Tribute to Ground Zero; Nine Eleven

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5:36pm Sep 11 2009 (last edited on 5:40pm Sep 11 2009)

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Posts: 6,216

Really old poem.  Wrote it a while back in the Spring while watching a video tribute to 9-11 featuring the song 'God Bless the USA'.  Rest in peace nine eleven victims, praise the heroes, and pray for the families who are still suffering because of this horrible day in history.  Yes, I know there are flaws in it, but I worked hard on it.

Dedicated to everyone who has been affected by Nine Eleven. 

Tribute to Ground Zero; Nine Eleven

Screaming signals disaster,
Fire tumbles from its source…
Peering out in alarm,
Behind a stack of papers,
My current priority,
Was to finish it on time,
Another worry is on my mind,
Parallel to my vision,
Vast pane from a neighboring building,
Reflecting towards my eyes,
The inferno that was so dangerously close,
My ears, so used to shutting out sounds,
Hear it.
The screaming,
The blaring of the fire trucks,
The sudden cries of pain,
The explosions,
And the deafening roars of fire,
Papers forgotten,
We attempt to evacuate.
Image in the glas.s pane,
Forever etched in my life,
My work place,
About to smolder,
Plane wreckage out of the side,
Barely recognizable,
Ashes spiraling downwards,
Windows shattering from heat,
Chaos everywhere,
People jumping out windows,
Those on the ground,
Crying out in shock,
In agony,
In fear,
In worry.
Ladders extend,
Alas, many are too late,
Blood has been shed,
Smoke poisons,
And another,
More windows burst,
Heat now searing,
The inferno devouring at an amazing speed,
The Twin Towers begin to collapse,
Demonic fire continues,
Determined to finish its dastardly story,
More screaming,
I screw my eyes shut,
Then open them.
Someone jumps out a window,
We’re running,
Last attempt,
Final chance,
Trying to save ourselves,
Doors shoved open in a panic,
Desks overturned,
Fire spreading,
Barbaric and hungry animal!
Someone collapses,
Pain appears in the others’ eyes,
None can be done,
Firefighters rushing up,
Giving their efforts,
But now it can only do so much.
More screaming,
The inferno blazes even closer,
Twin Towers begin to shudder,
Once long did they stand…
Proud twins,
Now they collapse,
Fallen twins.
Screaming increases,
The nightmare rolls with increasing horror,
Everything stops,
I awaken.
Safe, alive, breathing,
In my bed, not hurt.
Never was I there that day,
Never was I able to experience the sights,
Nor do I ever want to.
The pain, the fear, of just BEING there…
Shown to be through a dream,
Absolute terror,
That should never be shown to anyone.
The worse thing is,
That was reality,
Something people have bestowed upon others,
To cause such grief and pain.
Tears have been shed,
So much to bear,
So many of souls,
Just how many of them,
Had God had to take to Heaven that day?
Not just the workers,
But the people trying to help,
Stripped of their families,
Stripped of their everythings.
Those lost must be remembered,
Those survived must be cared for,
The surviving heroes must be honored.
Normal people, doing normal things,
Undeserving of the fate,
That has been sentenced.
That day the Earth stood still,
That dreadful day,
Marked on the calendar,
September eleventh, two thousand one…
I can barely imagine,
And I am grateful,
That I am here today,
Grateful for my life.
That dream,
Was a reality for others,
Was the end for many,
Was the cause of tears for even more,
Never forget 9/11,
The day our hearts were torn.

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