Sweet but Dangerous

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1:58am May 7 2012

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Posts: 2,131
Naomi Nefaria's mouth contorted with a wicked smile, her fingers closing around Kate's throat tighter. Kate Balfour thrashed out at Naomi's face, but her attacker skillfully dodged the deadly blows to her head.
Snarling, she retaliated with her fist. Kate screamed in pained fury, and wrenched Naomi's hands away from her red throat. She gasped in a deep breath before kicking the teenage-looking woman in her stomach. Naomi flew back a short way from the blow.
Before her very eyes, Naomi started hissing, her fangs sliding gently out, stopping just before her bottom lip. Her hair bled into a warm blonde. Her muscles coiled, ready to pounce back. Kate saw this, and she got her switchblade out, not that it would be any help if she attacked. 
With a feverish roar, Naomi leapt, knocking the wind out of her before she had even registered the woman had moved. The switchblade flew out of her hands and fell to the right with a brilliant clang, all the more loud from the adrenaline rushing through her veins.
Everything hurt. But all the pain was there in the distance, waiting until her head cleared from the fearful thrill thralling her mind.
Naomi growled, slamming her into the wall. Something in her cracked with a sickening noise. Kate's head throbbed, and her neck felt all the more abused.
"I'm not going to kill you," Naomi whispered, eyes alight with the thought of  Kate's body -- cold, lifeless, and drained -- on the ground, limbs bent at odd angles. She sounded almost pained at the thought of leaving her with an ounce of life left.
"You..." Kate growled weakly, fatigue and all that pain finally setting in. Nothing was clear anymore. Black tinged her vision.
"No, I'm not going to kill you. You deserve a punishment far worse than death. The King already has taken away your strength, and asked me to finish the job, but I shan't. All you've done, you little girl, everything you've broken, transcends even my very thoughts. You've broken not only the King, our Kingdom -- not that it is your's anymore -- but me. Me. I don't know what I want to do with you, but Death is too merciful, you--" 
Kate barked out a laugh. "You killed my father. I don't know where you put my mother, but I hardly care. My brother? Why don't you remember what you, yourself, did to him before blaming everything on me." 
Naomi bared her teeth. "He was my father too, if you've forgotten. He deserved what he got -- running away with your mother. Your brother was a useless waste of space. But you? Somehow you got everything your older brother didn't. Somehow you got the power, the power that was suppose to go to me, me, the first-born!"
Kate smiled against the pain. "I didn't know melodramatics ran in the family --" 
Her head was slammed into the wall. "You aren't even worth it. I don't know why I bother. The power is useless if you aren't a full-blooded vampire." 
"Why don't you bite me then?" Kate suggested, tone full of sardonic malice. 
"You disgust me, sister." Naomi scrunched up her nose and smirked. "Why would I bite a fhamphir, you'll kill me."
Kate smiled sickly. "That's the whole point, you filthy beast." Kate told her. "I have to go now. You do too, sister." Kate kicked her in the stomach, sending Naomi flying across the room. Naomi snarled, revealing her fangs, fully grown, past her chin. Her hair quickly went white, and her manicured fingernails turning a bright amber and turning into claws. claws. Kate quickly ducked, and rolled closer to the door. Her fangs dimpled her bottom lip and she hissed, edging slowly towards the door, hardly making a noise. Suddenly Kate bolted, her feet making a 'bang, bang, bang' noise on the ground as she moved. Naomi glided effortlessly behind her, her feet seeming not to touch the ground. Naomi sped up a little bit, and blocked the doorway so that Kate couldn't get out. Kate quickly pulled her switchblade out and brandished it in front of her face, so that it hit Naomi, but didn't kill her.
Naomi snarled, moving out of the way delicately, as Kate bolted outside, running into the forest just outside the building. Naomi stood in the doorway, glowering as Kate disappeared into the forest. Kate panted loudly, her heart thumping as she ran into a tree, she stumbled, but pulled herself up just in time to hear a big POOF behind her as the big building she and Naomi had fought in caught on fire.
Kate wondered why it suddenly caught on fire, then it came to her in under a second.
Naomi and her are Burners.
Naomi bowed before Chriistophe, her fangs fully out and her white hair looking bright and out of place in the dark room. The King tilted his head slightly forward, his black hair covering his left eye with a quiet swishing noise. Naomi tried not to look into his eyes, which were black, burning holes of hatred, just like hers, except you could feel the hatred pouring out him. Like it was desperate to escape.
The King stood, his long ankle length cloak unravelling when it touched the floor, and the aspect poured over him. His fangs grew with a impercetable crackling as they grew out and curved just as they reached the chin. His hair turned a brilliant blonde, and his fingernails went black, and grew 6 inchs. Naomi got up effortlessly, and coiled back, shoulders hunched as if she expected a punch. Chriistophe made a quick movement then he was mere centimetres from Naomis face. "Naomi," He said quietly, his fangs making a funny lisping sound. "Yes, my King?" Naomi also said quietly, fangs sprouting as the aspect fell on her as well. "You have been a good servant to me, Naomi. You don't know..." He went still in that way older vampires do. A long, tense ten seconds followed before Naomi spoke. "What don't I know, sir?" She sputtered quietly. Chriistophe turned away from Naomi, and took a couple of strides back to his seat. Naomi relaxed a bit, sensing that everything was right. The King rounded on her, eyes blazing. "You let her," He sighed angrily. "You let Kate GET AWAY. Again and again I send you to drain her of her blood, or bring her back to us. Dead. All you've brought back is patheticness. Your JUST LIKE ONE OF THEM!" He screamed at her, hissing. Naomi snarled. "GO. Just ... go." He snarled back at Naomi. Naomi made a effortless move, and she was out the door quick.

Help me?

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

3:39pm May 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 319
I remember this :3 Re-writing the first part was fun.

Status: Studying the blade

1:34am May 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
Do you wanna help me Prinx again?

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
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