Book Suggestion

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3:54am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 15

I seem to have a lot of trouble using my inventory in general. Sometimes I get error messages when I go to it that force me to close my tab and re open Res again,and it also happens after I use some items.

I just had this problem with a book( The Legend of Loyna),right when it displayed that my pet read the book,gained intellect,and showed me the text inside the book..the error message came up and I never got the chance to read what the book said =/ And since books can be read only once,the text wont be displayed anymore..It'll only tell me that my pet is reading it. I think the reason it messed up is because I gave my pet the book straight for my inventory,because I didnt have this problem when I read a different book to my pet that was from my library. Now I regret not putting it in my library first >.>

So it seems you're only given one chance to read whats written in the book and thats it. But I think it would be better if you could read the text of the book as often as you want (for anyone else that gets the same problem I did,or maybe if you just want to re-read a book)

Now I'm not saying your pet will gain anything from reading the book. I  you read the book a second time,the page could just say "*whatever the pets name is* is reading" and display whats in the book for you to read along with it. The only thing that would make it different from reading a book the first time is that your pet wouldnt gain any intellect from it.

~Thanks for reading my very long post XD and I'm still kinda upset that Loyna's story is lost to me now..and I never knew what it was even about =/

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