Fearless ~Story~

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10:45pm Jun 23 2011

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Posts: 175


The Beginning

Fangs tainted crimson red,
I had to watch as you bled.
Fear captures my whole heart,
And this is how I've felt from the start.

Run away, my love, and don't come back,
Leave me now, or I'll attack.
Leave behind a face that's tearless,
So maybe then, I can be fearless.
~No Copyright, belongs to me~


            Lake Oswego, Oregon. What is there to say about this place? Well, it is the richest town in Oregon, the richest family being that of my adopted parents, Annalise and Mitchell Karthe, who found me over two hundred years ago, an eighteen year old looking vampire who had locked herself into a shelter-like place for over five-hundred years. How did I do it? I don't know, I was insane at the time; I didn't really have any other thoughts then 'blood' and 'kill'. Oh, I forgot the most important part of this, well, I'm a vampire.
            And no, I don't sparkle like Edward the Fairy, nor do I spontaneously combust when the sun decides to conveniently shine straight down on me. In fact, the sun rarely bothers me, except for the occasional sunburn. Hey! You try getting a tan on a body that is incapable of producing a heartbeat. Thank god for the tanning sprays. So much easier than trying to get one from the sun and the hole in the ozone la
yer, which by the way, is totally the stupid butt humans faults. If they could learn to use a bus, and maybe stop using so much hairspray, we'd be fine!
          Whoops, ranting. Anyway, yeah, I'm a vamp. Stakes can't penetrate my skin, actually, nothing can except another vampire, but I haven't had a lot of problems with them, due to my parents being some of the oldest and respected vampires around, well except for me anyway, seeing as I am NOT only royalty, I was born before many of those suckers were, maybe I knew their ancestors.
          I am the only daughter of an old, unknown king named King Draco-vich, along with Queen Esmeralda, and though he has never been heard of, he was a great king, as he should be. He was king of the Visigoths, a large area in medieval Europe, that is, until the Vikings came, and with them, the vampires. I don't remember when I was born, nor do I remember the date when I was changed, but due to the clothes that I was found in, my adopted parents researched, and found out that I was from over one thousand years before, probably around 800 A.D. or so.
          They gave me the birthday they found me on, Halloween, isn't that ironic? Vampire "born" on Halloween, which strikes me as funny, but not many people would understand. And thus, I was born on October 31, around 800 A.D.
          The things I remember? They are horrible things, things that I can't believe I did, because my vampire memory logged every detail imaginable. I remember waking up, being able to hear everything from the fish splashing in the stream about fifty miles away, and to see the dust in the air, each individual speck, clear as day. And the scents, the aromas, the delicious fragrances around me, like the smell of honey, or of mint leaves. It was all amazing.
          Until a man with red eyes came into my vision and that is when the screaming started.
          It took me a few seconds to realize it was me; that I was frightened for my life, and I had no idea where I was. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t deal with this, and I had to be in Hell, or some form of it. I felt my mind shut off like a trap, and I watched as I roared, my hands crushing these beings as if they were twigs. I knew I was one of them, watching my red eyes glow with bloodlust, but I couldn’t control it. I was five years old again, sitting in the corner of my room under the small table, huddling in a blanket as storms raged outside and I was doing this again. A storm was raging outside, and I could see myself slaughtering everything in my path, well everything human or vampire. 
          Animals were left untouched, my love for them not dying, even if my soul was, and they were grateful in their own way, allowing me to feed from them sparingly, as to not kill them. It was harsh, not drinking as much, but I learned to do it, refusing to use the venom that waited to leak from my retractable fangs, and for that, the animals kept showing up, and I thanked Gaia, my mother goddess that she helped me survive. The earth was my heaven, and I showed my respect, using a method the later Indians used in North America.
          No part of the animal was wasted, and I never hunted the wolf or the bear, having a special connection with both, which allowed me to hunt with them at times, usually the bear acknowledged my presence, but we kept our distance. The wolves knew me, they knew my scent, since it never changed, and I was accepted into many packs, the traveler among them. I was an animal, insanity causing me to kill my own kind, and even humans, though I never drank from them. 
          My red eyes were no longer crimson from the human blood I had taken when I had rampaged the surround town from where I awoke, as they were now, the color of the green grass hill I remember watching the sunset from, but also had silver flecks, that looked like the eyes of the dragon on my family crest, which I later found out. I slowly went back into my body, being able to control myself now, but it didn’t last long. As the world changed, I had to change with it, had to learn how to blend in with humans, and to be one of them again. I remembered some things of my past, manners that my father had drilled into me, but I didn’t remember who he was, only the name, Draco. 
          Dragon was all I could remember. I didn’t understand the meaning, but I knew it was important, having kept the crest of a dragon from my gown when I woke, along with a small drawing of my parents and I, a birthday gift from them to me that night, as I recall. 
          I learned the ways of many, of the farmer and of the noble. I learned different trades, cutting my hair, the only thing that would still grow on me, so I could be a man, to learn to fight, and I learned the ways of a woman, to sew and to cook. All things I believed important, I learned, my favorite being that of the blacksmith, being able to make weapons from a piece of steel and the hot, burning flames of a fire.
          I learned well, and I learned quickly, but always having to move on, the only ones to remember me were the animals, the wolf packs that passed on my being to their pups, which loved me as their own, just as their forefathers had before them. I learned from the animals as well, learning to hunt, to be silent, something that didn’t actually come to a vampire as soon as they woke up. 
          The ways of the forest seemed to run in my veins, and I followed the laws with every fiber of my being. I gave thanks to the goddesses and the gods, gave up offerings, and helped to keep my only friends thriving. I passed this way for years, until the Plague came.
          The black plague, the one that wiped out thousands on thousands throughout Europe, and that is when my insanity returned. The animals were scared to come out, thinking I had the same problem, but the wolves knew, and they trusted me as always. But I had to leave, my head was becoming rattled and destroyed, just as it had before I came to them.
          The Draco pack, the name I chose for them, would not leave me, nor did the pack of Gaia, the earth pack from the other territory. Doing something uncharacteristic of a wolf, I had called upon them all, telling them that I needed to go, and that I did not want to travel alone. I asked for four pups, from four different pairs, two males, and two females. From them, I would spread these two packs, and continue to teach them the ways of their mothers and fathers. I promised to return, and that I would never forget them. 
          But one male refused to leave me, and stood his ground when I tried to scare him off. He was the omega, but I had helped him shake off his fearful ways, and he was forever grateful, so I took him with me, naming him Draco, to remember them. He never left my side, and I kept up a steady pace he could follow, the four pups sleeping in the bag on my back. I traveled through city after city, looking for a place, before finding somewhere I could live and taking over it, keeping the wolves with me. 
          Soon, I had to let them go, thirst causing me to want to attack them for food, but I couldn’t for they were my best friends, and I told them to wait, to prosper, and to create a pack, to howl to me every night, and be my company. I never was able to comprehend how they understood my human tongue, and I never understood how a wild animal could care for a demon in such a way, but I would open my eyes, to see Draco bring in living creatures, small but needed. At first, I didn’t want to kill, but I felt forgiveness in the animal’s eyes, and I could feel my heart stir with the goddess, telling me they were not to die in vain, for they had been old or injured, and had given willingly. 
          I ended their lives quickly, not wanting to put them through any more pain, so I used my venom for the first time, and it was like euthanizing them, dying peacefully. I drank from them, but I only drank once a month, fearing to overhunt and kill off my wolves. 
          The day Draco passed, was the day I shed my first tear as a vampire. Venom fell from my eyes, and his body was brought to me, he was weak and old, over ten years of age, his eyes looked at me, showing me the unconditional love he had always had for me, seeing the black wolf inside of me, and loving me, even though I was a different species. I cried over his body, whimpering like a mate as he licked me, telling me it was okay, that it was time. 
          I began a ritual for him, and for the first time in eleven years, I stepped out of my shelter and into the night, carrying my brother wolf’s body easily with my inhuman strength. My pups had grown, and their pups had grown as well, making a pack of at least eight to twelve, whom followed me with knowing eyes, that their father figure was dying. I laid him down on a bed of soft rabbit skins, kissing his muzzle and asking that he be happy with the Goddess. I could feel her around me, holding me close but not there at the same time, her words whispering in my ear, words I still remember to this day.
          “Bless my brother, bless the wolf, keep his spirit safe, mother of the earth, and father of the sky, take him home, and let him hunt with his ancestors again. Lead him into the pack of the heavens, and fill his stomach with the richest meats, and to give him the best hunts. He is a light, an angel with you now, so keep it safe, so mote it be.”
          I kissed him one last time before looking in his eyes, “Draco…sleep in peace. Your heart shall go to the fire, your lungs to the air, your blood to the water, and your body to the earth. Your fur will be as mine is, and you will be forever in peace. We shall see you again, through our dreams.” 
          He closed his eyes, and the goddess took his breath, and I could feel him around me, his spirit forever alive in me, as I felt him sink into me, his very essence, now was a part of me. Even now, he is there, along with his family, and they are keeping me going, even when I don’t want to.
          The wolves howled, and I joined them, my cries higher, but agreed to be the saddest most mournful song the town had ever heard, but no one knew the wolf the voiced belonged to, because that wolf was me. My pack continued to grow, and I protected them, killing the hunters if I had to. I called to my mother pack, and to the earth pack, rejoicing when they answered. They had joined, when a sickness had taken their elders and a few pups. They needed each other to hunt, and it made me happy, which they heard in my howls. I needed to reunite my wolves, so I packed up, and my wolves followed, traveling for days on end before we reached the boundaries.
          Most of the wolves were unsure, but they smelt their scent on me, they saw the coat I wore, and the silver of Draco’s pelt in my own eyes. They knew he was with me, as I was with him and they welcomed me with barks and wagging tails. It was the happiest moment of my life, to see my family grow bigger. The new pups were taken in with open arms, and were cared for better then a princess ever could be. 
          I did not leave them again, and even though I lost some of my sanity multiple times, they stayed by me, nursing my broken soul with their caring and loving ways, which is how I was found by Mitchell and Annalise.
          I had been watching the pups that day, with a few other wolves when they came, but I heard them with my specially trained ears and moved the wolves behind me, my roars thundering for miles until I heard them slow. They were vampires, I could recognize their smell, and my hands turned to claws, my body crouching into a fighting stance, ready to attack, no matter where they came from. 
          Their approach was slow, and they walked with their heads down, palms up, sensing the animal in me, and that I was the alpha here. I tilted my head and looked at them, waiting to see the crimson color of a human drinker, but instead, saw beautiful blue eyes with flecks of gold in them, and I knew they would not harm me, and I stood from my crouch, still watching them with cautious eyes. 
          “Hello there little one,” the female’s voice reminded me of a woman’s voice from long ago, the sound of rain and the smell of honey, my ears tilted towards her, my mind trying to process the words, but only somewhat understanding.
          Ego sum rumex Ego operor non agnosco.” (I am sorry I do not understand.)The man put his hand up to his mate, and moved forward towards me, his body language speaking for him. He was saying that he understood not to hunt the wolves, and that they were sorry to intrude on my territory. His body language asked for what I was called.
          “Ego sum accersitus Karalyn,”( I am called Karalyn) I replied, Latin being my native tongue, and I relaxed, knowing they would not lie to someone they were outclassed. I knew simply words in English, and picked out age, and where do you live.
          I was glad I had remembered my approximate age, knowing it had been at least 8 centuries ago, but I didn’t know when exactly, so I showed them my family crest, and told them, “I…I was born…almost one thousand years ago..” I tried out English, though it felt bad on my tongue, and the wolves looked at me confused, used to my Latin words, and occasional English when the goddess spoke to me in it. 
          They seemed a little surprised, and asked me how long I had lived in the woods with these animals.
          “Many…hundreds…” I replied, wondering at their strange clothing, which I pointed to.
          “The year...1811…So long…” Her words were hard to understand but I knew she was saying that I was a very old vampire. The male showed his mate the crest and she shrugged but gave it back. 
          “Would you like…come live with us…we have an extra living space…better for you.” I whimpered, backing closer to my wolves, not wanting to leave them and they understood.
          “We will…live with you…for a while…but must leave eventually…Is that alright?” I looked at my wolves, and saw that they trusted them so nodded, taking their hands and leading them to a cave filled with bedding from rabbit fur and blankets of grizzly pelts, leading them to the extra beds in the back. 
          “Sleep here…food coming soon,” I got out before nodding to them and heading out to get wood for the fire. When I was back, they were sitting and waiting, playing with a few small pups like a mother would, which made me smile and laugh, making them jump slightly, but smile when they knew it was me.




          Weeks went by, and they taught me English, as I taught them to become true hunters. I learned many things from these two parental-like figures, and it made me happy to communicate. Soon, I was able to tell them of my past, of the things I watched myself do, and hearing what I did to people. I told them stories I could remember from the woman with the voice like rain, whom they said was my mother, then I told them of the Draco, of the man with a crown, whom they said was my father. I was glad to know this, and they told me I was from a royal family, that it ran in my blood, and in the venom I used, because I had learned to control it.
          I taught them the loyalty of a wolf, and the strength of a bear, as well as the silence of the owls wings as she hunted in the night, and the stealth of a lynx, which could sneak up on prey unnoticed. They learned quickly, listening intently, and trying again when they failed. It made me proud to be a teacher again, to teach someone the way I had learned from my wolves. 
          But they soon had to leave, and Annalise, whom I finally understood was the female, and got her name, cried, saying she would always remember me, and that they would follow my ways, because I had motivated them to become better. They had green eyes like me now, having accepted the Goddess in their lives, able to feel the wolves of the past, ones that had died while my friends were here. The wolves said their goodbyes, hoping to meet them again, and Mitchell came up to me, handing me a wooden figurine of a dragon entwined around a wolf.



          I looked at him, tears in my eyes.
          “I want to give this to you, and I want you to keep it until we come back. We will be back in years to come, after we have spread your ways to others of our kind, and we shall love you as our own daughter. The wolf represents us as a family, and of the wolves here. The dragon is you, intertwining our two species, and making us into one. Karalyn, we will be back, and we will want you to come with us, once we have made a good home for the wolves and you.”
          I cried and hugged them close to me, the wolves doing the same. “Yes, I will be awaiting your return, and I will bring my wolves with me, so we can find a better home.” I promised, kissing their cheeks and leading them back to a far away village, where they disappeared.




          Two hundred years passed, and I still awaited their return, knowing they would be back any day, and I needed them back. The modern era had arrived, and there was barely any life left for my wolves, most of which had been trapped and caught, but each one missed terribly. The land was almost gone, as were my wolves, and the ones that were still alive, begged for me to save their pups. I didn’t know what to do, because I didn’t know where to find them.
          As I watched the horizon that night, the sound of running was heard and I jumped up, running back to the cave to protect my family, whether or not it was a threat, I had stopped waiting, and began to hunt for the wolves, usually not doing so, but knowing I had to, and began to make kills, still following my old ways in thanking them and making sure no part was wasted. 
          I waited, watching with cautious eyes as two figures exited the forest. Their clothes were strange, but their faces were unmistakable, and the wolves bounded forward with me as I held them close.
          “We need to save the wolves, please tell me you got help?”
          “Yes Kara, we have everything worked out. There’s a state park where they will be safe to live their lives, and we can live ours, since we bought the place out. We are ready, we have a truck waiting just a few miles away, where the wolves will be safe until we get to our plane, which also had a lot of room for them.”
          “You guys are awesome! Thank you so much!” My English had improved due to listening to conversations and stealing dictionaries, as well as clothes that were more appropriate for this era, which confused the wolves at first, but the pack scent was mine now, and it was the smell of pine and mint leaves. I told the wolves to follow, but to be silent, so that we would not get caught, and the wolves did so, knowing that they would be saved. Annalise and Mitchell held most of the pups in bags, which were only about eight, as I packed up my most cherished possessions; the picture of my parents, the crest from my dress when I awoke, Draco’s pelt, the necklaces of teeth from my wolves since I first came, and the toys I had made for the wolf pups to play with.   
          And from that moment, my new life began.


Natural Female Ivik

11:10pm Jun 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,258
I love all the details you give and how this still follows some traditional folk lore but with a modern/unique twist! Great job. *Still hurting from Ice Cream* XD This is so an iliterate comment of mine. ;)


12:00am Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 555

This story is amazing! Like emerald said ^^ I love the unique twist that you created for this story. It makes it very interesting and fun to read! You also gve many details to help me picture it in my mind as everything was happening! I love when I can do that! I love how Karalyn is amazed and loves nature and everything about it and how Karalyn can get along with the life there and how Karalyn can control the thirst that comes winthin. I also love how Karalyn has a special connection with the wolves, and how the wolves have that same connection with karalyn and how the wolves taught Karalyn of their ways. I also loved how the wolves stayed on karalyn's side and never left. Also, how the wolves can see into the eyes of Karalyn, and how karalyn can see into the eyes of her wolf family. They truely have a special bond. Again, this story is different and thats what makes is so amazing. I would love to read the nest chapter!  ~wolfspirit37


12:18am Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 741
I love the twists on the traditional vampire myths, and the wolves being like her family. It's very deive, and fairly well written. There are a few little  typos and such throughout, but nothing too bad. All in all, I like it so far^^


8:57pm Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Next chapter plz.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:20pm Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 989
I love it, my only complaint would be that it's a little casual in the beginning. c: But I love how intricate it is!

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