An idea to clear out low value creatu (Similar to Kir)

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1:22am Oct 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 109
So! Kir is great and all, but due to the difficulty of his quests, people often get stuck on one creatu for long periods of time. This means that time that could be spent deleting more creatu from the system is instead wasted while the user searches for this rare creatu. While it's good to clear out these rarer creatu, I think a similar type of quest that focuses on bulk deletion of creatu, regardless of rarity, would be good as well. 

Rewards, whatever they are, would be based on quantity of creatu submitted, rather than quality. Alternatively, each creatu deleted could offer a random prize chance- however, Res already has a lot of RNG-based gameplay. I'm not sure that adding another element of that would be the best idea, as RNG can often make players feel frustrated or helpless.

Less creatu data on the server
More names available for newly hatched creatu
Offers a way for people to completely delete creatu that they no longer want.

Like all suggestions, would take time and effort to implement. 
Please let me know if you think of another, so I can try and come up with a solution. ^^

Not monetary- Res has enough tu in the system as it is.
Best case scenario, this would offer unique items as incentives to get rid of creatu, the way Kir does. Not the same items, as that would remove the incentive to delete albino/blonde/other rare creatu from the game.

i am incredibly lost right now

1:07pm Oct 20 2017 (last edited on 1:11pm Oct 20 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 344
I think something like this would be a fantastic idea. I do think there's way too many low color pets floating around that folks (myself included) just don't want.

The forest really doesn't have enough of an incentive to toss pets into it, so maybe they could update it with your suggestion of non-monetary to item based rewards.

Edit: meant to add to the forst thing. Now that I think about it, a forest update would be a double-edged sword. Users could still opt to keep pets in the game contributing to the too many pets thing but at the same time, with 10 turns each and a better reward, there might end up being too many pets for folks to try and keep them all in circulation. Maybe if they do update it, reduce turns? 
Idk I don't wanna hijack your suggestion.


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