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1:20am Jul 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 161

I was thinking about when some of the new items came into Res. The really exspensive ones...some people work alot for enough to buy a dye kit. That's alot of Tu out of user circulation. Sure, people can buy them from other users who have bought them, and sell them for more. Still, someone puts alot of Tu into NCP user shops to begin with, and only makes so much profit. This makes it hard for ranchers to sell pets at a good price, instead of undermining their value.

So, that got me into thinking...what if it were possible to own an NPC Shop Deed? I mean, the owners need a vacation too right?

It would be as if you actually owned the shop, and recieved, let say, 50% of all the Tu made for that shop for example. Wouldn't that put more Tu into circulation besides the raffle, getting lucky with sales and stocks? Waiting for stocks takes awhile sometimes.


Of course, to make it fair, the deeds would cost some Tu, and you wouldn't own it forever, only for about a week or two. Naturally, the more popular shops would be more, such as the Black Market for instance, and may not recieve 50% of its Tu, maybe only 25%. After the time you owned that particular deed, it'd be returned to the site for someone else to have a shot at buying it. You'd be able to try for that shop again. Different shops could have varying times and percentages. (I don't think Cain will let you run own the Black Market for too long.)


So, it's a slightly refined idea I had. C&CC please.


5:45am Jul 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 437
I do not think there is not enough TU in circulation. Actually the inflation is a sign that there is too much out, and TU is devaluated. Put more TU out, and the first few people will be happy and rich, and buy up all the rare stuff (albinos, CS pets, Dye Kits) until the prices are pushed so high that even they cannot afford them. Actually the current 10-20 million TU prices are the sign of that users can afford and do buy up anything that is a slightly bit cheaper.


5:06pm Jul 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 369

The only TU that comes into circulation in this game comes from users who know the stocks really well, like me, who make 20 milion every couple of days to a week and buy stuff from other people.

I think the problem with dye kits causing a lot of TU to be put out of circulation can be solved simply by making the dye kits stock very, very, very rarely in the black market.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

11:10am Jul 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 162
I don't like this idea. Sorry.

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