Unfinished Random Wolf Story

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9:05am Jun 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756

I'll be posting the chapters up one at a time, week by week. x) Unless the demand gets too high and I have to post more. There are only 8 chapters for this story <3


+~ :: Denouement :: ~+



Chapter 1: Denouement

Silence reigned the forest as Denouement lifted each paw, and lightly treaded on the soft soil. The canopy of the looming great wayward pines blocked out the bright, white rays of moonlight, and the patches of light where the moonlight managed to reach were scattered over the terrain in awkward positions. As her tail swung limply behind her, Denouement's bright amber eyes narrowed, to focus more on the path in front of her. Her perked auditives swivelled freely, catching every single sound present in the forest. A leaf gently floated onto the ground with a light rustling sound, causing her head to snap towards the source of the noise. Seeing as it was only a leaf, she parted her maw in a slight sigh of relief, before continuing on her quest aimlessly. She had not eaten for days, but finding prey was not much of a problem for a canid such as she, as she had picked up a vague scent of a hare which had passed the area at least 10 minutes ago. Successfully hunting the prey down, was another thing altogether.

Denouement's grey pelt seemed lighter under the patches of moonlight, as the white rays reflected off her grey and slightly brown canvas, as her skull declined downwards towards the terrain, trying her best to catch a whiff of bigger prey other than the hare, which was naturally small in size and would not provide a good meal for her. Parting her maw again in a pant, she let her tongue loll out of her mouth as she trudged onwards, struggling to inhale a breath of air, as it was autumn, and the temperature had dropped tremendously, causing slight respiratory problems. The red and brown leaves covered the forest floor, covering most of the undergrowth that provided various obstacles on the path. Denouement treaded carefully, as she did not want to trip over anything. The slightest sound could echo through the shadowing trees, alerting the hare to her prescense.


9:09am Jun 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 318
<33333333333333333 Draggy I love it

I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!

10:16pm Jun 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 756
Chapter 2: Two Friends.

As Denouement neared her target, she kept her frame low to the ground, her soft, white, underbelly just scraping the surface of the soft soil. Her empennage was tucked in between her thighs, and she folded her auditives back against her skull, so as not to alert her dinner about her arrival. The hare, unaware of her prescence, continued to nibble on some foliage that had scattered on the forest floor, occasionally making its large ears erect, to catch any sound of a predator nearby. So far so good, Denouement thought, as she struggled to maintain her breathing. Her heartbeat quickened, and the anticipation coarsed through her. Her muscles rippled under her derma, as she focused her gaze onto the target. Suddenly, she pushed off the terrain with her hind legs, giving her a good head-start. The hare's eyes widened in horror, as it realized that it was in grave danger, and it dashed off like a bullet train, with Denouement just inches from its rump. A hunt like this could have taken a long time, as wolves naturally have strong stamina, and speed is not their strength. The chase lasted for at least twenty minutes, before Denouement had gained the upperhand, and pounced onto the hare. Her strong talons gripped the hare, as she forced it onto the ground with her weight. As the hare struggled to get free, Denouement kept her composure calm, and delivered the final blow.

Denouement ate in silence, with only the occasional rustling of leaves. Owls, creatures of the night, swooped down, just above her cranium, as they were attracted by the scent of the kill, but they were not the only ones. A sound came from her left, and she immediately looked towards the direction of the source, perking her ears. She was afraid that it might be a bear trying to steal her kill, but her nose picked up the scent of two other canids. The sound grew closer, and the rustling of leaves was not like the soft rustling, but footsteps of a heavy frame applying a large amount of force onto them. Slowly but surely, two large, shadowy figures came into sight, and two pairs of eyes accompanied them. The eyes were amber, just like hers, except that one pair of eyes seemed more brown than the other. '

" May we join you?" A masculine voice echoed through the foliage, breaking the silence and tension.

The voice seemed kind, and unsure. Tilting her head to the right, Denouement realized that the scent of the two wolves had wafted over to her, and was very strong, indicating that both of them were males. The figures slinked over to a patch of moonlight that shone onto the terrain, wanting to show her what they looked like.

Bright, white light reflected off their pelts, and Denouement tentatively scanned the two wolves' features. One of them, the one that had eyes that seemed brown, had a light brown pelt, and he looked a little afraid of approaching another dispersal wolf, but overall, he seemed friendly. The other, however, looked dark grey under the moonlight as his pelt was pure black. He narrowed his amber pools at her, appearing quite hostile towards her prescence. The light brown one spoke first.

"I am Jeames, and he.." He glanced briefly at the other. "He is Rayhool. We're brothers, and have been roaming the territory for about a month now." Rayhool seemed to be intolerant towards Jeames' introduction, and he flicked his tail impatiently, letting it lash against his hocks. "We were wondering if you needed companionship," Jeames continued, obviously annoyed at Rayhool's hostility towards Denouement.

Denouement raised a brow, amused at their awkward introduction, and, with a slight nod of her head, she motioned for them to join her. Jeames immediately trotted over to her, and greeted her playfully, with his tail waving high in the air. She returned the playful gesture, before settling onto her haunches next to her unfinished meal. Rayhool merely observed their interaction from afar, not wanting to join in their fun. He padded over in silence, not even glancing at Denouement once. Instead, he slumped onto his haunches, looking exhausted from his journey with his brother, and encounter with the female wolf. Soon, all three of the canids were asleep.

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