Irresistible Beat

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12:34pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
Kylar groaned, walking into her house, slinging her bag down on the couch. It tipped over, spilling several report papers. She sighed, and started cleaning them up, grabbing them, and then carelessly shoving them back into her bag. She laid the bag beside the couch, then flopped down onto the comfy couch. She smiled, happy to be home...

But, something was missing...

A thought popped up into her mind, and she looked at the coffee table in front of her. She picked up a purple MP3, and put the headphones in. She looked through her music, then came to a song which she thought would brighten up the moment. 

She tapped her foot to the beat for a while, and then began to mouth the words. She playfully threw her hair about, her body beginning to move to the song. She soon stood up, singing along with the song, and dancing about... And, eventually, started to play the air guitar. It seemed nothing could break her moment.

Alex walked down stairs, but then saw her big sister dancing around like an idiot, not seeing the headphones. "... I immediately regret this decision." She ran back upstairs, as fast as she could. Kylar didn't notice her sister, so she continued to dance and sing...

Suddenly, the front door opened, and there were her best friends, and her brother. One of them, the guy of her best friends, started laughing, struggling to breath. His sisters joined in, but Kylar's brother just watched in mortification. Kylar froze, looking at her friends and brother, her chocolate brown eyes going very wide. "Uh... Heh... Hi..." Kylar said in embarrassment and awkwardness. She coughed awkwardly, waiting for her friends to stop laughing.

Heh, Kylar got a little too involved with her music. ^^;

Why I wrote this, is because, since Kylar is my Persona... Yeah, I did this in real life. 
Buut... It wasn't my BFF's and bro that walked in on me. It was my parents... o_o
I had a LONG day explaining to them what I was doing.
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