The story of Zeres chapter two

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4:40pm Jul 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283

The story of Zeres chapter two.

I woke up to find that nobody was there. “Snuffelet?” I called out. Satisfied to know that he had left I climbed up out of the tree and poked my head out of the hole. “Snuffelet? Are you there?” I called out again. I smiled to myself when I heard nothing. That was very strange. She was used to waking up to hear the Paor running around playing tag and the little tiny human birds tweeting away. I frowned and jumped onto a branch. I was Starving! I jumped down from the tree and landed softly on the ground. I pranced off to go take a look at the bushes for some berries. When I found nothing I walked to the beach, I hoped Pape could tell me what kinds of food they had here. I saw a female silver vogar sitting there. Vogar’s were known for there aggressive attitude. I slowly walked up to the Vogar and poked her shoulder. Shockingly I heard a loud snore. I just stared at the vogar. Her scales were shimmering in the sun. I thought about how she got here. The Vogar must have got here by plane, like I did. When I finished that thought the Vogar woke up. She turned her head and stared at me with lazy blue eyes. I just stared back at her. She got up and ran to me. I just stood there like a dumbfounded idiot. She tackled me to the ground a little bit too sudden for a vogar’s speed. I let out a screech and racked my claws down her shoulder. She clamped down onto my shoulder and held me there. Slowly increasing her bite power by the second. I thought that she was going to pop off my arm. “Zeres?” I heard a filmier voice call out from the distance. Then a purple flash went above me. I heard a loud squeal and a disturbing tear. I felt pain go from my shoulder to my toes.


     I looked down to see my whole shoulder was just covered in blood. I tried to hold in the pain but a small tear ran down my face. I looked to my left to see the vogar staring at Snuffelet with hateful eyes. Snuffelet put all his weight down on his front paws and got ready to lunge. The vogar simply laughed. “Well before I kill you both I might as well know your names, Mines Lunek.” The female Vogar said. “Come on now say your names.” Lunek said with tone laughter in her voice. “Mines Snuffelet and hers is Zeres.” Snuffelet said. There was an awkward moment of silence. Lunek seemed to be enjoying it though. I closed my eyes and felt a paw nudge me. I opened my eyes to see that Lunek was talking to Pape I got up and felt my leg stiff with pain. I lifted my head to see       Snuffelet staring back at me. “So the mighty warrior is awake?” He taunted at me. “Just shut up, what’s Lunek doing with Pape?” “The dumb Vogar wants to go with us. Said she knew a huge murren who could take all three of us.” I wondered if Pape could take me and the other murren take snuffelet and Lunek. I limped over to Pape and sat down beside him. “Zeres we are all going to take turns riding on Pape and then they switch to Murn the other murren.” I nodded my head and wadded into the ocean. “So where is this Murn? I asked Lunek. She ran over to me and pointed her nose to the fin sticking out of the water. “That’s one of his spikes.” Lunek said with pride. As Murn got closer I began to see this murren could fit all three of us. He came onto shore and told us to climb onto his back. “I’m riding with Pape first.” I said with a hint of fear in my voice. Pape swam over to me and smiled. Snuffelet came crashing into the water and grabbed onto Murn. “I can’t swim...” he said gripping the murrens shell for his life. “Then its going to be dangerous for you.” Murn said coldly. Snuffelet let out a grunt and climbed onto Murns back lunek shoved me onto Pape’s back. I yelped and crashed my head onto Pape’s spike. “Ow...” I sat down in-between two spikes and curled up. “How long will this trip take?” I asked. “At least five days. On day three we can rest, or day two.” Pape said. “What do you mean rest?” I asked. “There is an island by atqeen forest. When we reach there we will rest for a day then it will take one to two days to reach atqueen forest.” I sighed and curled up. I felt the shell shift and then we started to move very fast. I stared at the water spraying up at us. I reached my paw down and stuck my paw in the wave we were creating. I laughed and put my head down low. I let the wind press my fur down flat. “Pape why are we going so fast?” I yelled at him. “Murn took off before me So I have to catch up to him!” Pape shouted back at me. I lifted my head to see that Murn was ahead of us by at least a mile. I saw a purple dot and a silver dot. I saw the dots just sitting there. “Maybe there just talking to each other.” I said to myself. In about an hour we cached up to Murn and told them it was time to sleep. I looked up to the moon. It was calling to me. I wanted to howl at it so bad. I lifted my chin into the air and let out a chilling howl. I looked down and stared at the coral. Pape rested on a rock while Murn had rope and told Lunek to tie him down. I saw Lunek dive into the water. I stared at the water and say Lunek tying the rope around a piece of bark coral. One of the strongest pieces of coral. I laid down on Pape and curled up. I rested my black tail on my nose. I sighed. “What an amazing day.” I said. I shut my eyes and drifted to sleep.



5:11pm Jul 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Yay! ^_^ Good job Coco. =)


5:29pm Jul 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283
Thanks petty. :) I noticed a few errors but oh wellz lol. :D

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