Fire burns; betrayal burns deeper

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4:03pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

Have fun reading this. ;D I was bored, too many characters, and too much time. Oh, Xavier Skye and some characters coming up belong to shadowfax.


One, two, three four,

Shut the gate and slam the door,

Five, six, seven, eight,

Drown the world with your hate,

Nine, ten,

End the end and begin again.


Akeli mumbled under her breath as she walked down the echoing outer halls of Cambridge, her shoes clicking on the dark stone. Tilting her head forwards she clutched a few books to her chest, titian hair cascading around her pale face. The light was receding slowly as the school day ended, the warmth slipping away from the stones that built up the ancient academy.

Lifting a hand she tucked her hair behind her ear hesitantly, eyes flitting around nervously. The silence felt heavy, weighing down on her shoulders without respite. Akeli’s footsteps quickened until she reached the heavy oak door at the end of the hall. Pausing for a moment she stopped to take in the view that greeted her to her left.

Cambridge sat on the mountains, high above most mortal towns and cities. This particular hall hung over the edge precariously, snow powdering the open balustrades. Held up by tall pillars the roof arched above, only a foot from the crown of Akeli’s head. Through the large openings between the pillars Akeli spied the jagged mountains tinted by the fading light of the sun. Starkly black and white the snow glittered gently.

But Akeli was not afraid. Heights held no fear for her, only thrill and the sense of freedom.

“Beautiful,” she murmured, brushing back her hair again in a quick, agitated gesture. Then, shaking her head slightly, Akeli heaved open the heavy oaken door and slipped inside.

If one had cared to look back they would have noticed a faint scorch mark in the distinct shape of a hand.


“Akeli, where the blazes have you been?” a sharp voice yelled petulantly. It was Violet, my twin half-sister and utterly unlike myself in as many ways possible. Small, dark-haired and angry to a fault Violet had never been mistaken for a relative of mine. In fact, many times we were asked if one of the two was adopted.

Snorting at the thought I padded down the carpeted hall until I reached my sister, bundling the tiny girl into a hug.

“Missed me?” I asked with a smirk, patting Violet’s head gently.

“Like hell I did,” Violet replied peevishly. With a toss of her long hair she slipped out of my grasp and trotted towards the end of the hall, where an open doorway waited patiently.

“Coming, coming,” I mumbled, getting a better grasp on my books. Crunching some pages with a delicate wince I hurried after my minute sister.


Stepping into the antechamber I was awed as usual. Students milled around the edges, dressed in their fanciest ‘dress-up day’ clothing. All crisp edges and sharp angles. Tapering pillars stretched to the high ceiling, painted with a bright gold-and-crimson fresco I could barely make out; the natural lighting from the candles were blanking it out with their luminance.

Glancing around I deliberated a moment to take in the scene properly.

The hall was large, and despite the massive quantities of candles hanging from the smooth ceiling the light missed a few corners, simply adding to the illusion that there was even more of this colossal entrance hall. Tapestries brightened the surroundings further, covering rough-edged stone walls that had stood since what felt was the dawn of time. They were patterned with scenes of ancient hunts and gallant feasts, witch burnings and battlefields spread out in between them sparsely.

Near the front of the hall -attached to the left wall- sat a large reception desk with a man behind it. With a stern visage and sharp glasses sitting on the tip of his nose the man looked anything but welcoming, but I knew better. Monsieur Depard was deceptively nice. He actually seemed to enjoy his menial job, but I imagined it was because he liked the response he got from newbies. The frightened look on their faces always caused the older students a great laugh.

Tossing my books into the library return I walked over to my ‘conclave’ of buddies, grinning widely as I wrapped my arms around Violet’s neck, stooping a bit to do so. Glancing around I had to grin, glad to see everyone now that the school year had begun again.

“Arrived early again?” Joshua asked with an errant grin, dragging a hand through his already messy brown hair.

“Do I have any other choice?” I pointed out. But it was true. Every year I arrived a week early because my parents were busy people and for some reason never wanted me on their hands. Well, parent, that is. My dad’s out of the picture for now.

Chuckling Joshua just shook his head. Though dark in appearance, preferring to wear black for some unfathomable reason, Joshua was a kid at heart. He loved joking around, though rarely around strangers.

“Hey babe,” a suave voice called out from behind me. It took all my will-power not to groan and roll my eyes. Meet Xavier, the all-around ladies’ man and my wonderful boyfriend.

“How many times have I asked you not to call me babe?” I groused, letting go of Violet to smack him around the head.

“Two-hundred and sixty three?” A voice called out from the darkness. Stepping out was Sara, our little blonde prep girl. She acted like one, looked like one, and was most certainly not one. She probably had more kick-ass in one toe than we had in our entire body. Oh, and an eidetic memory to boot.

“No need to remind me, kitten,” he purred before enveloping me in a huge hug. Snuggling into the warmth of his arms I chuckled under my breath. It was obvious I couldn’t stay mad at him, not the way he acted around me.

Turning around I playfully wriggled out of his grasp and ran my hands through his fine black hair. It was soft to touch and slipped through my fingers silkily.

“Have I told you how much I love your hair?” I murmured. Smiling up at him I was interrupted by Violet’s increasingly bored voice.

“Too often, sister dear. Can we get moving? The new students are coming and as the top student I have to meet them. Oh, and you too, Sara. All of the student heads are greeting the newcomers first.”

“I know,” Sara grumbled, put off by Violet’s officious tone. However, it was hard to take Violet’s clipped behavior seriously. She acted that way with everyone and anyone.

The noise in the hall was beginning to grow as the current students looked around, gossiping about the newbies. Teachers ran between groups talking loudly, their curt voices hardly taming our voices. Among the ne’er-do-wells myself I grabbed Joshua’s arm and left Sara and Violet to their task. Xavier had already disappeared, probably greeting some of his old friends.

“Time for beginning of the end of the world,” I sang gaily. “In other words, school.”


Okay, so maybe I got ahead of myself. All I’ve given you is a blow-by-blow account, so you have no idea what’s going on…right? I’ll clarify anyways.

My name is Akeli Vierra and I was asked to chronicle this school year by one of the staff. Involved in the effort was Xavier Skye, Violet Okazawaya, Joshua Cane and Sara Delaney, my trusty band and the individuals who got us all through the two very long terms.

Here at Cambridge, Cambridge Academy to those who don’t go here, we’re all different. I know I’m heading into cliché territory here, but how else can I explain it? I am different. They are different. It’s just…the way we are. To make this easier on you I’ll start with me, describing my ‘different-ness’.

I was born with wings. And not just useless little tufts (though, admittedly, they were at birth), but full blown-out wings. They reach around sixteen feet from end to end and they’re patterned like a juvenile osprey; white and black undersides with patches of buff and black bars on the white. On top they’re just plain black with charcoal edges. I’m not even going to try explaining why I have wings, because I honestly don’t know.

Second of all I can control fire. Not just making fire move when it’s already there, but creating it out of…nowhere? Not sure how to explain that either. But I’ve slowly gained control, since it’s a more unpredictable element. It matches me though, people say. I’ve got ginger hair that’s the colour of warm flames and I have a loud personality to match the lack of subtly flames have. Oh, and I can see in the night/sharpen my eyesight, but I rarely use that. Recently I developed x-ray vision, but it’s so unreliable I don’t bother with it.

Violet, my twin half-sister (long story) matches her abilities as well. She has long, straight black hair and somewhat Japanese features. She is petite and tends to fade in the background a lot, especially when she doesn’t talk.

She has the ability to control shadows. This goes from making shadow fire that can’t be put out to turning into a ghost form that can slip through any substance to even sucking the light out of the area around her. And to add to that, Vi can shape-shift into quite a few animals. Violet also has wings like me, but pure black and ruffled like a crow’s. They’re around fifteen and a half feet across.

Oh, the communicating with the dead thing. Yeah. Violet is a necromancer. Pissing her off in a graveyard is not the way to go.

Xavier -Muffincakes- is also winged. Yes, I realize that it sounds like 75% of the student body are fallen angels, but please, bear with me. We aren’t. He has jay wings that are brilliant blue, to match his eyes.

This next part is awkward, but out with it I must. Xav’s power is odd, to tell the truth. The only way to describe it is that it basically consists of a blob of jelly-like substance that changes according to his moods. You should see it when he’s feeling frisky. I didn’t think that shade of pink even existed.

Next is Joshua. Yoshi, I call him, since it’s sort of similar. That has nothing to do with his powers though. He’s just your average physically-enhanced human who also has control of the element of ice. And as he points out exhaustively, it is not the same as water.

Yoshi has thick deep brown hair and a tall, muscular build, despite his lankiness. The biggest reason I call him Yoshi (other than his name) is due to his deep moss green eyes that match the gaming character’s skin perfectly.

Alright, now that I’ve finished this huge load of deions, I can get back to the interesting stuff. And as a warning; the first day was when everything spun out of control.

…how was that for a climatic end?


--Akeli Vierra, mutant extraordinaire


6:56pm Aug 27 2011 (last edited on 7:08pm Aug 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

Oh god so much writing. O^O If you want I can cut this up, but there aren't any real breaks...*flails*


Back to where we were.

I towed Joshua along with the swelling crowd, muscling my way to the front. Thank god I wasn’t Sara’s size, or I wouldn’t be seeing anything but backs. Using my nicely muscled five feet and seven inches frame I elbowed past a group of freshmen, their high-pitched giggles deafening my poor ears.

“Do they ever stop giggling? Or do you need an off-switch for them?” I muttered irately. Joshua didn’t say anything, though he punched me in the shoulder lightly. Easy-going as he was Joshua couldn’t find fault in a group of young girls excited for the school year.

Rolling my shoulders I tried to adjust my uniform as I got a spot near the front, knowing exactly how I looked. I had the traditional navy blue dress skirt that end a few inches above my knees. Tucked into that was a white long-sleeved blouse. On top of that I had my dark blue vest, an uncomfortable blue tie, white knee-socks and scuffed school shoes. The room was achingly hot and I resisted the urge to strip off my sweater right then, instead fidgeting on the spot as I waited for the new students to be let in.

When Joshua put a hand on my shoulder I glanced back and grimaced. He was grinning lightly, just like the fool he was. He was wearing a similar outfit to me, though he had charcoal gray slacks on and a long-sleeve sweater instead of a vest.

“Stop complaining,” he said after a while. There was tiny hint of irritation in his voice and I took the hint, stopping my fretting and shutting my mouth. The time was just as well too, as the headmaster was about to begin his address.

“Students, students,” he said in a deep voice, calming down the eager crowd that was awaiting the new students. It was a tradition at Cambridge to greet the newcomers and assign mentors to them, so that they wouldn’t feel lost and alone here.

As silence pervaded the room we all waited for the standard opening address that some of us had already heard many times before.

“As you all know the school year is about to begin here at Cambridge Academy. And as you know, as well, you might be assigned a new student to show around the school and introduce to the community. Some of them may be confused, worried and like as not have no idea how to control themselves. It will be your job, as senior students, to aid them in settling down.”

Headmaster Towers’ voice was strong and it boomed around the room easily. Looking at him I saw he was standing tall by the addressing podium near the front of the hall, towards the right wall. I grinned and resisted the urge to wave cheekily.

There were nods all around as the seniors glanced at each other. It was known that there were few newcomers each year, and the spot was often the ob
ject of jealousy as it more or less meant that you were considered responsible and kind enough not to scare the new student within the first hour.

“They will be arriving shortly. May the following students meet me now to receive your charges? David Asare, Kylar Bell, Jesse Budein, Joshua Cane, Mark Dawson, Sara Delaney, Katelyn Fiere, Violet Okazawaya, Penelope Paccianno, Leeana Traggart, Milton Tguyn and Akeli Vierra.”

I groaned and grabbed Joshua’s arm again and headed for the podium. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to do this, but it seems my performance last year had improved my standing among the faculty. And Violet probably did this to piss me off.


It took us a few minutes to struggle through the crowd and by the time I reached Headmaster Towers I had gained another member of our group. Sara was clinging to my hand desperately as her tiny figure was buffeted all over the place.

“Hurry up!” she yelled in my ear as she was nearly swept away by one of the sport jocks. Chuckling I hoisted her closer and finally we broke through, skidding to a stop in front of Headmaster Towers and some teachers.

“Good, you’re all here,” Madame Jevraux said sharply. She taught mathematics and was as austere as the numbers she surrounded herself with all day.

“Yes, well. Quiet down so I can read out the pairs,” Towers rumbled, his presence definitely making itself noticed.

“Alright. David Asare is with Irene Colcher. Kylar Bell and Missy Warner, Jesse Budein and David Johansson, Joshua Cane and Rozien Hydrell, Mark Dawson and Gwynedd Bailey, Sara Delaney and Shay Lykan, Katelyn Fiere and Betty Cross, Violet Okazawaya and Cain...well, just Cain, Penelope Paccianno and Lyla Grimms, Leeana Traggart and Benjamin Odney, Milton Tguyn and Carla Fitzroy, Akeli Vierra and Adelhaide Montgomery.”

After the long list was completed I sighed and glanced around, wondering who the heck was Adelhaide Montgomery. She sounded very bookish and serious. And though I try not to discriminate I had no idea how I was going to get along with someone like that. Trying to grin I stood by Joshua and Sara, waiting for the new students to come in.

Finally, after ten minutes of waiting, they came in hesitantly. Everyone started cheering and yelling as a few teachers quickly hustled the few students toward the podium…and us.

I didn’t recognize any of them (not that I would), but a few were ushered towards us. Turning around when someone poked me in the back I saw Vi’s scowling face.

“Don’t scare her,” she muttered before taking a place in between Joshua and Sara.

“Like you will?” I whispered loudly, shutting my mouth when an unfamiliar staff member came up to us with four new students.

“These are your guides,” the teacher was saying in a kind voice. Looking over the four new people I casually inspected them.

There were three guys and one girl. What struck me first was the rose-hued hair that one of the more slender males. He had bright eyes and was grinning widely at everything he saw. Smiling back tentatively I bit back a laugh when he waved excitedly. A bored looking teen was standing to the back of the group, eyes looking at the ground and shoulders hunched in what seemed like a protective gesture. Glancing around next to the ginger boy was a sandy-haired guy close to my height, green eyes weighing mine for a moment before twisting away.

Blinking I turned my gaze on the single girl, knowing she was my pair.

“Adelhaide?” I asked curiously, tilting my head in her direction. She was shorter than me by an inch or two, her short black-haired pixie cut stark against her decisively pale skin. Frank hazel eyes matched mine and the stranger lifted an eyebrow in response, a faint smile touching her ashen lips.

“That’s me,” she replied in a surprisingly rough voice. Nodding she padded forwards and held out one hand. I gripped it shyly, suddenly at loss at what to say. The edgy look she had hardly matched her severe name, and I grinned at her in a bemused manner.

“Yeah, I know. Call me Adder, though; I don’t go by Adelhaide. Wasn’t what you expected either, was I?”

“Not really,” I replied more easily than I felt, though Adelhaide -excuse me, Adder- seemed rather nice. Shaking her hand gingerly I let go and rubbed my hand, suddenly feeling awkward.

“Ahem, yes,” the teacher continued. Mr. Fairfield, I remembered. “Adelhaide Montgomery and Shay Lykan are all seventeen. Cain is eighteen. Rozien Hydrell is in his early seventeens and will be a junior. I’m sure you’ll learn more details in due time. Now, I have to introduce the other new students. Please excuse me.” Coughing again Mr. Fairfield drifted away, leaving us standing there awkwardly.


Scratching my chin I looked at Violet then Sara then Joshua before shrugging. Guess it was my turn to introduce us.

“My name’s Akeli Vierra. The short blonde is Sara Delaney, the sour-puss is Violet Okazawaya and the only guy is Joshua Cane. We’ll be your guides around Cambridge. Do you remember who you’re paired with?”

“Mhm,” Cain intoned from the back. He flicked his head back and smirked at me. Raising an eyebrow I turned and shrugged at Violet.

“He’s your problem now,”

“I get it. You’re mad at me,” Violet said while rolling her eyes. Padding forwards she put her hands on her hips and drew up her five-foot-one-inches frame as far as it could go.

“You’re coming with me. I’ll just take you around the school then dump you at your room. You can ask questions, but don’t ask me to repeat information.”

And just like that Violet managed to drag off Cain and we were left at an awkward impasse again. Crossing my arms I tapped my foot and look at Sara.

“Should we just tour together, then?”

“Yes please,” she muttered feebly. I laughed outright then, remembering that even after three years here Sara could barely find her way out of her room.

“Mm,” Joshua intoned flatly. I took it as a yes and smiled at Rozien, Adder and Shay.

“Come along then!” I said brightly, pivoting on my heel and going in the opposite direction Vi had. I didn’t want to run in on her torturing Cain, poor guy. I was willing to be he’d be out of there in a day.

Rozien, the odd one out, bounced up to walk next to Joshua, grinning up at the older boy adoringly.

“You’re Joshua, right?”


“Yoshi, stop being like that,” Sara declared loudly, slapping him in the shoulder before shaking her at Shay. “Be nice. He’s only a kid.”

“Yoshi? Sweet nickname, by the way. Can I call you that?” Without further ado he wrapped an arm around Joshua’s shoulder awkwardly and waved the other arm in front of him wildly.

“I can just tell this is going to be a great school year!”

“Get off me, Mr. touchy-feely,” Joshua muttered, though I noticed he didn’t make any move to remove Rozien’s arm. Maybe he was feeling some pity, for once. Or this wasn’t really Joshua and it was actually a nicer, more sympathetic clone.

“Make me,” Rozien taunted with a grin, patting Joshua on the shoulder before letting go. Rocking back on his heels he paused and looked around, eyes wide.

“What’s the room?” he asked, and I noticed Adder and Shay nodding questioningly too.

“Tour’s about to begin, folks!” I exclaimed. “That there is the kitchen. Wondrous, no? There all the delicious food that you eat is made, with or without magic. It is also the place where bad students go for punishment. And when they come at they need years of counseling. The sous-chef also makes killer macadamia nut and white chocolate cookies.”

“That’s not the kitchen Aki. That’s the teacher’s lounge,” Joshua pointed out kindly. “Are you hungry? I have some crackers on me...somewhere.”

“I’d like to see that somewhere,” Rozien commented obscenely from behind Joshua.

I tossed my head and made a sad face in Adder’s direction.

“See how they gang up on me? Even the new kid! And I never did a thing to them.” Rolling my eyes uncrossed my arms and sped up a bit, pointing out various places and spots that they would need to know about.

“There’s the hall leading to some of the classrooms. At the end is the tower with the divination room at the top. Up ahead is a hallway with no classes or anything. At the end of that we have the dining hall to the left and go a few more meters and it splits into the dorms; girls on the right, boys on the left.”

“Slow down there girl,” Adder said with an easy laugh. “Not all of us have been here before, y’know? Can you start by explaining the history of this school? Then what it’s about? I never got a straight answer on the way here.”

“She’s got a point,” Sara pointed out, unhelpfully.

“Oh, fine,” I grumbled. I hated retelling the school history, no matter how interesting it was. Cracking my knuckles I looked around and adopted a serious ex

“Are you all prepared? This story involves plenty of action, swashbuckling, the odd villain or too and lots, and I mean lots, of magical happenings.”


9:09am Jun 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 17
Wow, this is wonderfully written and very entertaining, I hope there's more! c:
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