Gripe: "Monthly" Achromatics

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3:18pm May 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 314
Soooo... I've been quite annoyed at how achros are being released lately.

For one, there were no achros released for the month of April. None.
It's May 7th already, and there still haven't been any new achros since the month of February.

I was under the impression that achromatic pets were available to be hatched for the month in which they are released. It seems like a very easy system, so why isn't it being used?

I motion to have the monthly achromatic creatu released on the 1st day of the month, every month.
That way, the system is organized and stays true to its word.


7:49pm May 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
I am sure they try to keep them rolling out at a steady pace. 
However they are probably busy with other things as well. 
Personally, I would rather have quality art that is fully finished than art that is rushed out.

Besides, achromatic pets are more of a privilege, not a right.


8:21pm May 7 2012 (last edited on 8:22pm May 7 2012)


Posts: 2,154
Christine is right, the pets can't be released if the art isn't done.

Once all of the pet art is done, rotating them monthly shouldn't be an issue.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:03am May 8 2012

In Training

Posts: 355
Sometimes when we have a lot of new things we're working, little projects get eclipsed.
Sorry for the hic-up of the usual Achromatic release. It is understandably disappointing when something you look forward to doesn't happen. :C
Monthly Achromatic hatches are a permanent feature of the game and pet will continuously rotate through. Once production and initial releases are established a more consistent release plan can be expected.


11:21am Jun 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

I was kinda disappointed when i saved up my easero eggs for so long..
I finally had patience to do that ;0; And then, even the next month of the hunt, 
achro easeros didnt come 8I But yeah, waiting for next year and new eggs.. >u<

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