Story three -Nalro and Sparkwolf-

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2:45pm Jul 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283

Ok so if any of you are getting mad at me for posting to much at a time then you need to read this. ~I got kicked off the blogs for writeing stories. So I have to move ALL of my stories here. Thats why I am copying and pasteing them to down here.~

Story three-Nalro and Sparkwolf By: Sparkwolf

I was playing with my new friend Nalro when we saw a cream pup eating berries from Stonejewl's mothers bush.I rushed over to him to tell him to stop eating the berries. "Hey! pup you cant be eating those Stonejewl's mother will kill you!" "Who cares my daddy will kill her first." He grabbed a bunch of berries and ran off with them. "Oh no Stonewolves mom will think we did this!" "We have to catch that pup!" said Nalro. As we ran after the pup who diden't really care about leaveing tracks we came out of Stones terriory into another terriory. We finally found the pup but he was with another Zeneirix. And this Zeneririx was big. They came close anoth to hear what they were saying. "Good job Huskies your mother will really like those berries." Huskies smiled and raced off. "Alright who ever you two are come out from behind that bush." me and Nalro both started at eachother in shock. We sat down infront of the bush and looked more closely at the Zeneirix. He was brown and his muscels were ripping our of his skin. "Oh my he could rip us both apart for tresp*censored*ing." Nalro whisperd into my ear. "You two are both still young. You could join our pack." "Did you hear that! He said we could join his pack!" Nalro said. I just started at him. All my life I had lived alone. I had been stolen then set free. Now I had another chance to rebuild my life. What should I do? "Come on Nalro lets go..." I said slowly turning away. "Are you insane!! I'm not turning away from this! This is a once in a life time thing!" That shocked me. I froze and slowly turned around to see Nalro and the brown Zeneirix stareing at me. "...Alright...lets go with him..." As we followed him we were welcomed by three pups. "Tons to play with!" "Alot of food!" "And a nice and den!" "This place is paradice!" said Nalro full of excitment. "Dont get your hopes up. You still have to train and catch food." Said one of the pups. A tesuri walked up to us and said. "Hello I am sirLuner what are your names?" "My names Nalro!" "And mine is Sparkwolf..." Such nice people. I thought. Very friendly. What if this is a trap? I padded into the den only to be greeted more. We ate berries and deer then curled up to nap. I guess we could live here. I thought as my mind drifted away into flashbacks of his life. -Check out Sparkwolf's petpage to find out more about him.-


3:38pm Jul 10 2009 (last edited on 3:39pm Jul 10 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 524

This is just spam; it's no wonder why you got kicked out of blogs. Do you honestly need six individual threads? I don't think so. You can your posts instead.

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