Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game


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8:29pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 8:31pm Oct 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
I feel like a tard, not having posted anything here in a long time.
I'm not dead, though.
Anyways, I want to make sure my skills haven't rusted at all.
This is on the Petpage of my pet, Klez.
It is based off of transformers, and a roleplay with a friend. Maybe a Fan fiction?
Anyways, he's my character.
I just want to know if this sounds interesting.
Reviews are loved, even if just one sentence.
I might work on more later. Counts on my mood, really. C:
It was moments before I moved again, the sound of my running processor telling me that I had awaken from what had seemed a forcefully induced slumber. My mind was in shambles, but my desire to kill had remained, burning stronger than anything else. Maybe even stronger than my will to live. I just knew I had to... I was made to... that's what I was always told to do, and it felt right.

When I stood, I found my structure was in as bad a condition as my mind; pieces dangled from my frame, wires lacing over the ground in intricate patterns. More startling than anything else, I could see my spark glowing beneath the metallic exterior that had once appeared stable. I felt my lips curling into a snarl, claws unsheathing with a loud, piercing sound. Following soon after another sound reached my audios.

"And this is what you wanted. Look at this damn monster."

Even with my shattered image my senses remained fully operational; turning swiftly, despite the painful strains from my detached innards, I found my optics locked on something in the distance. No, to be more precise, two figures. They were behind a, a great solid barrier that separated me from the rest of the world; the that had always kept me from the world. Upon further inspection it seemed I was in the same locked and secluded cell that I had remained in for my entire life. Funny how when a place you are trapped is so isolated from the rest of the world, and yet the world seems to find you...just to hurt you.

"This thing? I'd call this more of a success." The next voice, though stoic and stern, had a strange feeling that sent shivers through my CPU. "I think with more work it can be completed. As of now it succeeds in the one thing I wanted; to kill. Not only can it tear another robot apart with pure brute strength, but it has every infectious virus known to Primus. I'd say that's quite a masterpiece on its own..."

I could see the owner of the first voice nodding. Though it was indeed a that kept me from them- which I considered quite a downer, as I still wanted to eliminate something - it was clouded over as well, keeping my sharp vision from completely identifying the foreign subjects; though not truly foreign, as they had seemingly observed me all my life. Observed me, noted things about me, tested on me, forcing me to endure procedure after procedure. Maybe that's why I wanted to kill them so much.

"Seeing as it is at completion in functioning, but not mind, I would think you'd name it." The first voice sounded again, just as cold as the second, but I could sense a hint of misunderstanding.

"I find naming it useless. There's no need for me to link compa.ssion to a mere project. 661612 is its code number, and all I shall call it." The other motioned to protest, but was cut short. "Fine fine. Klez. As that is a name for one of the most - if not the most - deadliest virus. Suiting for what will be the most feared creation of all..." 


9:01pm Oct 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Not bad. :D  Shows a lot of emotion...and hatred.  I love reading your work. ^_^


9:03pm Oct 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
O.O Awesome...

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


9:04pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 9:04pm Oct 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

Good, as it should. C:

If I kept working it would lighten up eventually. Though this isn't really enough to even call a story in my opinion right now. xD

And thank you too, Fox. x3


9:07pm Oct 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
Your Welcome. I will gladly read any bit of work you write.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


5:44pm Oct 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Ooooh. Very nice. o:


11:19pm Oct 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Thanks Yosheh. <3


10:59pm Oct 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

At first, I wasn’t sure whether to feel appreciative or insulted by the fact they seemed to have named me. I knew what names were, as I knew what many things were, but it was just one thing that I never imagined having. There were so many things in life that I knew I would never have, but at least there was one that I would always receive; training. It was not that I enjoyed those sessions where the voices behind the gave snide remarks at my progress, or silent words of impressments. It was that with these sessions I could complete the one thing that I was created to do, and more so than, that I could continue to fine tune these skills of mine. If they were pleased enough with me to give me a name, then I knew my progress was very, very good. It was like a reward, but at the same time it was something that I knew I would always detest. Names act as restraints; once given, you are forced to scum to those who command your name with more authority. And now, and until the end of my forever, Klez was the word that possessed me.

I bared my fangs towards the blurred images again, optics flickering dangerously as I allowed the same deep and intimidating tune to thrum from the depths of my throat. The confusion I felt was still strong; there was no reason that I should have been in the condition I was. Broken, damage and wrecked were only a few words that described my frame and I desired to know why they had done this. Even if I never obtained those answers, I knew they were the ones that did it to me. Whatever entered this room was a creation of them, a contraption of theirs, something new to test me or prod me and provoke me in ways that seem more intense every time. I wary took a step forward from my building tension, making sure to overstep the wires attached to me as I continued to stare intently at the in preparation for the voices. It was hilarious, in my opinion, that I hated these beings so much and yet I felt as though I had no way to escape what they asked of me. I wanted to kill them, yet I wanted to please them in any way possible.

“Actually… I think I have another plan for Klez today…” It was the second voice, sounding slow as though they needed the extra time to articulate their thoughts. “We’ve tested it on nothing but decoys… I think it’s time for us to test him on a new subject… a REAL subject.”

The body motions of the other clearly translated to me as distress. I hushed my subdued snarls, a hint of confusion crossing my ex
pression and my mind desperately trying to comprehend what the message meant. A real subject… hadn’t I been killing real subjects this whole time? Or were they not real, nothing more creations to make life even more unclear to me? I wondered, sometimes, if reality would ever become what it is. In this room, this cell, this cage, I knew nothing of what was real and what was just a fragment of my imagination. Though I had to admit this was quite a way to keep me from knowing anything; and as frustrated as that made me, of not knowing anything at all, there was nothing I could do to somehow turn the tide. It seemed, as it always seemed, my lack of understanding is what they used to control me. How long this time had stretched was something I don’t think I’d ever know.

“But that would be removing it from the cell, Sire.” From the way they addressed the other, I knew it was the first voice. “I don’t think its stable enough to remove… what if something—“

“I didn’t ask what you thought.” The reply was short and blunt, stopping the other abruptly. I expected them to comment again, as they normally did after being interrupted, but a silence fell between the two afterwards. I could see the ‘Sire’ moving, leaning over in order to look at something, and then a loud computerized noise that told me something was about to begin.


To be continued soon whenever sometime.

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