If Anyone Has Any Quotes... Post Here

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10:30pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 10:53pm Mar 28 2010)

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Posts: 192

Hello everyone. I have this obsession with quotes. I just think it is so cool how a statement that is so short can have such a long meaning. If anyone has any, original or not (if its not, please say who wrote it so they actually get the credit) post them here...

"Time is a gift, yet it can be terrifying. It can rotate the most solid situations and change everything before you even have time to react to it."- Me

"Guys are weird. Once they finally have what they want, they suddenly don't want it anymore."- Me

"The best kind of events are the ones that happen in a flashing, surprising moment. Because it gives you no time to plan what your going to say, the only thing your able to do is be yourself."- Me

"Everyone loses. Admit it. You can explain all you want, make all the as.sumptions and excuses you feel you need to say, but in the end, it always comes down to the same thing. You lost."- Me

"Being in love isn't having someone who's everything you ever wanted. It's the person who takes in all your bad qualities because they know that underneath, there's always something good."- Me

"Don't hate your enemies. Love them. There the ones who give us the chance to say that we've finally won a battle."- Me

"If you were born a professional, would you really be a professional or just lucky?"- Me

"If we all knew everything, life wouldn't be worth living. Because our hunger for knowledge is what keeps us moving. We're just all so darn stubborn."- Me

"Questions are the fire in life. Because once we finally find the answer, there is one last spark before all the heat dies out."- Me

"The worst thing in life isn't not having something. It's finding out that something you thought you had wasn't ever yours at all."- Me

"Why are we born with a nose?"

"To breathe."

"Why are we born with a mouth?"

"To talk."

"Why are we born with a life?"

"To live."

More to be added. By me, and you :)


7:04am Mar 29 2010

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Posts: 2,518

I love quotes too! When we write the buses on the board, I write them! Or, at least I used too...... *sad face*

"Humans  and their friendships. i can see they cause nothing but trouble!"

- Invader Zim

"I will sing the Doom Song now. Doom doom doom doom doom doom......"


"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"

- Eric Idle

"And now for something completely different."

- John Cleese


- Tom 

Muffinz 0_o

8:58am Mar 29 2010

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Posts: 32
Loyalty is something that you give regardless of what you received back, be it pain or happiness. You may receive nothing back, but even then, you will feel fulfilled.
Because you do it for one that either you serve, or you love.
If you do it for one that you serve, you will only feel fulfilled, for there is no joy in giving.
If you do it for one that you think you love, temporary joy will come to you, but fade soon.
If you do it for one you truly love, you will feel everlasting joy.
If you do it for yourself, all you will feel is bitterness.

The longing, the yearning, when can it be fulfilled?
The sadness, the loneliness, when can it ebb away?
The anger, the fire, when can it be quenched?
The happiness, the blissfulness, when can I be touched?
When can I be washed clean, and start afresh again?

9:49am Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 10:08am Mar 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 192

"People think our biggest fear is not getting what we want. They're wrong. Our biggest fear is getting what we want because then there's one more thing in our lives at risk at losing."

"I would rather be called stubborn and annoying than beautiful or incredible from my boyfriend. Why, because if he calls me annoying or stubborn, I know he loves me just the way I am." :)

"Life is NOT like a rollercoaster. It is not planned out in advance, you are able to crash at any point, and those chains that pull you up the difficult parts don't exist."

"Life isn't about how many days we live. It's about how many days we have that were worth living through."

"Don't ever think of the end as the end. Because all it really is is the step before a new beginning."

"Even if perfection did exist, no one would know it. Because everyone's eyes sees things in a different way. Some may see flawlessness, others may see a disaster."

"Learn to listen to yourself. Because in the end, when there is no one else to guide you, its the only hope you have left."

"Music is really the most beautiful thing that ever existed. Because no matter how many things have changed in the world, the meaning in the lyrics will always stay the same. Not even time, the most powerfull thing of all, can change it."

"People are easy to forget. But the effect they leave us, the small parts inside of our hearts that they pressed a change, some sort of shaken wave, is something we're all forced to remember."

"We need hardships and bumps in the road during life. Otherwise, if everything was perfect and smooth sailing, would it really be an accomplishment making it through?"

"Everyone has a weak spot. Something that they can never beat or win against. But maybe its not such a bad thing. Maybe it's helping us figure out what about us is so strong."

"I always wondered what it must be like to be in love. Whenever they touch you, to want to wrap your arms around them and press yourself as close to their heart as you can and never let go. To want to spend all of eternity with someone and know that this feeling can never die out. To fall into without looking, and know that they will always catch you."


6:47pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 6:48pm Mar 29 2010)

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Posts: 1,120
"The heardest things to lose are your mind, your faith, and your mental scrapbook.  Your mind can only be lost if you lose the will to stay sane.  Your faith can only be lost through being betrayed.  Your mental scrapbook (A term I like to use to describe memories)  can only be lost if you will yourself to forget the memories inside." ~Myth


7:13pm Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192

"gentlemen and ladies, animals and babies, we sing we sing, na na na na na"- Follow me Down :) (glances at Mythalians username and smiles)

"... and when I thought i couldn't make it through, I did."


4:33am Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

"I love my Fat Boys" -Red Queen

"UBOAR" -Emperor Mateus

"Can you imagine? If this volcano were to erupt? The explosion would be the end of us. How terrifying is that? While we're terrified, would you like me to teach EXPLOSION?"

-reply no 

"Yeah, you're right. It is too terrifying." -Hiker from Pokemon Firered at Mt Ember


Feel the love man D:<


9:21pm Apr 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 47

"Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. " Mason Musso

"Life is like a song. There's the happy and upbeat ones and the sad and depressing ones." Me

"I dont hit girls... except for Miley" Trace Cyrus

"Does my being half naked bother you?" Jacob Black/Taylor Lautner

"Wal-Mart, do they like sell walls there?" Paris Hilton

"Spread the Love!" Mason Musso

haha love you dessen!! <3333 and i still have to post! i'll do it soon!!


9:30pm Apr 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 192

            We want to reach the future.

            We don’t want to let go of the past.

            But in the end, there’s no more room left for the present.


            It’s funny how one word can make such a difference. It’s like, we hear that word, so simple and easy to pronounce, and suddenly we’re overwhelmed by a flood of memories, a wave of emotions. And following beyond that one word is a whole trail of thoughts, one after another, taking place into each other until eventually, it all comes back down to that one word.


            How is it possible that one person can change you so much without even trying? It’s not like they walk into our lives, destined to change us or make a big footprint in our heart, all they want is to be there, with us, for no reason at all. And suddenly everything starts to change, something inside of you turns inside out, upside down, and nothing is ever the same again. And as you look back on it all, who you used to be, that flat part on your heart that’s now a footprint, you think to yourself, “and all this happened just because someone wanted to be with me.”


            We don’t know how much impact we have on someone’s life until it’s pushed back down onto ours.


            If life had a pause, rewind, and a fast forward button, would that really be a good thing? Sure, we could enjoy a moment we love forever, or go back to a wonderful time, or skip over something we don’t want to do, but in the end, we would forget how to live in the moment, forget what the word forever is and just push the present away. We’d be left with only 2/3 of everything.


            Self-respect is very much needed. Because if we don’t like ourselves, than our entire lives would be a living hell. You can’t walk away from yourself, you can’t sign off or press the end button. You’re stuck with yourself, every minute of every day. Sure, it’s a pain and annoying, but that’s why self-respect makes it all that much easier.


11:57pm Apr 8 2010

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Posts: 2,842

Poetry takes the most hateful person's words, a most depressed persons thoughts and wishes, and the most in love persons feelings and words and makes them art - Me

 What good are ideas if we don't put them to work - Me


 The cheetah is the fastest animal on land, the ue whale is the largest animal, the tiger the fiercest and the ant the strongest.Something they can't do, even combined? Stop war. - Me


12:12am Apr 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,384

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

- I dont know who Im quoting, i just know its a famous quote. 


12:10pm Apr 10 2010

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Posts: 1,191

"It is better to be quiet and thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

..Or something like that. By Abraham Lincoln.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

7:16pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:16pm Apr 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,446

"Life is gonna suck when you grow up.."

By unknown person. I heard it someplace 8D 


11:06pm Apr 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785

"When life seems unbearable, you can turn to the sky for freedom....If you just want to get away from the chaos, think of yourself as a butterfly, spread your wings, and fly. Just believe in yourself and you can soar to great heights...."

                                         By me. P:




"I reject your reality and substitute my own."

                                          Adam Savage. Oh yeah.




"Never screw with a person who has to take pills for sanity." 

                                             By me~ 



"You know what? Screw reality! It sucks and I prefer living in my computer."

                                              Me again. C:




"I'm so ninja, I'm not ninja."

                                            Yup. Me~




"I curse you to Heaven!"

                             My friend Reggie. Gawd, he's crazy. xDDD 


12:38pm Apr 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 10,925

"You know you're in love when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." ~Dr.Suess♥

"I'm defintely not perfect, but I'm no cliched, bimpo, fake blonde little snob that strives to make fun of others and simply put everyone down. No, I am postively better than her." ~Me


We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

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