Age-Locking Item

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5:21pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 785
The ageless extract item allows pets to stay at a certain stage of life forever. I was thinking it might be nice to have a similar item that sets the age of a creatu at a certain number. For example, if my creatu was 42 days old and I used the item on it, it could sit on my profile for the rest of time (provided it didn't starve) but never get any older than 42. A creatu that used the item before it became an adult would still have its art updated to adult stage after 30 days of existing on a profile, but its age would still display as being younger than that. The item would be one-use.

I have certain creatu that I want to keep at the age they have now. Imagine having a creatu named One, for example, and wanting to keep his age at 1 day while still displaying him on a profile. Sure, you could just take an rray to him, but it's a shame not to let him hit adult stage. Similarly, a pet named Hell or Satan would ideally stay at 666 days after it hit that point, and zaps can't fix that. Only letting the pet rot in a showroom would.


6:53pm Jun 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Even though it could be kind of a neat idea, its uses would be extremely limited to, like you said, more or less whenever it would make sense to have a pet keep a certain number due to its name. Those kinds of situations are uncommon enough that I don't really think it's be worth creating art and having to code that item and its function into the game. If it did happen, it would be on very low priority. ^^;

No support from me, sorry. :c

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:04am Jul 1 2014


Posts: 2,153
Rather than create a whole new item for it, why not make it a portal or something somewhere on site that we can visit with a pet, where there is already existing art but not really any function for that area? I can see a lot of use for this as many of us have favorite numbers or just preferences for certain numbers in general. 42 for example is "the meaning of life" according to the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy xD and there are a lot more numbers that have specific meaning to myself that I would use in pet ages, unrelated to any particular name. I do think we would absolutely need to limit it so that the age could not exceed the pet's actual age though. Otherwise it would mess up some trophy records (once those are fixed, anyway).

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

12:15pm Jul 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 785
Thanks for posting, you two. c:

I like that idea, 14bm. I don't know if staff had plans for the whirlpool in atquati (or maybe it already does something and I'm not aware) but that could be a nice place for the portal. It could even be an effect unlocked by spring dipping, only if it was unlocked on tier three like colour changes.


11:21pm Jul 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
I really like this idea. There are some pets I have that I lock in the showroom because their age is an important number to me, and I can't show it off on my profile.

And yeah like broken said, some portal on the site instead of an item could make it easier for staff, in addition to giving a purpose to some of the seemingly unused areas.


2:01am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 2:03am Jul 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
"Rather than create a whole new item for it, why not make it a portal or something somewhere on site that we can visit with a pet, where there is already existing art..."

That's a good point. :o There are a few places on Res that don't have any function yet, this could be a good way to use that. In that case, I take back my no-support, it may be something neat. :D

I also didn't realize that so many people have important numbers that they'd like to lock the age of. xD Sorry bout that! 

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
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