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7:35pm Mar 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
If using the numbers 1 and 2 is counted as chatspeak, mathematics would be full of chatspeak.


Feel the love man D:<


12:00pm Mar 9 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,314


I agree with this idea, Geo. 

I don't like chatspeak. It hurts my eyes. Not to mention that half of the time it doesn't make sense. I didn't know what 'brb' meant until someone informed me, so half of my time on MSN was mainly me going "Uh? What does that mean? And that?". And I'm so used to writing properly, I find it hard to use chatspeak, as I'm so used to typing quickly. 

I think that lol, rofl ect ect are acceptable. Everyone uses them, nobody never has. But using 'u' instead of 'you' is just lazy. End of. Sure, if you've got to write a long text message, I suppose it's fine to use 'u' sometimes, if you're rushing. But on a computer, on the Forum, Shoutbox, or something similar? Nupe.

I don't think that using number instead of words is so bad. It won't hurt to write 1 or 2, although I agree that using letters is sometimes better - especially in a formal letter or something. Gah, I'm not sure - both of them seem OK enough to me. But, I'll go ahead and say this - I don't think that numbers counts as serious chatspeak.:)

And, of course, the punctuation bit. It can be just as annoying as lack of proper words, seeing a sentence without full stops ect.

All in all, I agree with making the "Literacy rule" more noticable. :3


2:52am Mar 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I would have to say abbreviations 'wtf' and 'lmao' should be considered inappropriate. The unabbreviated forms of those are not appropriate for a site like this.


Feel the love man D:<


3:31am Mar 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 194

I agree. Here are my reasons:
1) Wasn't chatspeak/text talk invented to save money when you're texting people and running low on credit?
2) It takes me ages to figure out what people are saying and I generally just ignore them completely.                                                                                                                                                           3)It can't take that much longer to type an extra two or three letters eg.* 'You' and 'U'           4) CHATSPEAK ANNOYS ME! (sorry but I couldn't think of anything else)

However, I think things like 'brb' are OK if you are in a rush or something. That doesn't mean I like it, I just think it's more acceptable than 'c u gyz l8r im in a rush'.

* eg. is a shortened version of example I am not trying to chatspeak.


3:47am Mar 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

I think capital letters and proper punctuation should be encouraged as well.

By the way, I do not use any form of chatspeak whatsoever. I don't even use the average 'lol' or anything similar. I think life without chatspeak is live-able.


Feel the love man D:<

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