Eyes Wide Shut [New Story]

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5:01pm Feb 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

This is my new story. I named it after my favorite song With Eyes Wide Shut by Blessthefall.

So, here it is


The eyes of Winter stare back at me through the mirror. Winter brings despair, cold, snow, sorrow, pain, and darkness. That’s me. Winter. That’s my name and those are my eyes I just described. I know it sounds weird and everything, but my eyes bring despair and everything dark. How else are my eyes supposed to look like? The ocean? I rather have pain and sorrow than pretending to be happy. Pretending to be okay when I’m really not. Now, that’s just being fake. Being a phony. So, my eyes show how I feel. Is there a problem with that? I didn’t think so.

What color are my eyes? What do I look like? Who am I? What am I? All good questions, you know? So, I’m Winter Anne Cross. My hair is naturally black and I have black eyes. I’m probably about 5’ 4”, I know, I’m short. My style is rocker-chic-ish. I’m really not girly, but I hate spiders, snakes, alligators, crocodiles, and bugs. They’re just nasty things. I like to cuss… a lot. I absolutely love Three Days Grace and Mariana’s Trench. I also love Tokio Hotel and Nickleback. You’d probably think my favorite Three Days Grace song would be Pain. But, it’s actually Let It Die.

I bet you’re still wondering what I am, right? Well, I can only tell you that I’m not the only one of my kind. A lot of people are my kind. We basically control this crazy world. Hmmm, your best friend could be one of us and you wouldn’t even know. You could be one of us and you wouldn’t even know either. It’s hard to understand. I know. It took me two years to figure it out. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you how old I am, I’m 15-ish. I’m young but in a month I’ll be sixteen. It’ll be pretty nice.

Dying to know what I am? Still? Fine. I’m what some call a Cre. Pronounced ‘Cray’. How come they didn’t just spell it like that makes me wonder too. But, my job isn’t to figure that out. I just save lives, to keep my own. But, I’m not just a Cre. Many Cre are humans, but others are a different species. Me? I’m a werewolf. Not a big hairy freak that stand on hind legs and only transforms on a full moon at night, though. Those are Lycans. Think more like Twilight werewolves. Did you know that Stephanie Meyer’s husband is a werewolf and is a Cre? She’s also a Cre, but she’s human. Me and her are pretty close. Haha.

Usually, people would start with dialog when telling a story. Or they’ll explain what happening, then jump into dialog. I’m not that kind of person. I’ll either fill you in before I start the dialog, or I’ll start the dialog, then fill you in. Maybe I should start with the story now. But, I’m a little busy saving lives and being lazy. But, writing is fun. Even if I’m failing English. Being a freshman is hard. Thank God winter break’s next month. Hello December, goodbye November. It’s November 25th right now. I was born on Christmas, so my first Christmas was when I was born. How funny is that? That’s why my name is Winter. It’s also my mom’s favorite season. Damn…. Winter.

(Banner made by Kina)
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