Nobody is safe. Ever.

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12:13pm Mar 2 2013 (last edited on 4:45pm Mar 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Hunger Games fanfic, oh joy! <3

I dug my way under the fence, feeling the electricity pulse through it as I barely miss becoming nothing more than charred remains. I ditched one of my shoes as it got caught on a clump of brambles. Just as I entered the treeline, I could hear the sirens going off for a security breach. The searchlights would be on in minutes, and Peacekeepers would be scouring the forests. I began to scale a large willow trees, it's long leafy tendrils providing enough cover...for now. How long would I have to hide here? How long before they find me and drag me to the punishment area? I could hear my mother frantically calling me. Her words rang in my head.

"Even being a previous victor, I cannot protect you. It's the risk I took when I brought you to this world. I will do everything in my power from getting your name picked at the reaping."

Tears streamed down my face and a quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand. I must stay strong now. I can sneak back and pretend nothing ever happened. Would they suspect me with dirt all over my dress, hair in tangles and a shoe missing? I'd probably be at the top of the list. Thinking frantically, I froze at the sound of footsteps. I could hear the clunk of the shiny black boots of Peacekeepers. I didn't dare take a breath. I didn't have a choice. As fast as I could bear, I started to scale the tree even further.

"We have movement!" a peacekeeper yelled.

One stood under the tree and saw me instantaneously. "Get her!" he yelled.

I lept from the tree clumsily, falling in a ball. I took a split second to get my bearings and hit the ground running. I could hear gunshots. But they were blanks, I could tell. They usually fired blanks into riots to scare people off. I knew better. They wanted me to hit the ground and beg for mercy so they could drag me back into District 1, my home. I was no way going to quit running until I got to my mother. I watched as searchlights moved frantically as they tried to keep the light on me. I veered off the the left sharply, almost slamming into a tree. There was one part of District 1 that didn't have searchlights. It was about 30 yards away, and I had to keep going. My muscles screamed for air and a break, while my lungs demanded air. I went into a full sprint, tripping over myself many times until I reached the safe zone. Fortunately, the electricity must have been turned off for the Peacekeepers to leave the boundary. I crawled under and dove into a bush, seeing Peacekeepers a little ways off. They hadn't seen me, and were chatting amongst themselves, talking about plans, from what I heard. I crawled out of the bush and along the backs of the houses in the Victors Village. In the Victors' Village there are 23 houses, each one for a different victor. My mother's house was a little ways off, as she had won the hunger games 15 years ago, 3 years before I was born. She doesn't talk about it much, but I don't blame her. The Hunger Games are terrible, and my mother, being the most recent female victor has to mentor the female tribute each year from now on until District 1 has another female victor or until my mother dies. She says mentoring a child that has a 1/24 chance of winning is worse than being in the actual games. I had reached my mother's house. I went in through the back door. Sure enough my mother was sitting with her head in her hands on one of the velvet love seats in our living room. I walked up to her and touched her shoulder. She jumped up, knife in one hand. Another thing about my mother. Never startle her. After being in the games, she is almost scared of her own shadow. That's why she always has a knife somewhere on her. Just in case, she'll always say. Though one of these times she's going to stab an innocent person and then we'll be in trouble.

"Where have you been? The reaping is two hours away! And why are you---" She knew already.

"Go into the shower. Now. I'll pick out another outfit. Go, go! Before the peacekeepers come!"

I ran upstairs and stripped myself of the clothes and went into the shower. After I was done, I put on the silk pajamas awaiting me. I squeezed the extra water out of my hair before heading downstairs. Sure enough, three peacekeepers were there, along with the head peacekeeper, Howl. Yes, people in District One have very weird names. I was named Talia, but my mother had a casual name, Carmen. While other kids had name like Shimmer and Gloss, my mother had the decency to not give me a silly name. They were talking about how they saw me outside the fences, a crime punishable by death.

"There she is. She's the one Howl." One of the Peacekeepers said, pointing a finger at me.



1:44pm Mar 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
...I realized I don't really want to finish this story. /sob

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