disable Musik in shops (please?)

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6:54pm Aug 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 74

I'd love if music or playlist codes where blocked from shop discribtions.
I'm fine with music on profiles or galleries, but in shops it's just realy unnerving.


Imagine... you look in the search for nice pet, find one and end up in a rancher with a playlist added...

Music plays... fiiine *you turn off your own* :c
Said pet isn't exactly the first one in this big shop, so you are looking forward to switching through 20+ pages. hooray!
And while you search through page for page for page... you hear every time the first 5-or-so notes of the palying song...
Plining pling pling-ing *new page* Plining pling pling-ing *new page* Plining pling pling-ing *new page* Plining plin... util you go insane and just hit the X of your browser...
No playing res anymore for about a hour to calm down. XD

Anyone made a similar expirience or is it just me?
Supporters? Opinions? =3

Keep in mind: Artist =/= Magican

7:09pm Aug 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I don't think it is possible. If the music player is hosted by a different site, there would be no possiblilty for res to automatically turn it off. I suggest you just mute your computer.


Feel the love man D:<


7:07pm Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 74

It should be possible to block the em
bed cod, or flash on that site. ^^

Keep in mind: Artist =/= Magican

7:57pm Sep 8 2009

In Training

Posts: 355
As Ping said, I'm not sure this can be done without disabling html+CSS.

I would be happy with flash disabled site-wide.

Send the offending user an angry note.

ps. don't flame!


8:02am Sep 9 2009

Normal User

Posts: 338

I'd personally be ecstatic if they disabled it site-wide.  XD  Nothing like blasting your own tunes, surfing along and suddenly your Social Distortion is interrupted by some annoying J-rock stuff. ACK.  MUTE MUTE MUTE!  (Or vice versa, your J-rock is suddenly playing dueling speakers with someone's Pearl Jam.  Run awayyyy!) While I appreciate varied musical tastes, give me the option to listen to it if I want to, not have it greet me without warning if I make the mistake of clicking on your profile (which I won't stay at for more than 2 seconds there's auto-play music waiting to accost my ears). As for the shop, I won't spend my Tu at one that has music embedded.  Let my wallet do the talking.  XD

It *is* possible to block the em
bed tag while keeping CSS and HTML enabled, btw.  Site admins can choose to block individual tags, and should.  Otherwise users can put those pesky iframes or s in their profiles and do some damage.  Naughty naughty.


4:04pm Sep 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283
Idk if this had been said but then just hit the mute button on your Computer. I do it all the time. :3

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