The Last Ysolian

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12:39am Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
     Screams pierce through the night and explosions erupt throughout our small world. We are under attack. The Kruthians are here, we knew we didn't have long before their arrival but we never imagined they would come so soon. Their large spaceships fill the sky, dropping bombs on our peaceful planet, causing confusion and chaos. We won't survive, everyone knows it although no one dares to speak our known death. We won't stop fighting, we will fight to the death that we all know is coming. My parents have met their end while trying to protect my sister Layla, however; it was in vain since she too has died. My grief for them was short lived since panic set in and scrambled my thoughts.
     With Ysolia slowly dying, the Ysolian children and expecting mothers fled to the only spaceship left untouched. I am fifteen so I would be staying to fight if I wasn't the last of the Royal family. Wanting to protect me, the elders agreed that they would ship me off to the last uninfected planet, Earth. Since my name was known amongst the other races that decided to find shelter on Earth I would be forced to take more precaution and not be sent to an Orphanage. They told me I must lay low and that if I was caught I would have to make up a name that was of the English language. My name was to be Aaron Bond, never again would I be Ventuio Ysolia.

     I climbed into the spacecraft with the other frightened Ysolians and flew off into my new life as a human.


8:49pm Jun 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
     It seemed like days went by before we touched the mysterious planet, Earth. The mothers took the children to the Orphanage and I was to depart. I promised the other kids I would see them again, even though I hoped we wouldn't. My orders were very clear, stay out of everyone's way and out of sight. I knew they didn't really care so it was okay, I've never been close to kids because of my blood relation.
     I sighed and left my kin, following a path that I was unsure of. It led me deep into the forest were I could only hope to live in peace without anyone finding me. Little did I know that my lonlieness wouldn't be long and I would find myself making my first friend.

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