Still needs a title but please read .

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2:06am Feb 9 2011 (last edited on 10:28pm May 30 2011)

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Posts: 36,303

I lay in bed awake listening, thinking, and remembering. How could you be taken away from me so quickly, So effortlessly.... and on Valentines day .It's been a month since you were shot and I still can't get you out my mind .Why dose the world have to be so cruel ?.Shot on Valentines Day.


They found you with a lone white rose in your hand and nine others scattered in your blood slowly turning red .I was called to the scene, you were still alive then .I ran to your body and kneeled next to you "Liam" I sobbed.

you put a hand on cheek and said "Lilly I have something I want to give you ".I nodded and came closer as you pressed the white rose in my hand .I felt hot tears seeping down my face ."Liam please don't "I sobbed "your going to live through this please don't" I sobbed my tears falling on you.”Good-Bye Lilly "You whispered .I shook my head "No Liam you’re not going to die please” I sobbed.

Then ........"I love you "those were your last words.


I looked up at my ceiling coming back to the present .Why? I thought Why did your last words have to be Good-bye and I love you? I sighed why was this so hard? Why did you have to go?I slowly got out of bed I hadn't been to school in a month and today I finally have the strength to go .I take a shower and get dressed into my school uniform before getting my bag ready for what the day may have in store .


I walk down the road the usual way that I walked and then my phone started to buzz "....?'I got it out of my pocket and pressed the select button in order to read the Text I had just received .It read:


Look behind you

Tara <3



I looked behind me only to see Tara and the rest of my friends’ .Tara waved at me and I shook my head before returning to my walk my phone buzzed again I ignored it and kept walking.” LILLY! "I heard Tara yell at me .I turned to a side road the one that we never went down because of who lives there .I smiled to my self knowing that Tara wouldn't dear go down the road that Alex and Stacey Saunders lived on .You see Alex Saunders just happens to be the most popular guy at school and well his sister Stacy she’s a whole other story.



If you haven’t figured this out my names Lilly you should know some things about me first of all I’m nineteen, Second of all my boy friend was shot on Valentines Day, Third thing you need to know is I’m usually a red head but I inherited one of my fathers three traits and well you’ll learn about those later, But last and certainly not least is I hate being followed.

Well back to the present.


I felt eyes on me and I turned to see Stacey Glaring at me from her window

I still don’t know what her deal is. I thought then returned my eyes to the path in front of me my phone buzzed yet again I plucked it from my pocket with a sigh and pressed the select button yet another text from Tara I opened it.

Then I read:


Lilly what did I do wrong?

Why are you avoiding me?

Whatever I did I’m sorry please come back



I turned my phone off I still hadn’t told anyone that my boyfriend  had been shot and I wasn’t about to .It would all be ‘Aww Lilly I’m so sorry I can’t imagine what your going through right now ‘and ‘Lilly You know if you want to you can come to me when ever you want ‘.


I heard foot steps behind me but didn’t dare turn round I was still on their road so I couldn’t.


I walked a little faster Got to get away! I thought




11:34pm Feb 9 2011 (last edited on 10:27pm May 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 36,303

I felt a hand on my shoulder “Lilly?” I heard him ask .I turned “What?” “You don’t come this way usually is something wrong?  ” I looked into Alex’s eyes “Why the hell do you care?” I shrugged his hand off and ran down the street I looked back to see him standing in the spot I had just left a confused look on his face.

I was panting when I got to school Tara was waiting for me at the gate I felt like crying she was alone “LILLY!” she yelled at me “WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE YOU AVOID ME?”I saw tears coming from her eyes and felt my own water up.”You didn’t do anything Tara “I said “I’m sorry “I said and tried to walk pass her .She grabbed my arm “Lilly what aren’t you telling me?” She asked “What can’t you tell me? You’re my best friend Lilly but you’re not telling me something “I saw a tear fall from her cheek followed by another. “Tara “I said feeling a tear fall from my cheek “I’m sorry” I said as I yanked my arm away “For every thing “I slowly started to walk to my first class ………she didn’t try to stop me .


I got to my first class of the day Science. ”Great “I heard Alex said from behind me “We have the same first class “.I felt like ripping my hair out “Yeah great” I muttered as I went in taking my seat “Today class “Ms noblemen our science teacher said “we explore the inside of a cows eye “.I felt like I was going to puke I know what she meant, She meant we were going to all slice one up and see what it was like inside.”But before that I will take the roll “She got out the roll book” Saunders, Alex?  “”Here” he replied I glared at him. Then about twenty-five names later” Kimberly, Lilly?” “I’m here “I replied.


12:04am Feb 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 12,384

Yello petra! xDD



12:07am Feb 10 2011

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Posts: 36,303
Hello Ash


11:43pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 11:47pm Feb 24 2011)

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Posts: 36,303
Yay nobody is reading it XD


11:38am Feb 25 2011

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Posts: 33

What I think:

The story doesn't interest me much, but it might interest others.  Who shot Liam?  Why?  And what's with Stacey?  If you build upon those things, make them into mysteries with interesting answers, then you have a good story.  It would be really interesting if Liam being shot was related to Stacey and her brother.

There are a few errors in grammar and punctuation and that's distracting.  The last "paragraph" (which ended up being a single sentence) should have been at least two sentences, maybe three.

That's what I think, but don't get discouraged by my criticism. Keep writing. :)

I am an omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles.

7:39pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 7:44pm Feb 25 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
Thank you and in fact Liams death dose have something to do with them .


7:32pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 10:26pm May 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
Edited first post.

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