The Story of Poppykit~[Warriors Fanfiction]

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1:49pm Jul 27 2012 (last edited on 2:02pm Jul 27 2012)

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Posts: 1,651

Still a WIP, started it yesterday.
The Riverclan in this story has nothing to do with the Riverclan in the books.
Not the same plotline, and if it's got errors, sorry about that.
Haven't bothered to proof it yet.
Well, here it is.
Critique is appreciated.

Chapter 1

 Poppykit squeaked in protest as Oakfur picked her up by the scruff. Then, she could feel the wind in her fur, as Oakfur was running. She dangled and banged into Oakfur occaisionally, who let out an ooomph. By the time they had reached their destination, Poppykit was half asleep. Oakfur dropped her clumsily on the ground, and she let out a mewl.

"Shhh." Oakfur hissed. Poppykit looked up at Oakfur with round eyes. The warrior looked, jumpy. He certainly wasn't himself.

The rustle of the bushes made Oakfur flinch. Then, a cat emerged. A dark tabby with scars and his left ear was torn.

"Ah. You kept your side of the bargain, now did you Oakfur?" Poppykit sniffed the tabby.

"Who are you?" she meowed. "Who's this?" the cat looked surprised. Oakfur's fur was now on end.

"You said you wanted one of the kits. Here is your new clan member. I've kept my side of the bargain." he meowed.

"How old is he?" the tabby asked, sniffing Poppykit. "She. Her name is Poppykit. She is 2 moons."  Oakfur meowed.

The tabby stiffened. "Well then. Come here Poppykit." Poppykit looked at Oakfur for approval. He nodded.

She padded towards the tabby and he smiled warmly.

"Now, wait here Poppykit." he meowed. Oakfur and the tabby looked at each other for a second. "Well?" Oakfur hissed.

The tabby gripped Oakfur's neck in his jaws, and bit down. Poppykit heard a ccrrack, and she flinched.

Oakfur's body went limp almost instantly. The tabby dropped him, and left him there. "Well, Poppykit. You have much to learn. Come along."
Poppykit padded alongside the tabby, almost running because she wasn't nearly as big as the cat. "I'm Shadowfur." he meowed.

"I'm the deputy of Riverclan." Poppykit looked up at Shadowfur. "Riverclan! Do you really eat fish and swim?"

Shadowfur purred. "Yes, we do. You have much to learn. Now...Oakfur. Was he your father?"

Poppykit shook her head. "No. He was the old deputy." Shadowfur stopped. "Old deputy?"

Poppykit nodded. "He stepped down because he 'had to do something', and he would be too busy to be a deputy."

Shadowfur grinned. "Well. You won't have to see him again." Poppykit looked at him weirdly, "You killed him right?" Shadowfur nodded.

"Well, I already know I won't see him again. He's dead. Why did you kill him?" Shadowfur flinched.

This little kit had no fear at all, or atleast, she acted like it. He was bringing the biggest nuisance into his clan.

"Well..." he trailed off. "You wouldn't understand."

Poppykit piped up, "I will! I will! May you tell me, please?"

Shadowfur had to let out a purr. She reminded him of himself as  a kit. "One day." he promised. He looked up into the sky. "One day."

Shadowfur padded into the Riverclan camp. A tortieshell she-cat padded up to him and let out a purr. He returned the gesture, while Poppykit just watched curiously.
"Poppykit, this is my mate, Dappletail. Dappletail, this is Poppykit." Dappletail smiled, and licked Poppykit between the ears.

"She's beautiful. Where did you find her?" Poppykit piped up, "Oakfur gave me to him!" Dappletail's eyes widened. "Gave her to you?"

Shadowfur shifted awkwardly. "Er...yes. I'll tell you everything later. Right now I just have to tell---"

A pale orange tom lept down off of a tall rock and eyed Poppykit curiously.

"Shadowfur, who is this? She reeks of Valleyclan." Shadowfur dipped his head. "Sparrowstar, this is Poppykit."

Sparrowstar didn't even look at Poppykit. "Come into my den. Bring the kit with you." Dappletail tried to follow but Sparrowstar flicked his tail.

"No. Just Shadowfur and..." Poppykit meowed, "Poppykit." Sparrowstar nodded. "Right, Poppykit."

With that, he lept up onto the tall slab of rock and entered his den. Shadowfur picked up Poppykit by the scruff and followed Sparrowstar into the den. He set her down gently in the den. It was huge, lined with moss and ivy.

"Well, Shadowfur." Sparrowstar meowed. "Tell me your story." Shadowfur nodded and began.

"Oakfur and I talked to each other at the last gathering. Oakfur was powerful, as you know. The most loyal cat you will meet. Well, he said a queen in his clan had just died and her kits were devastated. One of them was Poppykit. I said I'd gladly take them in."

Sparrowstar stiffened.

"I know." Shadowfur continued. "But, he said that I had to help him become leader. He said that I had to kill Eaglestar."

Sparrowstar let muttered to himself darkly.

"I agreed. So, today, a half-moon away from the gathering, he brought me Poppykit. Poppykit was so, scared. She looked, odd. Not like a regular kit. Then, he asked for my side of the bargain. Then--, I knew he was going to try and kill me. I reacted to quickly, and killed him, in front of Poppykit's eyes. I left his body at Valleyclan border."

Sparrowstar let out a shriek. "Oakfur!" Shadowfur flinched. "Sparrowstar---" Sparrowstar stood up and spat, "You killed Oakfur! You took a kit from Valleyclan! And you left his body for his clan to see?!"

Shadowfur lept to his paws and snarled. "Did you want me to bring him here? Where they'd scent him and come onto our border? I couldn't do it when Poppykit was there!" Sparrowstar retorted, "You killed him infront of her eyes. That is as good as making her watch her mother being killed." Shadowfur stayed silent. "Now. Poppykit." Poppykit was curled up and letting out frightened mewls. Sparrowstar stood over her. "It's alright, I won't hurt you." he murmured. "Where are your brothers and sisters?"

Poppykit meowed, "Dawnkit, Daisykit and Crowkit are in the nursery right now. They wanted to follow me. Oakfur said no."

Sparrowstar smiled. "Good, good. Do you want them to be with you?" Poppykit mewled, "I miss them. I miss my mommy."

With that, she started to let out high-pitched kit cries. Shadowfur flinched. Sparrowstar looked at him darkly.

"Get. Out." he mouthed. Shadowfur nodded and left he den. "It's alright, Poppykit. We'll get your brother and sisters."

Poppykit stood up.

"Really?" he nodded. "Come with me." He exited his den and lept onto Highrock, where he announced things to Riverclan.

"Cats of Riverclan!" he yowled. "Join this clan meeting."

Almost instantly, all of Riverclan was below Highrock, looking at Poppykit.

"As you are wondering, this is Poppykit. From Valleyclan. Shadowfur brought her here."

Cats let out hisses and some yowls of protest. "Silence!" he yowled. "I will tell you the story." he took a deep breath.

"At the last gathering, Oakfur and Shadowfur shared words with each other. They made a deal. Poppykit's mother had just died. Poppykit and her brother and sisters were devastated. He would give Shadowfur the kits,  if Shadowfur helped him become leader. Then, today, a half-moon before the gathering, they met. Oakfur gave Shadowfur Poppykit. Then, Shadowfur killed Oakfur."

Cats let out yowls and shrieks. "Silence!" Dappletail yowled. "Let him finish." Sparrowstar flicked his tail.

"Now, we will send a battle party to take Poppykit's brother and sisters." The cats stayed silent. "Now, it is Poppykit's turn to speak."

Poppykit stepped forward, round eyed and shaking. "It's alright." Sparrowstar murmured. "Tell them about your clan." she nodded and began.

"Valleyclan was grief-stricken after Moonshimmer had died. Moonshimmer was my mother. She loved us all, but only we knew how she died. One night, she said goodbye to us. We asked her where she was going. She didn't tell us. We followed her. She marched right onto the Thunderpath. She saw us, and smiled. She told us to hide her body. We stepped onto the Thunderpath, and that was when my brother, Snowkit was hit. He died instantly. My mother was so far out on Thunderpath, she wasn't hit. Then, before we could help her, a monster hit her. When we made it across safely to her, she was still alive. She told us these exact words, "I am forseeing you. You will become the most powerful warriors the clans have ever seen. But the prophecy says that I must die before that happens. Live long, little kits.' Then, she just...died."

She backed away and curled up beside Sparrowstar and started to mewl. He rubbed his cheek against her fur.

"You just have to tell them a bit more, Poppykit. Please." Poppykit looked up at Sparrowstar and nodded.

He stepped forward with her as she continued.

"We buried her body on the side of the Thunderpath. Nobody knows. We acted devastated, even though we were. We acted like we didn't know about her death. We never found Snowkit's body. We looked and we never found him. Oakfur stepped down from being Deputy because he had 'things to do'. Then, he took me and gave me to Shadowfur. Then Shadowfur killed Oakfur."

She stopped. The clan stared. Wide eyed, and some had their heads buried into other's fur. Even Sparrowstar was lost for words.

"Well! Let's go! Shadowfur, take half the clan. I will take the other. Elders, Queens, and kits are excused. Except for Poppykit. You will come with us."

Poppykit looked stunned. A she-cat stepped forward. She was a torieshell as well.

"Sparrowstar. You will be busy in the fighting. I can be Poppykit's guard." Sparrowstar nodded. "All right Morningflower. You will be Poppykit's guard. Poppykit, are you alright with that?" Poppykit looked at Morningflower she was a vague resemblense of her mother.

"Yes." Morningflower hopped up onto Highrock clumsily and Poppykit rubbed herself into her fur.

Morningflower looked stunned, but her eyes shone with love, like Poppykit was her own kit. Sparrowstar warned.

"Morningflower, don't hurt yourself. You have kits of your own you are leaving here. Be careful." Morningflower nodded.

"Let's go!" Sparrowstar yowled. With that, almost all of Riverclan pounded out of the camp.

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