Baby Shower *

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3:29pm Oct 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 243
As a lot of you SB'ers know, the user Wishies is having her baby sometime in the near futureeee

And so I was thinking, since this is one of the few babies being born from a user, on Res, we should have a very very minor celebration.
For all those mothers out there on Res.
And all those to-be mothers on Res.
And fathers.
Since raising children is just a pain in the neck, maybe on this special day of birth, we could have a little announcement, and maybe one or two releases of baby related items, just to bring back memories and just thank dear old mom and dad.
Or even just a shoutout from staff, or a mock item drawn up for this day
Like that Canada Day shirt.
I'm pretty sure we haven't celebrated Canada Day in like forever, but something similar to this idea.

Maybe a one time thing, maybe a yearly thing, but I thought this was a pretty sweet idea c:
Because we all love mum and dad, and Res doesn't do anything really major for Mothers Day and Fathers Day anyways, we could eschew with those two days and combine them into one lump of a day ~ 
Any suggestions what this mock item or something should be?

Also, as Pat has mentioned a LONG time ago, suggestions of creatus breeding (even on this one day) is just not feasible.
So please don't suggest it :c

3:37pm Oct 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 635
Baby fever up in here.
I'm sure shane and/ or mom will announce to the sb when baby Maddox is born.
But maybe some random event item for the day, that would be cool :P

As long as it's for all mothers/fathers/ primary care givers
I'm down for it <3

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

8:15pm Oct 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
What about me? ;( Lilly didn't come out of my but I've raised her for 6/10 months she's been alive lol. 


11:36am Oct 10 2012


Posts: 2,154
I think that adding an event to celebrate mother's day and father's day on the site is just going to take away time in real life that the family might have had together instead. 

[Kid races to Res to play events/whatever for the day, instead of making breakfast for mom or going fishing with dad, etc.]

It also doesn't fit in with the theme of the site.

No support, sorry.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

7:50pm Oct 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 617
Agree with 14BM^^^^^

Mother's day and father's day are there to spend more time with you mom/dad

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