Revenge of the Narwi

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3:16pm Sep 10 2011

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Posts: 255

Revenge Of The Narwi


Somewhere, in the seas of Atquati, stood a rock, a proud looking rock. Under that rock there was a cave. A cave brightly lit with wyrae slime seeping through the ceiling. In that cave, a pod of Narwis lived. Joyful Narwis, that didnt mind the glowing slime swirling around their head when they slept. On top of the rock, there lived a group of Wyraes. They were happy, but happy from evil deeds rather than a peacefull life like the Narwis lived. For decades these two species coexisted, yet neither knew about the other. How could this peaceful life be ruined so suddenly?


3:40pm Sep 10 2011 (last edited on 11:53am Sep 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 255

Chapter one


I swam as fast as I could, leaving familiar territory behind. My little stump of a horn was stained with blood, and I had scratches all down my body. I felt as if the Sirleons will still behind me, following my trail of bubbles. It was night and with no light to guide me, I occasionally bumped into some coral, a rock, and sometimes even a murren. But I was out of sight so fast they didnt even know why they had woken up.

My name is Ashyna, and I am a Narwi.

It had felt like mere minutes since the Sirleons had attacked our pod, yet judging to my weak sense of direction, I had been swimming for hours. The image of the Sirleon that had killed my mother was still stuck into my mind. Then more had come, their claws glinting in the evening light. The next thing I knew i was fighting myself, using my horn as a spear or knife. When I looked up, I could see nothing left of my pod. Not knowing whether any still lived I had fled...

I was beginning to think that the darkness would go on forever, but then I noticed two small flickers of light in the distance. I swam closer, eager to be able to see at least my own tail. As I got closer, the flickers began to look like jewls in their shape. Soon I was right under them and as if the light saw me, they darted a few feet away.  


12:19pm Sep 11 2011 (last edited on 4:26pm Sep 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 255

I swam closer, but slower this time, as I seemed to be becoming drowsy. The water around the lights was beginning to shimmer, and I had glimpses of the colors orange and purple. I blinked, realizing that I needed to sleep. I had a longing to dream, and I closed my eyes and drifted down into a shallow dent in the ocean floor. I was asleep as soon as I felt the bottom.

That night I dreampt of blue fangs bearing down on me, and stripes of orange and purple all around. Then I was in the dark again, with the flickering lights. But this time, there were fangs too, right under the bigger light. I cried out, and the lights seemed to know that I would be an easy target...

"Wake up! Waaake up!" A voice said, and I openedmy eyes. Swimming above my head was a Natural Cyid, lights and all. "Your dreamz tazte yummyz! I love yourz dreamz!" He said. I looked around. I could see, which meant it was daytime. The blue water was swarming with Cyids. I looked up at the one who had spoken to me. "I'm Ashyna. Where are we?" I asked him. He chuckled. "I'm Lazaz. Welcomez to Cyid Havenz!" he said, gesturing with his tail to a enormous clump of coral from which most of the other Cyids were going in and out.

Suddenly I remembered something my mother had told me. "Oh, I know this place! Its the only place where you can find more than one Cyid in one spot, right?" Lalaz nodded. "Zo, wherez your pod?" he asked. "I don't know." I said, and told him the story of what had happened. Lalaz shook his head. "Zad story." he said, and suddenly hee perked up. "A fight? Oh, I mustz takez you to our healer!" he told me, and started to swim away. "Are you comingz or notz?" he called

I reluctantly followed. Lalaz led me into a hole on the top of the coral and into a small room. In the room there was a  Gold Cyid that made my natural skin colorless in comparison. "Hello Lalaz. Who is this?" she asked in a silky voice. "Mirras, this iz Ashyna and she was attacked by sirleons." he told Mirras. Mirras dissapeared into another room and came out with several sea sponges. She pressed them onto my wounds. "These will clean the cuts and prevent infections." she said.


7:54pm Sep 12 2011 (last edited on 4:35pm Sep 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 255

Mirras was using her mouth to hold the sponges, and I was wary of her fangs so close to my body. But Lalaz seemed to trust her, and I, strangely, found myself trusting him, so I tried to relax in case Mirras noticed.  She ingnored the fact that I twitchedd every few seconds. After she had let the sponges slip off my body, I started to swim out of the room, but Mirras helf me back. "Those wounds were soaked in Wyrae acid. I have a potion that will keep them from becoming poisoned." 

I looked at her strangely. "But, but I was attacked by Sirleons." I told her. Lalaz's and Mirras' eyes widened. "Youz meanz you don't knowz?" Lalaz asked. I shook my head. "Ze Sirleonz have sided with ze Wyraes." he said. "They planz to enslave the entirez Atquati, and soon ze whole world of Rescreatuz, all becauze they think they are better than any other creatus." I gasped. But then I realized something. "So about the slime on the Sirleons' claws?" I asked. "The Wyraes let the Sirleons use their acid as long as the Sirleon uses it well. If they don't, well..." Mirras answered.


9:22pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 18
Great keep on writing!!
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