Something Called Love

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1:38am Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 1:42am Jun 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 150
My first poetry in a long time -___-
I don't know what got me into writing poetry now.
Any critiques?
 Ima still rusty... blah.

Something Called Love

Our conversation
Began like this: tell me if 
you shall and will, the
the secrets of the world, the whole
universe itself.

Your response, reply:
I would tell you my dear, should 
I have an answer.
Alas, give me some time, and 
I promise to tell.

How did it come to
this: with your dying breath, half 
a life-span later, 

the world as old as we are,
as old as the world, we were - 

That you hold my hands
In your withered grip, time-worn
Hands, and whisper to
me, "I'm sorry, I have failed
you... failed, you can see."

Shush, I say, shush, but
You cannot hear me; you are
already gone, gone -
though, you did leave me something:
something I call... love.

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