The Key of Time

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5:00pm Jan 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 89

         Silver light shone through the stained gl*censored* window of the church as the clock struck twelve.  Livia stood in the church's entrance, captivated by the glimmering ob
ject on the altar.  Slowly she approached it, her white silk dress billowing out from behind her as if she were floating. When she reached the altar, she paused, mesmerized.  Livia then reached out, and just as she was about to grab it, she saw a flash of white.  Then, the wind whispered to her as her mind slipped away;

"Seek the key."

         Livia jolted upright, sweating and out of breath.  What key? Where was it? These questions poured out of her mind like a waterfall, as they did every night when she had this dream.  Suddenly, her cousin Lia burst through the door.

"Liv!  Are you okay?  You were screaming in your sleep again!  Did you have the dream?" She plopped down on the bed, opening her dream journal as she bombarded Livia with questions about the dream.

          After being interrogated, Livia remembered something she had to ask Lia.

"Did you have the dream again, too?"

          Lia had been having the same dream.  Every morning they sat in Livia's room and compared their dreams to make sure they were the same.  They recorded their dreams in Lia's dream journal.  As usual, the dreams were no different.  As each of them reached for the key, they heard the voice and woke up.

"I know this sounds rediculous, but..... maybe we should look for the key." suggested Livia.  "Maybe we would stop having the dream if we found it." Lia cocked her head and shut her eyes, as she always did when deep in thought.

"Where should we start?" asked Lia. 

"Probably a church." Livia replied.  "There are a couple near here."

               The last time Livia had been to church was a year ago, for Lia's parent's funeral.  It was then Lia moved in.  Strangely, the dream started the night of the funeral. 

               The cousins left the house after breakfast to visit the churches.  They started off by searching Saint Peter's church, the cleanest and prettiest church around.  Then, they went to Saint John's.  The girls had gone through five churches by dark, with no luck.  They left the house again to search the next morning.  Still, there was no luck.  Yet, they left the house again the next day, determined to find the key.

                 At about eleven in the morning, they had searched every church in town.

"Let's go home.  I think maybe the dream meant nothing." said Livia, cold and wet from the rain that poured steadily over the town.  Normally, Lia would protest loudly, saying she knew it was close, but she was also cold and wet.  As they walked home, they noticed a small church they had never seen before.  It was old and abandoned, since it was covered in mold.

"Wait, I think we should try this last one." said Lia firmly, grabbing Livia and pulling her towards the church.  The door came off easily, and the wood was rotten.  They walked inside, dodging the murky holy water.  Together they walked up the aisle.  Livia estimated the church to be fifty years old due to the moth-eaten carpet and the dusty pews.  They reached the altar, and, to their dismay, realised that there was not a key on the table.  Lia let out a gargled scream of frusteration and turned on her heel.  She strided out the door, yelling for Livia to follow her.  Livia ignored her, brushing the dust off of the table.  Suddenly, she saw a bump underneath the table runner.  A spark of hope shot through her as she lifted it up to reveal a small, dusty key.

"wha-" Livia silenced Lia, raising her hand with the key in it, a triumphant smile on her face.

"C'mon, lets see if it opens that cabinet." Livia suggested.  Livia walked over to the cabinet and turned the key in the keyhole.  It creaked open.  The girls were dissapointed to find the cabinet empty.  Suddenly, the girls saw a flash of white and were sucked into the cabinet.

                Livia sat up, rubbing her head.  What just happened?  She stood up, looking around.  Lia was already standing, mouth hanging open in astonishment.  They were in a big, white room.  It was completely empty, and suddenly Livia realised what Lia was gaping at.

                 A tall, thin woman wearing a white silken dress stood before them.  She had pale skin and crisp, blue eyes that seemed to illuminate her face.  Her long, wavy hair was a rich chocolate, and a diamond tiara sat atop her head.

"Welcome to my realm," she said in a voice as smooth as her dress.  The same voice that was in the dream.   "Have no fear, I bring you no harm.  That key opened the cabinet of time.  It is used for time travel.  I have sent you the dream to show you.  I have chosen both of you two to use the cabinet for good.  I want you to use it to go back in time to undo tragic incidents that caused death.  So much death has happened recently that I need help.  I am Queen of Time, and I need you."

"But what about our lives in- er, reality?  Are we allowed to go home at the end of the day?  My parents will be worried." said Lia quietly.

"You may, and you shall.  I shall send you a dream when I need you."  she said regally.  "Now, to work the cabinet, you both hold on to the key, say the year you want to travel to, where it is, and what day it is.  Then, turn the key.  Oh! You must return home now.  Your parents are waiting."  she said with a smile, winking.

              There was a flash of white, and the girls lay on the floor of the church.  They exchanged a glance, locked the cabinet, and sped home. 

                Livia and Lia talked after dinner, and they agreed that it was quite a day.  They both also realised that things happen for a reason.  They were going to save lives in the past.



7:24pm Jan 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192

wow thats really good! haha, is there gonna be a sequal??????


8:18pm Jan 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,009

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." ~Stephen King

5:46pm Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 89

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