The Phantom's tale

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10:35pm Dec 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 229

This is a roleplay I started but I found that the Phantom's character was one I wanted to expand on. I would greatly appreciate your critisisms.

This is an over view of what has happened


A phantom stalks haunted houses. Bad start but its true. Yet the phantom isn't dead only looking for a person too look past the murder of the past. Everytime he steps out someone screams. He is unwanted....The house is changing no one can find the way out once inside. When inside you never die. The oldest person in there is from the 1800's. Th house changes to what ever the Phantom wanted it to be. on the good days it a merrygo round on the bad days its a torture chamber..Everyone is lost except the Phantom. Only he knows the secret of the house- to find him is the survivor's last hope.. .until a shadow falls over the moon and the house grows dark....on the 1000th anniversary of the house. The Phantom dissapears.
­The young girl crept unawares into the house. Her friends had dared her to go in their. A stupid childish dare. Never meant to do any harm. It doesn't matter what it was meant to only matters when you die....
The Phantom swept the floors 
The Phantom glanced up. An owl swooped above. Her attention diverted for a second she missed her cue as the house groaned in protest. She glided out into the hallway. The owl unnerved her she had wanted more species in the house to oversee but an owl? She had her own pet  that prowled the dark halls of this beloved house. Her panther stalked the owl. That wasn't her problem.... 
The Phantom swept the floors once last time before the curtains were closed for the day. 1600 was a long time she reflected... as she found another soul lost to the house 
The Phantom turned slowly around. A girl stood there, after light. Should she be swept? Deciding to give her a chance the Phantom swept onward finding other lost souls that would be free to leave the house. No one ever actually wanted to though. Being able to do whatever you want seemed to be a free lifestyle. The Phantom would never know. The Phantom had never known. She turned the corner and swept the halls....((This was the introduction of Nathalia CheezyNinja’s character)) 
The Phantom narrowed her nonexistant eyes. Silver lights glowed beneath her hood. Watch what you say little girl....You can be gone from the memories and thoughts of this world with just a bl
ink of my eye...
Her eyes glowed brightera and a wind started swirling around the three... Then the Phantom did the strangest thing of all. She vanished and took the girl with her, but in her place was a halloween basket full of brightly wrapped candy...
 But then you already are...  was the whisper left behind in her wake. The other beings in the room stared at the cieling as the roof opened up to bestow a glimpse of the stars above..the breath of fresh air they'd all dreamed of...((This was her interaction with another phantom which was Goth’s character Aiden…they kinds hated eachother)) 
My acts are never pointless she echoed across the room. The Phantom grew tired of the game. She brought the girl to her there were one for each Phantom. She reappeared next to the girl in front of her mirror. The mirror was the way out. The Phantom didn't want this girl in the castle. The girl would create tension among the Phantoms as she could see them while others can't. If she could help them...that would be different. She pushed the girl into the mirror...((Still arguing…)) 
 The Phantom slanted her head at Aiden surprised that Aiden was being kind, then turned her head to Nathalia so that Nathalia only saw ice blue eyes watching her. He is a phantom, how I do not know. Reincarnated more like some other phantoms that have died in these walls. I have been watching him. To be a phantom is not the lifestyle many would dream of, as we are void from many emotions. Only certain people like you can see us...but it does not matter he will survive...She turned her gaze back to Aiden...I heard a disturbance with one of the mortals fighting with another about which bedroom to claim or someting ridiculous like that..Could you please break it up...With that the phantom turned into a white tiger and stalked away...
((now shadowrider’s character was apparently and average teenager turning into a phantom)) 
The Phantom had business to attend to but she was worried about the boy...changing into a phantom was not to be taken lightly as many had a choice...but it seemed that he didn't. She knew that once you were a phantom your whole outlook on the world was was like having super powers....But as leader of Phantoms and keeper of the house she was alone...and how she wished she had someone special to share the house with...but unfortunatly she knew that no one could love her as she could only give one person her name...those were her instructions from the creator of the house....And how was she suposse even figure out owho that was!!! The Phantom shrieked in fury as she realized that her beloved house would be her only comfort for eternity and her prison as she couldn't ever get out to search for the one that she had dreamed of her whole life... 
The Phantom saw Lyce in the back of her mind fall...she turned into a silver hawk and flew throught the unhallowed halls of the mansion and knelt next to the fallen had started...but he must do it alone...she whispered a quick saying of prayer in the sacred phantom religion...Qte malse finh loesdi malequilda strquentra mesomenla cortildes...and crept away to her rooms her black tail swishing behind her... 
 The Phantom flared her ice blue eyes under her hood...darkness was falling outside and demons called for her as-sistance...Lyce is one I have much hope for...I shall take him as apprentice for this house if he wishes it....It seems that he might be greatful for help almost as much as I am for company other than mere mortals...though I must say you are proving to be a very good one at that...The Phantom's days were numbered and she knew that...without love she would dwindle away to one cared about her... only how she could help them...The world was never her friend...Her ice blue eyes grew brighter as anger filled them at the thought of the house being taken away from her at one would understand House like she did...the house is all its own...Then the Phantom had a flash of least the house cares for me...I shall alert you when Lyce either accepts or declines the offer...I supose he'll tell you himself though...Ah well whenever you wish to talk just imagine me...and I'll know your calling...Fate was a cruel enough fate in itself...
((well Phantom is bitter now)) 
 Thorn stalked through the hallway. He was hungry and tired and didn't want to deal with anything. He had asked many people around the house and they'd all refused him. They all said the same...get the approval of the head phantom. Now he just had to find the guy! He rounded the corner and flew into a cloaked figure....---------------------The Phantom was thinking about a long hot bubble bath to merge in her annoyances and longings as she in the end had no one to share them with....again. She was getting a complex about this...she glided across the elegant rug and was just about to turn the corner when a black shape came barreling into her. "Watch where you're going!" he snarled. And there went the eyes as she flashed so blue that they could blind if she wanted to. The man stood in front of her defiant and sexy at the same time. Watch who you say that to or you'll be in the worse fate that you could have ever dreamed...Why was she getting so angry?...---------------------Thorn glared at the figure in front of him..daring to threaten him. "I don't know who you are, but my life can't suck any more than it already has, so tell me where the leader guy you all follow, 'cause i don't plan to be sleeping on a stone wall any more nights than i already have!"The phantomesc figure's eyes dimmed to a softer glow than blinding.---------------------The Phantom glared at the man for a minute, then gave up...she was too tired tonight for a fight...yet she certainly wouldn't mind spending more time with the man in front of her...ah well maybe another time...I am the leader of the are looking for me for permission? The man nodded slowly as if trying to imagine her leader of all those people...Well I give you my permission for life upon this may now use your imagination for however you see fit...but be warned I have more power than you could imagine...--------------------Thorn stared at the figure in front of him...he definatly was stunned by the almost petite woman in front of him....surprisingly enough she was the famed power over the House...he chuckled and then started laughing as suspicious blue eyes stared out from beneath the hood. "I must say I expected more." Then in a rough and halting yet still beautiful voice she spoke..."Watch it buster or you're gonna get hurt!" He put his hands out in fornt of him, "Hey now! Just sayin'"--------------------The Phantom smiled...
((I introduced another character so which with other people lacking in replying Phantom would entertain herself…mind you the phantom never spoke aloud before, sure laughed only once since she entered existence in the house)) 
Thorn calmed down for a minute long enough to realize that he still had no where to go, though he could definatly stand to flirt with the woman in front of him that was now seeming to wait for a response from him other than continuous laughter. "Where do you think I should crash?" he asked the Phantom. I will show you to an empty chamber..Im afraid it will be have to be closer to mine as the House is filling up fast..."No I guess that's fine as long as it has a bed."Follow me I supose the Phantom nodded and they began a long journey through the house...This is taking too long I have things that I must do with that she trandformed them both into panthers and they ran side by side throughout the house... 
 Sorry it's kinda long but all this was a main part of Phantom's journey (I would also like your guys's help in finding a name for Phantom)

Chuck Norris not only 'Tasted The Rainbow,' he roundhouse kicked it so hard, skittles fell out!

11:47pm Dec 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 229

Thorn glanced around as they entered the room. The Phantom whispered If you need anythign just imagine it and it will happen as you spend more time her you get more priveliges so choose wisely because many choices end in death for the beholder of such power...

Well that was cheerful as he imagined a nice fluffy bed and promptly fell asleep...he never saw Phantom watching him...

Chuck Norris not only 'Tasted The Rainbow,' he roundhouse kicked it so hard, skittles fell out!
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