No floor~ [Critique please?]

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6:01pm Apr 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,318

Picture this:

You find yourself in a small, white room. Your eyes wander and you notice that there isn't anything there. No doors, no furniture, and no windows or people. There is only four walls and a ceiling. You look down towards the ground, your eyes open wide with terror, there's no floor, just nothingness. A dark black hole beneath your feet. Before you can even think twice about this, you plummet into darkness. A darkness so pure that you begin to choke. You fall, farther and farther until the light of the room dissapears. You try to move but the darkness has you in it's grasp. There's no escape. Long, silvery tendrils begin to wrap around you and they start squeezing you until you can't breathe anymore. There is only one word that flashes in your mind: Death. Your strength fades quickly and right when you thought that there was no hope, when you were absolutely sure that you would die in this darkness, a bright light blinds you and the darkness subsides. The tendrils loosen their grip, you're free. Then you open your eyes, it was all just a dream. But to your dismay, you find yourself in that empty room again... The room, that had no floor~

So that's my little freaky story xD Comments are welcome.. and critique too ;P

Don't Steal this! >:(

 [I will personally hunt you down.. Just warning ya..]


10:47pm Apr 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 27
Lol, Pepsi. I love it. XD



7:26pm Apr 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,318
[[Thankies, Squiel <333]]

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