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3:41pm Aug 16 2014 (last edited on 5:34pm Aug 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
I remember a few years ago when users were really part of the process in the making/coming up events and items. We got little hints such as silhouettes or we got to name the creatu (Drachid!). The time before the Kir quest gave us little random events where we saw the shadows of Ivik, which caused a brief phase where people made art of the Pqsha and a lot of excitement on the SB causing everyone to wonder what was going to happen!! The userbase was involved in what Res did.

But nowadays, things have changed. We're surprised by events and don't really get to suggest what we as users would like to see. Some of these obviously aren't possible at this point, such as the battle system and such, and we obviously can't incorporate the users so much that they know every part of the planning process, because that's a problem with liability.

It'd also help get rid of numerous rumors about the staff and how things run around here. A lot of us are unsure exactly what's going on and sometimes get tired of very rare updates about how "things are in process". I know that for liability reasons, once again, staff can't say exactly what's being planned, but maybe just a little hint or a very general thing??? Example:

"We've been working very hard for you guys and figured you should get an update on behind the scenes!!! We're planning a new event to be released sometime in the near future with some unique prizes, and artists are working on clothes the users have been wanting for quite a while. Thank you for sticking around with us, and we can't wait to host the event!! 

PS: Rumor has it that a star has been growing ever brighter on Reiflem's horizon..."

Something like that!! Not anything too specific, but enough to let users know that things ARE in the works and giving a basic overview saying "Hey, we can't tell you exactly what's being planned, but here's a little hint for you guys to play around with in the meantime!" 

If any other users  have an idea on how to incorporate the users more, or staff members who can comment on how we could refine this suggestion to be a better fit/be possible, please add to this thread!!

Llama suggested that NPCs could come into the SB and hint at the next event coming up, similar as to how Xespa and Xoria would come into the SB and argue last Halloween.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

4:00pm Aug 16 2014 (last edited on 4:24pm Aug 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652
I support this.
I Remember when the drachid was gonna be released there was a little poem in a banner with a silouette and such. It made a lot of people talk about it and some people were really excited, others not so much(Because spider..). But you know what im talking about.
I believe the issue is the bad timing (or lack of time) and the number of staff actually able to make updates. And if that's it, I hope hiring new CM helps the issue.
The kind of updates like the one you made as example actually do get the community involved and hyper haha. Heck even that one update made to apologize for the lack of events was a great hopes up for the community!
I really think this would help kill those rumors such as: nothing gets done behind the scenes.

Just yesterday a lot of users were talking about what they would like to see happening for res' 10 year anniversary. And even though a lot of the ideas were not something completely new (mechanic wise) Many users were actually pretty excited about them. The userbase has some pretty sweet ideas that could make the site  great.


4:13pm Aug 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 777
I support this. How about NPCs coming on the sb or making a blog post hinting towards a future plot/event?


4:28pm Aug 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 652
llama's idea is actually kind of fun. I wonder if npc's can posts blogs tho lol


5:24pm Aug 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
Llama's idea does sound fun!! Kind of like how Xoria and Xespa would have fights in the SB last Halloween.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

5:31pm Aug 16 2014 (last edited on 5:32pm Aug 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 777
Commence operation ship Faheem and Aahna... xD


10:46am Aug 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
I completely agree. Looking at other sites that do that, it really gets the userbase participating and excited to see what will happen. Plus letting users know something is actually happening whether they can see it or not would obviously be very beneficial as we seem to have quite a few users losing faith.


9:58am Aug 21 2014 (last edited on 9:58am Aug 21 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 652
I was also thinking..What if, with this implemented, maybe staff can be a little more flexible about the "no spoilers" rule with the unintentional easter eggs that sometimes we find around the site?
Let me expand: It has been a couple of times I find new items in the Dream Builder or in squishy shelf/etc. And I just can't share them with other players cause staff have told me it's considered spoilers. Well. If there are gonna be intentional teasers, why not let people enjoy the little spoilers they find? It gives the userbase something to look forward to. It's not like we know how those will be obtainable. It might even motivate the userbase to participate in the events more.
And the reason i say "more flexibility" instead of stopping completely it's because I know there's still some stuff that ought to remain as surprises. Sadly I don't know where the line between allowed spoilers and surprises could be drawn, I fail to provide my input there.


7:34pm Aug 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Supports all the way~ :D
I'd like to have some involvement in the Events ;u; Even just a tiny bit ^o^

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