Ebilias...{Fanfic} They want us harm.

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1:38am May 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576


Inspired by Warriors. <3 ily erin hunter ;D


The rose Ebilia tom rose up. "Yes, Grave."

Grave was a silver Ebilia tom. "Those Jaakus. They busted it ... again!"

Blood's eyes glowed with hatred. The teen Ebilia was the leader of the Ebilia Clan, the deadliest gang in Rescreatu's four universes. "Did they tell the Leverenes?!" Grave nodded. "Those Jaakus are so illogical and dumb!"

As pure Reiflemians, the Ebilias caused more harm to their planet's residents.The Iluvu lived in greater fear. Louvre, the leader, held a meeting. "The Ebilias are gonna strike. I know it." the blonde Iluvu spoke. Two Iluvus, both albino, spoke. "But how am I and Cheris gonna bring up our four eggs?" the meeting lasted until...


"Hand over your eggs... or DIE!" yowled Bone. Bone was an albino ebilia adult, more senior than Blood. "Never." hissed Cheris. With one slap of the wing, the female was dead.

"Black Rose!" yowled Blood happily. His mate had laid five eggs, the glow among them was fiery and evil. "Five more to add to our deadly team."An egg cracked, followed by three more. Looked like five would be a dud. They tossed the egg out, and it stumbled into the Iluvu territory. "A spy!" hissed Louvre. Louvre's brother , Eyvies, was of half Ebilia descendant. "Yes, a spy. Let's kill--" he raised a paw to smash the egg, but Heal came to the rescue. "No, please, no. I will raise it." 

* * *

may i continue it tomorrow o-o

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