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2:14am Oct 22 2011 (last edited on 11:13am Oct 22 2011)

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Posts: 1,775
Yo, I intend to write a romance story. There are two major problems for that:
1. I'm really bad at writing
2. I don't like the romance genre a load. Like, I hate chick flicks.

So why am I writing one?
I am in the process of creating a piece for my (IB, not iGCSE) art exam. One group of pieces is based around Native American design and tribal masks from indeginous tribes in oceania and polynesia. I am making them out of trash. One piece will be based around the Mother Earth and Father Sky tale from Native American folklore. I have already begun making the sculpture component for this piece. The sculpture will be a flute (being Mother Earth) and a trumpet (being Father sky) painted with designs based on a navajo rug depicting Mother Earth and Father Sky (the rug is being kept in the Denver Art Museum if you are living in Denver(I don't live in Denver, and I saw it in a book). 

The flute and the trumpet are reallly old and were in the back room of the art room (they are tere because they are used for still life practice, but they have retired from this job 2 years ago) for at least 6 years. It was a pity that they were rotting and not being used so I have taken them (along with a large variety of other instruments including a saxophone, 3 guitars, a djembe, a trombone and 2 clarinets) and restored them. So far, I've only just polished up the flute and 'defined' it's petina. I needed to get rid of a lot of the rust so that I could paint it but left just enough so it looks old. I'm in the process of cleaning up the trumpet.

For our exam, we're supposed to host an exhibition. I'm planning on make a lot of hidden things. My art teacher knows about the existance of the trumpet and the flute, but I'm keeping the story secret. There will be a QR code on one of my other pieces (a comic). If the QR code is scanned, it will lead to this story. The story will be presented in the format of a flash comic. Kind of like a graphic novel. The writing will not be simplified to suit a comic, it will be just like how it would be like if it were a novel.

What do I need you to do?
  • Help me. I've no idea what to do. Like, give me ideas for scenes and stuff. Here's what I got worked out so far:

It will be told in 1st person, in the view of the mother and father's child. The child is an adult and the gender is not clear. He does not appear in the story. The story will not include his/her birth or childhood or anything.

He/she is recounting what his/her mother told him/her about his/her parents relationship before they got married

The parents are humans

Okay, I'm getting sick of writing 'he/she' so I'll just refer to him/her as an it now

The story focuses on it's mother.

May be set in the 1920s or some magical time in prehistory. Sort of like Adam and Eve and stuff. So it's either 1920s or naked in some strange utopic world

I want to use parts of the flute and trumpet to describe them or musical terms

I want to include this phrase (describing the mother) 'This was before she was silver or engulfed by her rich petina' (which refers to how the flute looks)

They will have tattoos similar to the designs on the rug and instruments, but they are supposed to be natural and stuff. Like, they were born with that on their skin.

It starts when they meet

The parents won't have speech bubbles. They'll be in dialogue in the text.

No drama, nothing bad happens. It's sort of pastoral. Loads of pastoral imagery. Everything is perfect

There are no other characters aside from the parents.

I want it to be adorabibble.

This sort of represents the idea of creationalism but I don't actually believe in it.

I do not want it to be in any way similar to a chick flick.

Here's some song thing that I feel describes what I want their relationship to be like perfectly.


We say
    Nahasdzaan Shima:

    Earth, My Mother

    We are made from her.

    Even though she takes us daily,

    We will become part of her again.

    For we ARE her.

    The Earth is Our Mother.

    The Sky is Our Father.

    Just as a man gives his wife beautiful things to wear,

    So Our Father Sky does the same.

    He sends rain down of Mother Earth,

    And because of the rain the plants grow,

    And flowers appear of many different colors.

    She in turn provides food for him.


He dresses
    her as a man would dress his woman.

    He moves clouds and male rain.

    He moves dark mists and female rain.

    Dark mists cloak the ground,

    And plants grow with many colored blossoms.


The plants
    with colored blossoms are her dress.

    It wears out. Yes, the earth's cover wears out.

    The plants ripen and fade away in the fall.

    Then in the spring when the rains come again,

    Mother Earth once again puts on her finery.

    The plants are restored again in beauty.

    This is what the stories of the Elders say.

(in Between
  Sacred Mountains by George Blueeyes [1982:18-19])

By the way. I am not American, neither have I been to America. I am Chinese and am just interested in tribal design from other countries.


Feel the love man D:<


6:39am Oct 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 583


1:42pm Oct 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 319
So like, do you need help with trying to write the tale of how Mother Earth and Father Sky met, or what came afterward?

Status: Studying the blade

12:30am Oct 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I know it includes the meeting. But I don't know how long it should run over after that


Feel the love man D:<


3:08am Oct 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 583
personally Ping, I think it'll be the meeting with a shift to the present(?) day when they're covered in patina. It'll be too long otherwise.

I have an idea for it omg now I need to figure out how to write it (oh god why is this so hard)

I have an idea on how the two compliment each other visually and they continue to do so even when they have their patina and the flute has that weird mole thing. What I'm having a problem with is incorporating your themes, especially creationalism.

Also another thing, do you want no dialogue? Because that's what I'm assuming from your post.  If anything, I think a good way to make speech between them is if you take a leaf from 'Alpha Flag'? I think that was a very interesting way to portray speech.


9:06am Oct 23 2011 (last edited on 9:09am Oct 23 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I noticed that I haven't explained this very well. So I'll just explain the bits I'm really clear about because it's my field of expertise (which is the art component).

Okay so this is what I want to do.
-Very feminine images
-like Mucha
-It will be also based on the Art Nouveau
-The layout will be like this:
|                                              |
|                    picture                 |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                  Text                      |
|                  Text                      |
|  <- prev                    next ->    |
But more rectangular
-The arrows will be art nouveau
-Very white, pale, prolly only about two major contrasting colours per frame
-Loads of bloom
-I was thinking of only drawing in the background in areas where someone has made physical contact with the environment. They leave a trail of coloured environment where they walk and touch. This is inspired by Bastion (the game):
-There will be one frame in the end where the scene is seen in 'profile'. Sort of how it would look if it was a side scrolling video game. This will show the fully set that they have interacted in and the coloured bits in which they touched.
-I will do the lineart on an A4 piece of cartridge paper. They will be inked using black India ink and a size 0 brush. The lines will be super skinny. Then I will edit the inks on photoshop, make the inks coloured and then paint them like how I usually do.
-They'll have a really 'painterly' look. I intend to use a textured brush and a square brush. I won't paint it in too much so that the lines are still noticeable
-There will be a load of white. Hoeever, prolly very fadey clouds in the background. The thing might have a very pale blue gradient coming down with clouds drawn on it.
-I intend to use a similar colour scheme to Mucha
-Really, I'm just doing this Mucha style oAo


Feel the love man D:<


1:36pm Oct 24 2011 (last edited on 1:39pm Oct 24 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 583

 Res killed my word formatting but whatever, I think you get the gist of this.

This is also really poop. But that's because THIS IS TOO RAW FOR YOUR FEELINGS AMIRITE?

The things in brackets are key words I use to think of for the
scene. This is heavily lifting from the Navajo song by the way. Tell me what to change or if I’m getting the wrong idea of your piece. If
you’re alright with this, I’ll go ahead with the drabbles or whatnot.

If you don't understand, tell me as well!


Scene one: my mother
is beautiful

Talks about the mother, makes no mention of how they
physically look or how they are in the present. Talks about the days when she
was beautiful (and how she is beautiful still)

Scene two: he brings
her flowers (a.k.a the framing? The rain? Playing music to flowers?)

Transition to the past when the father use to court her,
talks about how he makes her beautiful with gifts of flowers. I think he first
meets by helping her grow plants in her garden? Love of plants makes her
beautiful, something like this. Maybe he heard her ‘singing’ to the plants

Scene three: he brings
her dresses (a.k.a the paints, colours. Clear skies?)

They talk about the most beautiful dress he ever bought for
her. Again, how that makes her pretty, how they felt. Atmosphere and all that
jazz. This is also where the bulk of the physical deion is.

Scene four: he brings
her love (content, life, wind, etc.)

The child talks about how his father sang songs for her,
sensual (not romantic, but tender and loving) deion on lips against
instrument, kissing, forming words, forming songs, etc.

Scene five: he makes
her beautiful

Brings back to the present. They are old and her skin is
worn and patina’d. a black mark on her shoulder from an accident. Around her is
the child’s father, and how he still makes her pretty. I’m thinking about how
the mother looks most beautiful when she is with him, he completes her and only
he can make her smile so beautifully.



5:28am Oct 26 2011 (last edited on 6:30am Oct 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Aight guys, I've decided I'm not going to do it in the 1920s. But I don't know if it should be at 'magical non existant time period', whatever mysterious time period Mucha set his work in (it's not the same one he lived in) or present.

Okies, I don't want it to go back to the present. I have the sculpture component to do that for me and I think it's more impactful (is impactful a word?). So yeah, get rid of that bit.

I don't know about meetin' in the garden. I just don't really know... oAo
 I also want it to be set in a single area. Like a field or something (because a field is like totally pastoral). Prolly a bit hilly (not like Brunei hilly btw). The rest seems great. I'm going to paint the instruments in a bit too. I'll take photos once they're done.


Feel the love man D:<


9:57am Oct 26 2011 (last edited on 10:07am Oct 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I've sketched out the design for the stuff that's going on the trumpet

It's based on this:

The scan's not great because the piece of paper I drew on was too big for the scanner so yeah...
Also, it's really scruffy because I'm not very good at colouring things in black.

The symbolism is very subtle but I want it that way. I do not want to lift too much from the navajo as I feel that it may be insulting towards their religion. I don't feel right as an outsider making claims about how much I know about them (which I'm sure is too little) and I don't want to say 'I know enough to make your art'. So it's inspired from it, not actually navajo art.

The bottom one (darker) has a wing on the bottom right corner. Inside of both of them are stars (diamond shapes and rectangles). There's more stuff but it's really hard to explain because I have to point at the picture because I can't describe the location.

I think I'm going to test this by painting it onto a trombone first. I guess I'll use that trombone as a ginea pig. So I'll post the trombone with the thing on after it's finished. It's just going to be black paint mind you. Nothing too fancy.


Feel the love man D:<


4:49pm Oct 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 583
I've written the first paragraph/section
I don't know what I'm doing...

Do you want it like this, this is the sappiest, stupid pooperknuckles ever but it could be me over-reacting. Tell me what changes to make or if I should try writing it differently. I'll continue after feedback.


My mother was always a beautiful person. I heard this over
and over again from my father but he never needed to tell me. I could see her
sitting and sunning herself in the aged daylight and you would understand what
was so beautiful about her.

She always sits with my father and they would bathe in the
warmth together.

But my mother did not always have coarse skin and a weak
warbling voice. There was a time she was not brittle and she did not always
creak. If you could believe it, there was a time she was even more beautiful. When
her skin was smooth as silver and her voice was like melted honey.


6:48am Nov 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Her tattoo:

It goes on her back, there will be additional motifs that will go along the flute as well.


Feel the love man D:<

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