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9:47am May 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

i was thinking that maybe this could help the economy for rancher's a little bit... 

i think that the only way to get an egg is to buy eggs from ranchers. They could breed their pets to make the eggs. They would either keep them for themself, or put it in the public incubator. Then when someone is looking for a particular pet breed, they could go to a rancher shop that sells that egg. They would go to a ranch and put an egg onhold for them to buy later when its ready to hatch or they could take it then i guess.

ranchers could maybe pick maybe three pet breeds that they wanted to breed. (ex. mieko, tesuri, and gondra.) they could only breed one particular pet once and then they would have to wait a certain time limite before they could breed that same pet again.And the pet pet would have to be a certain age to breed them, thus making the r-rays more valuable as well.

and the color of the pets they breed would influence the outcome of the creatu inside. (ex. if one was silver and one was black the buyer would have a better chance hatching a black or a silver than any other color. But the outcome would still be random, meaning it could come out nattie anyway.)

i realize that you guys have put a great deal into this site already. And you've got tons of stuff on your minds already. This would also make the site more appealing to a new range of people as well. I f you like the idea it isn't set in stone of course, and it can be changed and diced and sliced and whatever. Just a suggestion.


here is something that might help server space.

cold and i think that the collections are a little messy. Instead of having pages and pages of collections, why not list them in alphabetical order on 2 or 3 pages? Instead of 10 or 11. And also, there are some collections that not even the richest people of rescreatu could do. Not even billybob or patrick themselves. Because in some of the collections are items that where never released. So it is vertually impossible to do.

((unless you release these certain items for a limited amount of time???))




collected pet color collections.

lately, many people have been completeing pet color collections. And once they finally complete a well earned collection, they show it off on thier profiles for a while. Then it is on to the next one. I was thinking, maybe you don't have to forget that you completed a pet color collection to move on to another. There should be a list or something in the showcases or user profiles saying what pet color collectiopns thaty have or have not completed.


online icons!

there should be a diffrent way to tell if someone is online instead of searching threw a long list. Risking accidently p*censored*ing over someone's name and thinking that they are off. I think that there should be some kind of icon or sopmething that says "online!" or "offline!"it should be on their profiles,forum signatures, blogs, auctions, everything! Everything that shows their existence on rescreatu. that may also help server space by getting rid of the 'users online' page.

these are all just suggestions and i know that you staff members and patrick have already put so much hard working hours into making this the best web site on the web. You're all doing a great job, and i'm sure that i'm not the only person that is proud to play on this wonderful web site myself. I thought that some of thses suggestions would help the site out a little bit, and make playing more interesting. please post your comments and little changes to what i have already said hee myself. You too staff!




Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

8:12pm May 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

there are many flaws in this.

1) with the 'merchants can only get eggs by buying them off ranchers' thing is not very well thought out. They will miss out on seasonal eggs, and you know how expensive those eggs are. Remember, not all merchants are rich.

2) the '3 species breed' thing has a very obvious flaw. If a rancher picked omni, kioka and liyure, well... I don't have to explain, it's obvious.

3) again, with the 'colours of parents influencing the baby', it also has a very obvious flaw. Albino + albino? Seriously, res will never move to a breeding system. It's stupid and has too many flaws.

4) the online thing may cause a problem because some people forget (or don't bother) to log out. So we have a 'active in the last 5 minutes' system, so everybody in the sb will have that symbol. No one will know whether the person is off until that person is gone for 5 minutes, but if the person is off for 5 minutes, it's kinda obvious they're not on.


Feel the love man D:<


12:09pm May 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2
I think patrick said rescreatu will never have a breeding feature, or at least he said something similar to that.

I am not a goth or emo, I am me. I like the dark, and the color black, but no one should label me. I do well in school and that's all that really matters. I plan to be the best I can be, and no one can stop me.

3:46pm May 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 74

kind of like this... Public incubater thing
considering the amount of ranchers around... Shouldn't be so much of a prob?
but might be kinda mean to close other cl*censored*es -totally- from finding own eggs.

-parents influencing child outcome -
would make some colors less valuable as they are already... If you breed just blonde and blonde or albino and albino... Also, what would happen if bred with a dyed creatu? :/

online icons- no, just no please...
just use the "user online" list to find someone... R-mail and it won't be so important if that one is on right now at all.
i don't want to be known online all the time, and everywhere... I like my silence when i'm not in chat. Usually i'm save from mails then even. :p

Keep in mind: Artist =/= Magican

12:24pm May 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 120
I feel pretty much the same as ping when it comes to 'breeding' features.. For all the reasons s/he stated. I also disagree with an online/ offline feature because some users prefer their privacy. If anything it should be optional - not something the player has no choice about displaying.  also there's no need for it to be everywhere possible, profile only is sufficient enough.


10:02pm Jun 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

well thnaks for looking! ^^ i said these things could be changed to do whatever whenever. No one has said anything about the pet color collections list. 



Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:35pm Jun 2 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

there should never be breeding of creatu.  and there won't be.  patrick has said so himself.

i don't really want someone to know i'm online at times.  i don't like that.  its something of an invasion of privacy.

creatu collections can already be displayed in the showroom. You've got 15 categories for pets.  you can sort them that way.  

i happen to agree with a list for collections rather than having to sort through pages and pages of them in order to find the one you're looking for, but right now i'd prefer them to actually remove the stuff from my inventory rather than cluttering it up... And fix the fact that collections are removing books from my library rather than my inventory as well.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
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