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11:15am Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
no it is a  panda/eskimo dog  but those are different ideas.i just want ideas to make it you have any


3:55pm Aug 28 2011 (last edited on 3:57pm Aug 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 239

Dogpaw, we're really not trying to be rude, but you're not quite listening to us anyhow. It's not that we think your idea is bad, but when it comes to new pets on the site, I think most users are looking for just that. Something new. Regardless of what you seem to consider we have a lot of canines. According to what I've seen the zenirix is a wolf, the veram is a fox/dragon, the tesuri is a bird/wolf, the shaefu is a foo dog, and the iluvu is based off of a fennec fox/cat. Even if they have other things mixed in they are still canine-based. Anatomy wise, the bear and dog are actually quite similar, so it couldn't possibly vary too much from either the dog or the bear.

I've seen a lot of the popular ideas floating around and they tend to include things we don't have here already such as a spider, a chimera, a velociraptor, just look at the suggested ideas thread. It's not that we're trying to put you down specifically, nor is it that you're young or can't upload an image. The issue is that we already have similar pets and it takes a lot of work for our artists to put out new pets for us. They have already planned quite a few new pets for us and apparently a monochrome color is also on the way. Not to mention they just released the calico color, the trance color, and the jahra for us. Plus they're volunteers. Shouldn't the time they spend for the site be used for things that everyone on the site would be interested in?

Since you're the main person interested in the Amil, why don't you make it into a character for yourself? You could probably find someone on the graphics forum to make a res-style pet for your profile if you'd like.  I could even edit one of the exising pets (such as the iluvu or the berrok) so it would have a panda pattern for you and the name is avalible so you could actually own the pet. Again, your idea certainly isn't bad, it's just not very fitting with what most people would like to see from Res. Why don't you try to come up with another idea (perhaps with something less commonly seen than a bear or canine) and refine it a bit more before posting it? There are many animals in the world, some of which aren't even well known! I expect that the effort would be well worth it in the end.


4:20pm Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
can you make me a rescreatu amil using the base of the zenirix?


4:23pm Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836

since this isnt working out well i have a different thread.check this out

please visit

.LeTainted likes is a new cute idea for aquati! 


4:55pm Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 239
Your other idea does earn quite a bit more merit. As for the Amil, of course I can use a zenirix. Which stage would you like it to be based upon?


5:58pm Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
baby but turn it into a amil please

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